Bogus Ticket On Deals Gap (Tail of The Dragon)


Touring Mod
Nov 10, 2007
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Lexington, NC
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Ok so I figured I'd post this one up for you guys.

Labor day of 2012, I was out for a good day ride and decided to go get a Waffle House Tag I needed over in Murphy, NC as part of a rally I was participating in last year. On the way home I decided to make a run to the peak of the Skyway and on my way back I decided to stop by the Deals Gap store to refuel and then head home. When I got the store I found that the road was empty as most of the vacationers had left. So after a fill up I decided to make a run up The Gap and back since it was deserted.

It had just finished raining, the roads didnt have standing water on them but they were damp. I was on the Vstrom with the hard bags on, tools, heated gear, change of clothes, etc inside. The tires were Michelin Anakee II's. Coming into Crud Corner just into the TN side I shifted down into 2nd to let the engine slow me down, swung wide against the white line to apex early on this down hill hair pin corner.

Apexing the corner I was looking ahead into the straight away that followed. As my line of sight moved towards the straight away, I see a Tennessee Highway Patrolman standing in my lane waving me over to the front of his car which was facing me on the left should of the road. I clicked into the 3rd and eased on up to him.

Now at this point I am pretty darn confused. I know the speed limit is 30 but I am pretty sure I didnt break that limit. But honestly I had no idea because like the rest of you on here, the last thing to look at while corning is your speed.

I pull over, take the keys out and lay them on the ground. Flip my helmet up and lay my hands over the bars and let the officer know that I do have my concealed carry permit in NC and I do have the firearm under my coat. He could give 2 cents really, but its best to do that. Anywho, he proceeds to tell me that he clocked me at 55mph around that corner back there. I looked at him in amazement. First thought being, "Holy ****, thats impressive!" Second thought, "There is no way in hell." I pointed back at the corner and asked him. "That corner, right there?"

"Yes. Its that not bad of a corner."

"On this bike...? I am finding that a bit hard to believe."

"Well you did. License and registration."

So I go to the back of the bike and pull out my wallet. The registration is in the tank bag so I let him know that was where I would need to go next. He then has the nerve to ask:

"Is this your bike."


"Are you sure?"

(Blank stare at him) "Yea considering the payment comes out of my bank account once a month."

"Well if you can find the registration, bring it to the car."

At this point I am getting pretty furious with Officer Snow.

I take the registration (that has my name on it) to his car. He waves me away from him so I go back to the bike and look back at the corner where I had apparently turned into Rossi.

He comes back with a ticket. I look it over, 55 in a 30. This is how the rest of the convo went.

"Seriously, officer. There is no way I was doing 55mph on this bike, under these conditions in that corner."

"You did."

"I would like to see proof of this."

"What proof."

"The LCD read out on the back of your radar. I want to see where it says 55mph." (In high school, the officer that pulled me over showed me where it was blinking 85... pucker moment)

"I never had a clear read on you."

"Then why are we here?"

"I clocked you at that speed. Sign the ticket or go to jail."

I bit my tongue and signed the ticket.

Now, the pull off I was in was gravel. I was facing him and I had to turn around to leave because I wasnt about to make a run down 129 at this point. I did a quick 3 point turn to face south again and pulled out on the road. The Vstrom has many similarities to large bore dirt bike. Clutch feels about the same, seating position similar, etc. At that time, it took all I had not to have a "clutch malfunction" and leave that gravel like I used to leave the starting line of the harescrables back in the day.

To make things even better, as I eased out on the road I glanced down at my dash to see that my radar detector was going off. He was shooting me in the back as I rode off.

So I hired a lawyer that was a friend of a friend. Bought him lunch and he covered for me. Court date arrived, Officer Snow was a no show. Next date was set for middle January. Officer Snow failed to appear for that one as well. After his second no show the court dismissed the case and call charges/fees were dropped.

:Flip:Officer Snow

So today at lunch I decided to pick up a frame for my little gem. I plan on taking it to the next SBK race to get a few signatures on it...

Moral of the story. Cops on Deals Gap are a pain... Watch yourself.

good on you for not losing your cool, fighting the ticket and getting it dropped!

he has a lot of nerve coming up with 25 mph over the speed limit in those conditions..

is it really so hard to meet their quota so close to the canyons??
Question, could you really go 55 around that corner? There are some some corners that you just can't corner that fast, is this one of them?
Bryan sounds like someone was just making up a speed that bye the sound of things you couldn't have been doing :(
Pleased to hear that officer Snow didn't show up, hope you didn't have to travel far.
Post another pic of your citation with those signitures on it, (when you get them) :rockon:
You know he was just trying to meet his ticket quota. :BLAA:
But good for you for standing up for what was right and for keeping calm during the whole thing.
Wow what a jerk. The only thing he accomplished was to make you and everyone that reads this to think twice about speeding.
Question, could you really go 55 around that corner? There are some some corners that you just can't corner that fast, is this one of them?

No. There is no way I could have gone that fast around the corner. Ive put the FZ around some of the corners at speeds that high. But that was hot tires and Ohlins front and rear. :rockon:



Coming at you around this corner at 55... (cops point of view) Ha!

Question, could you really go 55 around that corner? There are some some corners that you just can't corner that fast, is this one of them?

There's at least one corner you can't do 15 MPH thru.

That ticket should have been dismissed at the first trip to court (if the officer was given a court date)..

Just for S&G's and curiosty, can you/did you run back thru the corner at about the speed you felt you were at, and what did the speedometer read?
To the OP, i'm sorry about that situation. It doesn't sound pleasant. And from your story you seem to have been taken advantage of. Simply because you were on a motorcycle and he was told to run radar...and also told to write a few tickets...

There can be misreadings on these. [ame=""]Radar [/ame]

And to play devil's advocate, officers are lied to all the time and given certain circumstances, he was just trying to do his job.

And, a good chance is that he was told to write tickets but he didn't want to. So, to help you out he doesn't show up for court. :D or, he forgot. whichever way you want to look at it.
Just a point of advice. My cousin is a cop and she told me a way to help get out of a ticket is to never admit to a given speed.

For example, say you are going 75 in a 65 (common on AZ highways). The cop pulled you over and asks, "Do you know how fast you were going?". Do not give a number response, but rather say, "I'm not sure at what moment you're referring to" or "with traffic" or "what seemed reasonable and prudent" (it's fun when you throw legal terminology at them). The reason they want to get you to give a number is that it is an admission of guilt/self-incrimination.

Then they usually say well I had you going 76 in a 65. At this point again don't admit to the speed, and say I'm not sure, or I don't know, or anything that is a non-agreement but not argumentative. You also may ask what did you use to "estimate" my speed? You do not want to contest what they use at this time, but rather remember it because it is what you will need to use to defend yourself in front of the judge later.

At this point it's all a matter of if you're lucky, because some cops are reasonable nice people and some are not. Most of them divert the conversation to "where were you trying to so fast." Again, don't acknowledge the fast part. Reply with "I'm in no hurry", or "I've got plenty of time." You don't want to give them reason to believe you had reason to go fast. Although I did get out of a speeding ticket in college once by saying that I was racing to the copy store to print out my finals project before it closed.

Glad the OP got out of the ticket. I wish the rules still allowed tickets to be thrown out for no-show by the cop. They changed the rules here so that they can take up to 3 separate court dates to get the officer in there. It used to be thrown out on the first attempted court date every time.