Anyone ride with steel toe boots?


The UNO Master
Elite Member
Apr 30, 2008
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Webster Texas
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My company is requiring steel toe boot in an area that affects me on my way to my office. So now I have to have to wear steel to boots or pack them and change when crossing this new safety area. Sucks. I will have to start this on April first. I don't guess it's that big of a deal I was just wondering if anyone else wears steel toes when riding their bike.
I have some CAT Work Boots I have been wearing. I'm in the market for some riding boots since my new Fazer purchase. These were fine with my cruiser, when I had it.
I rode with steel toes all last summer. As an intern in a manufacturing plant, I had to wear steel toes at work so it's what I wore on the bike. I wore them anytime I was riding. Obviously not as great as a true riding boot, but they were a high top Timeberland so lots of padding around the ankle plus the protection in the tow. Im hoping to get some real riding boots this summer, but I spose workboots are probably the next best thing.
Im a Truckie so i have to ride in Steel Cap boots daily and they dont effect the experience at all :thumbup:.......Probably the safest thing you can ride in when you think about it....
i've got CAT steel toes too that i ride in. i actually found them a lot more substantial than my dedicated riding boots. they're a little heavy and i had to get used to shifting in them a little bit, but overall they're solid. the buckle that went over the laces on my riding boots broke so i pulled the CATs out of the closet. didn't see the point in shucking out $ for another pair so i'm sticking with the steels. they will do a number on the side of that cager that cut you off too... kinda like brass knuckles for your feet :thumbup:
Rode steel toe for a while... Slightly annoying at first trying to shift but you get used to it quickly... Really nothing to worry about. Just make sure you leave the laces loose enough to have some play in the ankle so you have your dexterity in your feet...
I have steel toe timberland boots that I wear when I ride most of the time. They are very comfortable and hardly notice the steel toe when riding. Now I know someone who tried to ride with metatarsals once, that ended in a dropped bike. I have personally worn them riding a couple times, but that was simply 1st gear to park inside the building if rain was coming when I worked weekends and nobody that was there cared. I was the boss anyway those times. :thumbup:
I wore steel toed SAE approved work boots all last year and was happy with them. My old bike tipped and the steel toes not only saved my toes but kept the bike from falling over! Good alternative to "real" motorcycle boots. One thin I've heard is that in a really bad accident there is a risk of the toe of the boot bending way back and the steel cutting into the top of your foot, but I think its only a rumour.
I wore steel toed SAE approved work boots all last year and was happy with them. My old bike tipped and the steel toes not only saved my toes but kept the bike from falling over! Good alternative to "real" motorcycle boots. One thin I've heard is that in a really bad accident there is a risk of the toe of the boot bending way back and the steel cutting into the top of your foot, but I think its only a rumour.

At that point you foot would have been mooshed like a clove of garlic anyway.
I did for a little while. Most have no ankle support. I don't care whether my toes are attached if the rest of my foot gets chopped off.
This is what I wear I think I have good ankle support and they are pretty comfy for a steel toe.

Never rode in steel toes but if you don't mind the weight i would think it would be fine. I'm always in my Sidi, one of the best purchases i've done for riding.
I wear Army-issued steel toe suede boots sometimes and the only problem I have with them is the one I have with all suede boots: Big freakin black mark from the shifter on my left boot!
I wore steel toed SAE approved work boots all last year and was happy with them. My old bike tipped and the steel toes not only saved my toes but kept the bike from falling over! Good alternative to "real" motorcycle boots. One thin I've heard is that in a really bad accident there is a risk of the toe of the boot bending way back and the steel cutting into the top of your foot, but I think its only a rumour.

It actually isnt really a rumor. My wife, an avid horse rider, doesnt wear steel toe boots around horses because people in the past have had a horse step on a boot and have the steel lop off their toes. Also, a Chief I ran into while doing a job while on hold for school told us to not set these huge heavy panels on our boots because it could bend the toe in and again lop our toes off. Bates, a boot mf co now is switching more and more of their boots for mil to composite toe because itll shatter instead of bend so your foot gets crushed. Until they make it legal to use stemcells to fuse your parts back together, ill take a few months of shattered bone repair due to composite shattering lol. I use a pair of Bates boots that are leather with nylon vents and a zipper going from jstu below your ankle to the top of the boot on the inside. Great boots with composite toe plus the velcro piece that covers the zipper will also hold shoelaces in place of you tuck em in there. Until I can justify spending the money i dont have on a pair of Aerostitch Combat Lite boots ill stick with these.