Boys Ride "Girl Bikes", Do Girls Ride "Boy Bikes"?


Stop looking at my title!
Jul 7, 2008
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Bristow Virginia
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Males refer to their bikes as females, "Today I washed and waxed her paying particular attention to the headlights and ass end."

Do females refer to their bikes as males?
"I cut off the midpipe so when I sat on him and really gave it a go he would scream louder."

Or females?
"I just love her sleek lines and I know when I throw my leg over her one of us is going to end up screaming."

One of life's great mysteries.
Males refer to their bikes as females, "Today I washed and waxed her paying particular attention to the headlights and ass end."

Do females refer to their bikes as males?
"I cut off the midpipe so when I sat on him and really gave it a go he would scream louder."

Or females?
"I just love her sleek lines and I know when I throw my leg over her one of us is going to end up screaming."

One of life's great mysteries.

I wondered this too...I did end up calling my Fizz a she.....
im a guy and i dont have a girl bike.. its just bike.. or the bike... its doesnt have a ***** and for the life of me i can't find where the girly parts are on the bike.. and i dont wanna look.. I respect its privacy.. its just.. the bike.. :)
im a guy and i dont have a girl bike.. its just bike.. or the bike... its doesnt have a ***** and for the life of me i can't find where the girly parts are on the bike.. and i dont wanna look.. I respect its privacy.. its just.. the bike.. :)

affirmative action and all that... gotcha!
affirmative action and all that... gotcha!

nice.. i laughed a little to loud and hte boss wanted to see what this was all about.. he laughed as well.. said "its just a bike, doesnt have anythign to do with girls or boys".. but he doesnt ride so i dont think he fully understands...
I refer to my bike as a she - her name is Zelda. We're BFF and we take care of each other. Girls stick together ya know.
My bike is definitely not a It is a beast:thumbup:. It lets me ride it:cheer:.It goes a little like this......good beast....nice beast................Argh:eek:! Bad beast:spank:...woohoo!:rockon::rockon::rockon::D

im a guy and i dont have a girl bike.. its just bike.. or the bike... its doesnt have a ***** and for the life of me i can't find where the girly parts are on the bike.. and i dont wanna look.. I respect its privacy.. its just.. the bike.. :)
I've got to agree with this way of thinking it's just a bike.because I try to kill it at times and if I gave it a gender or a name I would feel bad and have too drink more than I allready do,and that would kill me!:D:iconbeer:
My bike is definitely not a It is a beast:thumbup:. It lets me ride it:cheer:.It goes a little like this......good beast....nice beast................Argh:eek:! Bad beast:spank:...woohoo!:rockon::rockon::rockon::D


LOL - EXACTLY!! :rof: I think "we" have a mutual respect for each other MOST of the time though (and as much as the "cagers" will allow - sometimes I HAVE take assertive control because of "THEM" Grrrr....).
I've got to agree with this way of thinking it's just a bike.because I try to kill it at times and if I gave it a gender or a name I would feel bad and have too drink more than I allready do,and that would kill me!:D:iconbeer:

and i agree that this would be the outcome of why it is just a bike.. or a toy.. more of a bike though.... :thumbup:
It is beyond all doubt the a bike is female!!

1. We love em to death do us part
2. They steal all our money away,- call it mods or accessories ...
3. If we betray them, - they will strike us down

I rest my case, - no need for the jury to retire ...
It is beyond all doubt the a bike is female!!

1. We love em to death do us part
2. They steal all our money away,- call it mods or accessories ...
3. If we betray them, - they will strike us down

I rest my case, - no need for the jury to retire ...
I don't refer to my bike as a he or she - when I talk to it I usually say, "C'mon baby!" Pretty universal term.
I don't refer to my bike as a he or she - when I talk to it I usually say, "C'mon baby!" Pretty universal term.

i cant use that tearm.. i tired it once but my other baby (ie the girlfriend) got really mad all of a sudden.. its now just bike.... :thumbup:
I just heard the crack of a whip from all the way here in USA! :ban::spank:

honestly not at all... i got out for full days of ridding leaving 10am to 6-7pm... and i am taking a bunch of camping weekends out on the bike... she doesnt care cuz she wants her free time.. works out nicely.. and someday maybe we can get her on a little fizzer... :thumbup:
As in the country song Where I come from. I like the girls who sing soprano. MY BIKE has Scorpions.... enough said..... But I look at it as a BIKE period. I wash it and clean it so it doesn't let me down! Guess its another person preference thing. I say call it what you want just don't be surprise when you get weird looks! I find the naming thing is a female thing.. Never really understood many of the names.....
In this world, there is only things considered feminine. Unless it has to something designed specifically for the sex (feminine hygiene products, etc), nothing is just for guys, only girls. Think about it. Dolls are considered for only girls, but action figures are not just for boys. Toys seem to be the worst in this quality.

Take this scenario:

You are at a playground with four young kids at play. two boys and two girls. One of the girls is playing tea party with a couple dolls. most people would not think secondly of this. Then you see a boy playing army with a couple GI Joes. Again, nothing wrong. Then you see the other girl playing army with some more GI Joes. again, nothing wrong. Then you see the forth child, the boy, playing with a crying baby doll. Instant thought for 90% of people: "what the hell is wrong with that kid??"

This ideology can be played into nearly any aspect of the material world. Motorcycles, cars, toys, appliances, firearms, cloths, games, and many many more.
In this world, there is only things considered feminine. Unless it has to something designed specifically for the sex (feminine hygiene products, etc), nothing is just for guys, only girls. Think about it. Dolls are considered for only girls, but action figures are not just for boys. Toys seem to be the worst in this quality.

Take this scenario:

You are at a playground with four young kids at play. two boys and two girls. One of the girls is playing tea party with a couple dolls. most people would not think secondly of this. Then you see a boy playing army with a couple GI Joes. Again, nothing wrong. Then you see the other girl playing army with some more GI Joes. again, nothing wrong. Then you see the forth child, the boy, playing with a crying baby doll. Instant thought for 90% of people: "what the hell is wrong with that kid??"

This ideology can be played into nearly any aspect of the material world. Motorcycles, cars, toys, appliances, firearms, cloths, games, and many many more.

WOW, thats deep but. Who cares?