Battery Voltage 11.4V is it ok?


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Jan 7, 2009
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I checked battery voltage using diagnostic mod from cluster. (d-09 shows battery voltage)
It shows 11.4V while fuel pump motor is active. (.You have to turn on kill switch to see battery voltage, and it automatically switches fuel pump motor)

Batter is a 4-5 year old Yuasa. It still starts up well but may be it's time to change.
11.4vdc is too low. Is the charging system ok? What is the voltage at the battery with the bike at idle and 5,000 rpm? More than likely your battery is just old, but take the time to check things before throwing money at a battery.

I checked battery voltage using diagnostic mod from cluster. (d-09 shows battery voltage)
It shows 11.4V while fuel pump motor is active. (.You have to turn on kill switch to see battery voltage, and it automatically switches fuel pump motor)

Batter is a 4-5 year old Yuasa. It still starts up well but may be it's time to change.

You have to charge the battery. Or Just replace the battery but I recommend try your chance to save the battery because yuasa batteries are not cheap.

Also, you should check the battery when ign. is closed with external voltmeter. İn diagnose mode, battery looks like low because of running fuel pump.
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I am kind of in the same boat 4 year old Yuasa. at rest with ignition on I am about 12 volts which I know is a little weak. the factory Yuasa worked great and never failed me in 7 years. I swapped it out while it was still working fine. One thing I really dislike about the 6 is the weak charging system. any time a traffic jam and the fan comes on the battery is running in arrears. Still hoping for an aftermarket solution for a better stator.. but kind of gave up waiting for it
After sitting in ambient temp for >3hrs you should see >12.8v.
Key on pump off, expect a 0.6v drop.
Cranking may drop about 2.0v.

In diagnostic mode the engine won't run so key on and pump on, it doesn't seem to alarming to be under 12v.

That said it should also be charging by 2500 RPM and roughly speaking the voltage is now very dependent on the battery depth of charge.
A fully charged battery could show 14.4v.
A depleted battery (even a good new battery) could show 13.5v.

It is current that charges the battery not voltage. So anytime the voltage is say about 13.0V, more current in Amps is charging the battery. As it reaches 14v, less current is flowing and we see the voltage climb, yes? Yes!

Just like your home charger, when you see it floating at 14.5v after charging 16hrs, there it little but a trickle flow of current into the battery. Maybe 150mAmps and the voltage is high. This normal.

Neither indicate a failed battery. Load testing a fully charged battery to insure it meets its CCA rating is what we test for. But obviously an aged fully charged battery can pass this CCA test but fail to start the bike as aged batteries build internal resistance which drains them over time.

That said a battery that shows a nominal voltage of say 12.5v, is placed on a charger and immediately jumps to 14.4v AND fails load testing, these are traits that say this bsttery is Shot. Replace it!

Mine routinely sets for 3 to 4 months without charger of any kind and fires the bike in 2 to 3 seconds. It was 6 years old and never charged by anything but the bike.

They only need charged if your riding style or environment or the load imposed (excessive) has them depleted (below 12.95v when parked). Meaning, don't leave them for weeks on end not fully charged. It degrades their performance rapidly.

Test them after riding YOUR normal routine after setting roughly 2 to 3 hours. If the voltage is below 12.9v they should be topped off. Otherwise, just leave them alone.

Make sense?
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Make sense?

Absolutely. Thanks for the replies.
I bought a spare yuasa battery but i'll keep the existing one till it completely dies . Let's see how long will it last.