Beware the Deer!


Junior Member
Mar 31, 2008
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Bangor, ME
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Well, you can already see where this story is going... I hit a deer on the fz6 this Sunday. I was cruising around the backroads in the area at around 6:30 or 7:00 PM, and out pops bambi. Given the speed I was traveling (umm... the posted speed limit of 45mph, because it would be wrong to do ten over...) and the fact that it came out from solid woods which were only around ten feet away from the road, there was no warning and not really any time to react. There was no deer, then boom, I was smacking one at full speed. I honestly believe that no amount of training or ability could have prevented this. (Before someone points it out, I do know that not riding at dusk probably would have.) Obviously however, not every situation is this fast and blind, and being able and comfortable with emergency stopping and avoiding are extremely important. I think we can all practice more, and can always be better. I know I can...

As for the damage, I would have to say that all things considered, I came out very lucky. I went down pretty hard, and slid for what looks like about 50-60 feet, and my bike went an additional 10-20 feet. As always, I was geared up and ready, but I was not wearing my riding pants... yup, pretty stupid huh? So, I have pretty bad rash on my knees, and a little on my forearm where the armor in my jacket slid out of place at some point. Other than that, and feeling pretty beat up all over, I walked away from the accident just fine. No broken anything, no head/neck/back injuries, nothing. I can't begin to describe how lucky I feel. Amazing. No doubt being fully geared (except pants) kept me from being more injured.

How about the bike? Well, I am still waiting for the insurance company to call me and let me know the decision on the value of the damage, but it doesn't look good. It is truly amazing how fast the price of parts and labor can add up. The bike went down on the right side, and slid for what looks like about 70 feet give or take, ending up in the dirt on the side of the road. This managed to scrape and damage virtually every single piece of the bike that is on the right side, with the lone exception of the front fork. Not exagerating. Anything and everything got at least scratched if not destroyed. However, the bike does not look "mangled" or "totaled". It still rides, pretty well actually. Engine fired right up, everything seemed good at first, except obviously the cosmetic damage. Well, after my head cleared and I started thinking about it, the frame and engine are expensive parts, and given the fact that most insurance companies replace and not repair, those two alone would be worth half the price of the bike... easy. Then tally up everything else, and it started to look a bit more grim. The insurance adjuster came by a day or two ago, and after looking things over, he told me that he thinks it will be a total loss. Still need to hear from them to confirm that, but I don't really expect to hear otherwise.

The gear is probably obvious, I will be getting new everything. The helmet (HJC ac-12) didn't show any signs of damage, but it's not worth taking a chance on. Besides, the insurance company will buy me a new one, so I'll be taking them up on it. I'll likely go with something different though, probably a Shoei or Arai. The jacket (Cortech GX-air) is toast, however I feel that it did it's job admirably. I'll be getting something different there too, maybe an Aerostich or something in that direction. I'll have to front the bill for that though. My gloves (Technic Supervents) didn't take much damage, but they did take enough to weaken them beyond their ability to do this again, so I'll get a new pair. I liked them, and will likely get the same thing again... we'll see. My jeans were shredded like a pack of wild dogs attacked them, and the road rash and the bruising will reinforce what I already knew but didn't follow. ALL THE GEAR ALL THE TIME!!!!!! Dumb dumb dumb... I can't believe that I wasn't wearing them.

Well, I know that I was extremely lucky, and have definitely learned a huge lesson that will not soon be forgotten. I have read stories like this before, and I still didn't wear the complete gear every time. But, even though it never hit home for me, I hope that I can play my little part in inspiring everyone else to gear up. If one person wears more gear because of this story, than it was worth sharing... otherwise it's just a waste. Wear your gear! I learned the hard way, and still was super lucky to only get minor injuries. You may not be so lucky.

Thank you for reading my story, and ride safe!!!

Sorry for the bike and glad you don`t have anything major... that type of situation always sucks, but at least you believe you could not have done anything differently, so no regrets!

If the frame is damaged, it`ll most likely be a total loss indeed.

Good luck on the replacement bike and heal up quick!

also, where are the pics??? you should know that we won`t be happy without pics...
Here are a couple pictures of the bike. I have tons of them showing all the parts and each spot of damage, but the engine and frame took the worst of it. I'll spare you the pics of me... you've all seen road rash before, and it's gross.
Yeah Khyren, I was just now looking at the pics of your bike and thinking the same thing. You really took a lot of damage in the tank and plastics that I didn't. On the other hand, the frame on my bike was ground down enough that I'm actually worried about it's integrity. If you've ever inspected the way the frames are cast, the metal is not very thick in any given point, and it is extremely thin at some points... if you tap on it you can hear that it is almost all the way through...

As for naked as some of you may be suggesting, I thought about it until closer inspection of the frame, and now I think I'll let the insurance company have it. Besides... now I get to go bike shopping! About the only time I every get excited to go shopping. :thumbup:
Damn them deer, they're after us! Got one myself last night. Not anywhere near as much damage though. Slower speed and only clipped it. Still, i know what you mean about the whole, magically appearing deer thing. Really there isn't much you can do about it, that's the really frustrating part.
glad that you are ok!!!

Looks like you could most likely rebuild it if even if they do total it, then you could make a killer track bike with the buy back...
Wow...glad you are mostly OK. That's some scary stuff. Did you at least kill the deer? Do you have any pictures of your jacket? Lots of folks are interested in seeing how the Cortech mesh holds up.
Wow...glad you are mostly OK. That's some scary stuff. Did you at least kill the deer? Do you have any pictures of your jacket? Lots of folks are interested in seeing how the Cortech mesh holds up.

Well, I do now :D Really, it's still wearable and would likely do fine in another crash, but I'm kinda weird about this stuff, and will be getting a new jacket. Half of that is just wanting to go for more of a 3/4 length jacket anyway. For those who are interested in the cortech, it is a great jacket. It keeps you super cool in the summer with just the shell. If you zip in the waterproof liner, you stay dry and can also stay warm into the 50's. Zip in the thermal liner on top of that, and you stay warm into the 30's. I'm dead serious about that! I was aching to get out this year in late march, and as soon as the roads were clear, I was riding (notice that I'm in Maine). This included a 500 mile day in 45 degrees. This jacket is great for versatility! :thumbup:

The majority of the damage was to the leather parts, as it should be. The brown areas in the pictures are not dirt, they are where the leather got ground down some. The only hole in the jacket was very small on my right chest area. As I stated above, the armor in the jacket slid out of place at some point, which caused me to get rashed up on my forearm pretty badly. I believe that this is a fault of the "adjustable" arms, and the elastic straps that the jacket uses to adjust. While these straps keep the jacket taut while you are riding, I don't think they work as well on the ground. Interestingly, the mesh does not show any damage in the forearm... I don't know why.

I would give it a big :thumbup: for holding up in MY crash, but since every crash is unique, I will avoid assuming that it will in all cases. I do like the jacket though, and having tested it the hard way, I stand by it.
thanks for the gear test report. I looks like the leather shoulders and elbows were good ideas. I have the Tourmaster venture jacket so I'm not sure the "ballistic polyester" would hold up as well. So the rash on your arm caused by rubbing between your forearm and the inside of the jacket?

Also, did Bambi walk away?
thanks for the gear test report. I looks like the leather shoulders and elbows were good ideas. I have the Tourmaster venture jacket so I'm not sure the "ballistic polyester" would hold up as well. So the rash on your arm caused by rubbing between your forearm and the inside of the jacket?

Also, did Bambi walk away?

Well, I'm really not sure about the rash on my arm. There is quite a lot of scrape marking and some of it looks more like a burn, so I'm guessing it's a combination of both. I can tell you for certain that if the armored area had stayed where it should have, it would not look like it does. When I got up, the arm was twisted nearly all the way around and I had to fix it, which made me notice that it hurt. Don't know... maybe someone else does.

As for bambi, I feel really bad. She will die, I feel pretty sure of it, but unfortunately, she will go in a slow and painful way. I clocked her pretty hard (obviously) in the rear quarter, and when I got up from the wreck, she had only gotten about 100 yards away. She was falling and stumbling about, and looked bad. She was in a clearing when I got up, but moved into the woods shortly after. I wanted to do something to put her out of pain, but in my state, I couldn't do much, and I wouldn't really know what to do anyway. It's not like I ride around packing heat for situations like this. :rolleyes: I ended up getting some help from a nearby house and I tried to convince the guy there that he should go put her down, but he didn't seem to care too much. The trooper that I talked to later didn't care either. He only wanted to know if it was in the middle of the road, which would mean he had to move it. (I met him at the gas station about 10 miles down the road). I feel bad, but I'm really not sure what I could have done.
thanks for the info.

I'm not sure I would have that much sympathy for that particular animal. But since you were concerned, I hope that it either dies quickly or recovers fully and chooses to live the rest if its life far far away from any roads.
Another forest rat strike! Good to hear your gear worked well, and you are doing ok.

Perhaps we could loan you some mt. lions.
Thanks for the story. I usually ride without pants, but not anymore!

Is that blood in the pictures? If so, is it yours or the deer's? Hardcore either way...