Blood Mountain Ride - 6 May


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May 29, 2011
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Atlanta, GA, US
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A few of us met up and ran up and down Blood Mountain a few times. I showed up really late and the rest of the guys were nice enough to wait up for me at the Turner's Corner General Store for me. I made some video on my helmet cam and the SquidFoto guys (Gal, actually.) caught us on their camera. I bucked up for a couple of shots. That lady spending her afternoon making frames of bikers motivated me. I'd been by there a bunch of times without getting my picture taken, so maybe it's worth going when the weather's nice?

I managed to leave my video camera in the wrong aspect ratio, so I have a high-by-narrow video instead of widescreen. This should be the link to the video:

Blood Mountain

I have some group pics from a stop:
Who's on the black s2? And yeah thanks for posting making me feel jealous, GTP and bluemoon can attest that has to be my favorite stretch of road, I can spend a whole day up there just going up and down. I can do the whole thing in about 2min flat!!!! I would have come with y'all but i had a unexpected funeral that I went to Sunday, plus it is still weighing heavy on my mind...

What do y'all think about heading back up Sunday provided the weather is good?
Who's on the black s2?

Pretty sure that's Caesar.

What do y'all think about heading back up Sunday provided the weather is good?

I'd like to, but it's looking a lot like Mother's Day, so I probably will have other plans. I'll let you know if that changes.

Thanks for posting this man! Had a really good time, need to do it again soon (before it gets too hot) and spend some more time up there :)

Happy to do it. Next time I'll try to get my camera oriented the right direction.
LOL gotta honor Mothers Day, we're going to moms that day so I wouldn't eb able to make it either. Maybe the next weekend though.

Here are a couple vids I too that day. Thinking I need to mount the GoPro somewhere else other then under the headlight, seem too low to me. What do y'all think?

[ame=]BlueMoonRide1a-001.mp4 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]CaesarRide1.mp4 - YouTube[/ame]
Those look great. I like the sound, too. I think mounting it low is better, and you've got it at a good height. I think it is nice to have part of the bike in the frame for reference, though. I want to attach mine to a frame slider and see how things look from there. And I'm not sure I'd want to have it mounted above the front wheel, on account of all the important work the front wheel does, in case the camera comes off. Generally, I think bike-mounted cameras produce much more fun to watch videos.
If you look in the upper left corner, you can see the bottom of the headlight/fairing. Also, i have the bracket attached with screws, and a wire tie just in case the screws some out. the only thing that could cause me to loose the camera is if the adjuting thumb screw came loose (but I don't think that will happen).

I like the helmet mount like you had your's. Looked good on your helmet, not sure what the square box would look like on mine. I mounted it on my son's dirt bike helmet as he rode around the trail in my back yard. It was kinda cool, but it didn't produce the best video (real jumpy :) ).
The helmet mount is good for making video in that it records what you look at. I think the footage is a lot more entertaining when the camera moves with the bike. I thought that the helmet mount would also be good in that it would encourage cagers to drive sanely because it's pretty obvious they're on video, but that has not bern the case. It seems to be the same cagers who drive poorly also don't notice cameras on people's helmets.