Arai Profile - Finally got it!


It's My Bike!
Jan 26, 2009
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Albany, NY
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I have been looking at this helmet for well over a year and I did my homework. I searched local dealers, e-bays and all the internet motorcycle gear stores. I had a good idea of the price and how much I wanted to pay. So, I went on e-bay and purchased the helmet with the sinister graphics - not my style really but at $279 plus $12 shipping, it was a good deal. I even called the dealer and checked the manufacture date (2008). Unfortunately the next day I received an e-mail and a refund stating they were out of the gray helmets in a small size. I sent an e-mail asking what color they did have in size small and was waiting to hear back.

At the suggestion of a good friend I then went to my local Yamaha dealer. He had a profile there priced on sale at $479. I asked if that was his lowest price. He hemmed and hawed about graphics etc, looked up some inventory and told me that sinister was the cheapest graphics and he could only go as low as $330-$350 on his helmets. I told him that I don't really care about the graphics, or color (as long as it matched a silver bike) and that the manufacture date of this helmet was Jan '07 which meant is was 3 years old already. He said that "technically" I was right. And I told him that "technically" I could only use it at the track for this year and next then. So, he went into the back room for about 5 minutes, came back out and told me that he would sell me the helmet for $300 plus tax ($24). SOLD!

I took a 350+ mile ride on Saturday and I absolutely love it! It is lightweight, comfortable and you hardly even notice it when riding.

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Decent helmets make a big difference. I recently switched up to a Shoe RF1100 when I got the R1 and it makes a big difference.
Very good deal on the price for quality! Nice graphics!
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Great choice! I've had mine 3 years and love it!! Be careful changing the shield...
Congrats! I have the Arai Vector.
I like Arai, but I hate how you change out the visors. It takes me 10 minutes. (I suck.)

Great choice! I've had mine 3 years and love it!! Be careful changing the shield...

Uh oh, I didn't think about the shield. I think my bubble just got a small leak. I will take a look at that tonight but since I wear sunglasses there really won't be a need to change the shield unless it gets scratched.
I picked up the Profile in the Yuki Takahashi flavor several months ago on a closeout deal. Lighter than my Scorpion and Shoeis, but it is a touch loud. Paint job is bad ass....

Congrats! I have the Arai Vector.
I like Arai, but I hate how you change out the visors. It takes me 10 minutes. (I suck.)

Ha! Yes you do. About 6 years of Arai ownership and I can change them faster than any other brand I've tried :)