Bike servicing and ACF50 protection days.


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Mar 30, 2008
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Newbury, Berkshire, UK
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We have a couple of biker friends who offer some good services to other bikers and frequently come down and work from our place in Newbury. One does mechanical servicing and specialises in Fazers, the other provides a bike cleaning and ACF50 protection service. Both have done a lot of work for people on the, the old style Fazer forum so have a good reputation already.

Slick, the owner and operator of ALL YEAR BIKER travels all the way down from Durham to our place in Berkshire to give you an idea of his commitment. He's been riding for years and currently has a 55,000 mile, yet totally immaculate, Bandit 1200.

Shortly after moving up to the North East I opened Romic Coatings Ltd. From an industrial unit in Shildon we provide wet spray painting and coatings to local steel and fabrication companies.'s been suggested a few times that I could use spray equipment to offer some form of anti-corrosion service to other bikers. I really liked the idea of that and looked into the sort of service I could provide. So the 'All Year Biker' idea came about. The aim is to offer as high a standard of protection for motorbikes against corrosion as is available on the market today. Having researched and tested ACF-50 I believe, in combination with the pressure spray equipment we use, that this is the best you can get. The interest generated during the first couple of weeks meant that going mobile was the next logical step.

Our chum Deefer has been riding from a very early age and is quite handy with his spanners and spraygun, he's recently started up MOTORCYCLE-REPUBLIC and usually operates out of a unit in the Hunts/Northants region. I've lost count of how many bikes he has, A hornet, at least four fazers, an FJ1200, he's always got a couple of projects on the go. He did the white, red and black speedblock paint job on my Fazer.

Motorcycle-Republic offers everything for the Independently minded biker, from Bike repairs & servicing to full bike rebuilds, resprays. We sell service kits for bikes for those that want to service their bike themselves, we even have bike benches to rent out by the hour at our own Bike Barn for those that like to service their own bikes, but don't have the space or the tools to do it.

We run day courses in basic bike maintenance, and offer day courses for you to "pimp your ride" with new bodywork, stainless steel fastener kits, new led light kits, in fact any of those bright and sparkly bits you might have bought but never had the confidence to fit.

If you come down to our place when they're here (you'll need to book in with them to be sure of a place), all you have to do is fill your selves with free bacon rolls and tea and chat while they do the work. Or if you want to go for a wander, the town centre is a ten minute walk away and ProBike Yamaha/Suzuki is a five minute walk away.

Whaddaya reckon? Is this the sort of thing you'd be interested in? Further details and prices are on their respective websites and are very good for what you get! They don't charge name dealer prices and put far more attention into their work than the 'Big Boys' have time to.
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Hi and thanks.

Haven't been in your neck of the woods for ages, less going to Hants (Emmsworth) or going to Thatcham. I will probably come and use the service when the 2 years grace is up on my bike.

All the best

Better to get it done ASAP. After your waranty is up your bike will already have two years worth of corrosion on it. It'll mean the difference of having a bike that looks two years old or two months old. This stuff was developed to protect US Navy planes against a lifetime of sea spray and salt corrosion so it really will look after the bits of your bike you can't get to.

We've recently hosted another event and have taken some pictures for your perusal to see what you get. It's very popular with the Street Triple/675 guys who obviously want to keep their bikes looking immaculate. And yes, they do ride all year round :cool:

There are other venues remember, not just our gaff. Just choose a venue close to you and as soon as that place has enough interest a date will be worked out depending on who can do when.

First off the bikes are washed...

...and de-greased.

Then rinsed off with a pressure washer, NOT near the bearings or electrics!

They are blow dried with a leaf blower.

They are then sprayed with ACF50, a very fine mist with 100psi behind it gets into all the nooks and crannies up under all the frame and bodywork and down the back of the engine where you never really get to clean. Brakes and tyres are masked off.

The smaller parts are treated by hand

A newer bike will come up factory fresh again, but even a scabby old lump like my mate's Fazer gets a drastic improvement.

It'll soon be filthy again, but the ACF50 will be forming a nice barrier between the bike and the dirt.

Through an ACF50 haze, Deefer can be seen servicing the Missus' bike.
I've asked him and he doesn't know anything about it. Looks like there will be another happening here in September if anyone's interested. As I say, he has other venues around the country he visits, one near Bristol, Molesworth near Peterborough, also Bolton. Also, if you're 60 miles or less from Darlington, he will come out to you.

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Just had another visit, guys from the CB1000 forum and someone from the local IAM group all chuffed with their shiny bikes and a steady supply of bacon rolls, tea and biscuits. £45 well spent which will save them a few hundred quid in depreciation and keep the bikes alive over the winter.

I got my Fazer done after not cleaning it at all since the last time it was treated at the start of the year and I couldn't believe how well it's come up again, this stuff really DOES work!

There's probably going to be another day here in about four or five weeks and of course there are other venues about the country as well. Get booking!
Some before and afters, remember this hasn't been cleaned since Jan/feb, there was no new corrosion anywhere and the old stuff hadn't got any worse:



Hi guys,

First I want to apologize for bumping an old thread.

Anyway, the reason I'm posting is because we're a distributor of ACF-50, and I wanted to find out exactly how everyone is using it on their bikes.

What parts are corroding the most on you guys? Where is ACF-50 helping and where is it not helping? I actually found a bunch of R1 guys that were using this product and ran into this thread in a google search.

We've been receiving questions from other people and I want to make sure I'm giving them good advice.

Also, if anyone has pictures they'd be willing to let me use, that would be awesome.



ACF 50 Store
Hi guys,

First I want to apologize for bumping an old thread.

Anyway, the reason I'm posting is because we're a distributor of ACF-50, and I wanted to find out exactly how everyone is using it on their bikes.

What parts are corroding the most on you guys? Where is ACF-50 helping and where is it not helping? I actually found a bunch of R1 guys that were using this product and ran into this thread in a google search.

We've been receiving questions from other people and I want to make sure I'm giving them good advice.

Also, if anyone has pictures they'd be willing to let me use, that would be awesome.



ACF 50 Store
Many of the bolts that get spray etc do. The ones holding the black exhaust covers on get ruined really quick. I've gone through several. Also, the underside of the undertray/fender eliminator get a lot of crap thrown on them and the paint & surface is coming off mine after a year!
Hello again, haven't been around for ages what with one thing and another. Mostly due to redundancy and trying to get my own business off the ground.

I've bought an AllYearBiker franchise and a Puncturesafe Franchise and have set up doing anti-corrosion and puncture prevention treatments at my place in Newbury, Berks.

I have a website: SHINY BIKE SYNDROME - Home that says what I'm doing in more detail and an on-line shop. I'm hoping to be introducing new services and products as time goes on, early days yet though.

I'd be interested to hear back from you if there are are any words overlapping on the site, some people get it, some don't and I haven't found out why yet. Any IT bods got any suggestions on how to fix it??
Hello again, haven't been around for ages what with one thing and another. Mostly due to redundancy and trying to get my own business off the ground.

I've bought an AllYearBiker franchise and a Puncturesafe Franchise and have set up doing anti-corrosion and puncture prevention treatments at my place in Newbury, Berks.

I have a website: SHINY BIKE SYNDROME - Home that says what I'm doing in more detail and an on-line shop. I'm hoping to be introducing new services and products as time goes on, early days yet though.

I'd be interested to hear back from you if there are are any words overlapping on the site, some people get it, some don't and I haven't found out why yet. Any IT bods got any suggestions on how to fix it??

Hello mate,
I am definately interested in having my bike treated. As soon as I can walk again, I will be booking myself in.
The only problem I can see with the website, is the "latest reviews" I cannot read what they are saying. I think its the colour of the letters, seem to blend in with the background.
Yeah, I'm not sure what to do about that, I don't know if I can change the colour of the type as it's a thing (widget is it called?) the review site provides. Shame as the reviews are really good.

I'm not overly impressed with the host (Mr.Site). I had to get someone who knows HTML to go over it after I'd put it together and take out all the excess junk that the 'easy build' program had filled it with. I reckon half the code that was there has been chopped out now!
Still up and running if anyone's interested in and anti-corrosion treatment. Also doing a wash/valet service, tyre sealant installations and am a dealer for Shocktubes and Pro-Bolt parts (5% discount on all Pro-Bolt bits)