Blew a stopsign at 60 mph not paying attention


Junior Member
Sep 16, 2007
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Richmond VA
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I had a scary experience today. I was riding on a road that I hadn't been on before and was having an exceptionally good time riding. I was having so much fun riding that I wasn't paying enough attention. My road came to an intersection of another road and I had a stop sign. Unfortunately I missed the stop sign completely. The road I was on was a Y of sorts of the road I was merging onto. The path onto the road was actually straight, the road I went onto turned. Being that the road looked straight ahead I didn't even think that I was entering another highway because I was going straight.

I blew through the stop sign onto another road at about 55-60 mph in a 45. Thankfully there were no cars going either direction and nothing bad happened but when I realized what I had did it shook me up pretty bad considering what could have been.

As a Christian I kneel down and pray for safety before every ride and I am thankful that God kept me safe and allowed me to learn this lesson without injury.

Hopefully this can remind all you guys out there to never get so into the ride you stop paying attention to the world around you especially on a new road where you don't know what could be up ahead.
Yes dont do that. LOL I know its serious, it just cant be helped now. Glad it turned out ok and not the other way.
I'm still trying to figure out what STOP means on them red ones cause they're all over the place out here but it's rare that anybody even gives them a second thought. Heck, if two cages go by my place in an hour thats a stinken traffic jam. Glad you didn't find something in your way.....