Anyone have tinnitus?


The UNO Master
Elite Member
Apr 30, 2008
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Webster Texas
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I've had it for about 3 weeks now. It comes and goes and I thought it was getting better but today it's pretty loud. At first I was thinking this is going to drive me mad but I'm getting used to it sort of. If I think about it, it bums me out though. I'm going to see a specialist tomorrow and I'm dreading bad news. The sound is a high frequency hiss. Sucks.
Yeah ive had it for years. Sucks big time. Sometimes I manage to ignore it & cant really hear it. Kinda like my brain switches off to it.

Worst part is when you get a bit of quiet time to yourself & it kicks in to disturb the peace.
Its like you have 1 million cicada's outside your house at all times :(
It comes and goes for me. But know it doesnt adversly affect my hearing (or yours). I was at an ENT (ear, nose, throat) specialist a little while back for a sinus issue and part of the exam was to test my hearing. The test was extensive. I started to sweat as i was put in a sound proof room while wearing futuristic ear buds. NO noise in there, just my ears buzzing. Though through the test i was quite surprised at what i heard at the various frequencies and decibals they threw at me. And to my surprise, test results flagged me with the hearing of a 10 year old, which is above average for my age, as i'm 36. Glad all the firearm blasts i've been subject to didnt make me deaf, i wondered sometimes.:D
I've had it in my right ear for about a year and a half now from a scuba accident. It doesn't go away, you just stop noticing it most of the time. I also get a "fullness" feeling in my ear, and feel like I need to pop my jaw to equalize. Also slight hearing loss in that ear.

I went to an ear specialist, and although he told me tinnitus is rare for my age (20), there wasn't any physical damage.

My doctor mentioned Arches Tinnitus Relief. It's a pill that you take regularly and it makes the ringing go away. The downside is that results aren't expected until after 2-3 months of taking it, and I think only 45% of people see results. I haven't tried it myself because I'm skeptical, but it's worth looking into if it doesn't go away by itself.
I've had the high frequency whistling sound in my head for more than 40 years,doctors have always told me there's no real cure. My biggest fear is that as age continues to creep up on me, I'll lose my hearing except for that damn sound.....believe I'd soon go insane.
Keep in mind guys that the most common cause of tinnitis is prolonged exposure to louder decibels than the human ear is meant to endure. This can be a concert or even just the wind noise of riding at highway speed without earplugs in. This is why I ALWAYS use earplugs unless I am literally going around the neighborhood.

Dr. Hammer
I wear earplugs as well. I'm thinking mine has to do with stress. That's my hope anyway. At least with stress I can manage it with lifestyle and meds. If it's more physical there isn't to much you can do about it.
One more thing thanks for the replies it's nice to know that people live normal lives with this. I swear at first I thought that there is no way I could live with this and I wanted to puncture my ear drums with ice picks.
I'll get that high pitched whistling on occasion..... fortunately it's not a constant thing in my case. Sometimes something as simple as hydrating will reduce the symptoms.

Like others have said, I am much much more conservative of my hearing now. I avoid loud constant noise as much as possible. Dug up my flight deck ear protectors from 30 years ago to mow the lawn with, or run the chain saw..... and I wear ear plugs when I ride.

As much wind noise as the FZ's fairing makes, I know I couldn't take the volume requried to hear music over it. Foamies, or fitted plugs only for me.
What?!?!?! I don't care what you play, just play it loud!!!

My hearing is so-so. I wear ear plugs too, when I forget to wear them I don't care for riding.

The worst I had ringing was for about 7 days. I "hung" a 120mm mortar round and had my ear plug fall out. My ear was about 4 inches from the motar tube when the round when off. It felt like I has hit in the head with a hammer. I threw up for several hours after that and my ear rung for 7 days. I couldn't sleep for the first few night because the ringing was so loud.

I hope the Dr. can figure it out. Ear/sinus infection maybe???
I have it but it is rare... once in a GREAT while, the full feeling comes, then the ringing follows but it only lasts for 5 - 10 seconds and then it is gone.

It's an annoyance but it's never a pain. My Mom always told us it was "Someone is talking about you in a bad way so you'd best behave!" :rof:
Too many years of scuba diving, rock and roll, gunshots, concerts, and motorcyles. It takes a toll. Like most of you have said here it seems to come and go, (and at the most unwelcomed times).
I feel for anyone with it, (though I believe there are other causes as well - not just loud noise). Mine seems worse with sinus problems, allergies, or when previous back injuries are acting up. Sorry man.