Anybody on Facebook?


Mar 28, 2007
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Because of social pressure ( :D ) I registered myself in the Facebook a few weeks ago. I still have no clue of what's going on in there or how the site actually works but I'm slowly getting addicted.

Anybody else with the same fate?
Because of social pressure ( :D ) I registered myself in the Facebook a few weeks ago. I still have no clue of what's going on in there or how the site actually works but I'm slowly getting addicted.

Anybody else with the same fate?
Yes until someone used my facebook account to steal my MSNMessenger info. What a pain that was to change all my passwords and such. Good luck with it!

I'm in college so I use it all the time to keep in touch with friends at different schools.

I like facebook a lot (much better than that P.O.S MySpace where half the time you can't read people's crap and as soon as the page load loud horrid music starts blaring at 10 times the sound level of normal stuff).

I like how with facebok no one can see your information, besides you Name, mini Profile Pic, and school, without you accepting them as a friend, prevents people from stalking random people like you can do on myspace. Facebook does let you put a lot of information on your page though, including physical address, phone number, etc so choose your friends carefully. It does give you the option to also set up "limited profiles" so you can let some people only see selected parts of your profile if you're a little weary of letting them see everything.
facebook/bebo (any social netowrking websites infact) are for people with social disorders and all that use them should be outcast by their "friends" and peers....

FZ6 forums are different by the way...... :thumbup:
I do use facebook to stay in touch with friends that go to other schools. I also agree that they can get out of control. Myspace is a great example of something designed for Teens. Facebook use to only be used for contacting people and posting pictures. Now it is a little childish. I want to be able use it as away to talk to friends I don't see. It is almost a glorified email address.

It is also used by employers to see who there applicants are. A lot of people post stupid stuff and stupid pictures that show employers why they don't want to hire someone.

It has its place. It was fun for the first three months. I enjoyed finding all my friends. Now it is just an email account.
facebook/bebo (any social netowrking websites infact) are for people with social disorders and all that use them should be outcast by their "friends" and peers....

Seriously??? As a recent college grad I started using Facebook at pretty much its inception, back when only college students could register and use it. I find it an invaluable resource to keep in touch with friends all over the country and the world. Yes, I still pick up the phone and call my local friends rather than write on their wall, but when I've got friends in countries like the U.K., Israel, Cuba, and Germany,to name a few, Facebook is the logical answer. My 10 year HS reunion is even being organized through Facebook. Yes, there are the extremists that can not live without Facebook or use it soley as a means to hook up, but to say everybody who uses Facebook has a social disorder is completely ignorant. Online social networking is the future.

My only suggestions to Bren would be: Dont post anything on Facebook you wouldnt want your family to see and make sure to set your privacy settings. Other than that have fun catching up with friends on Facebook. :rockon:
...there is a "Yamaha FZ6 Riders" group with 216 members on Facebook.

I found it today and joined in. You'll find me there.

AJ_rider: the privacy settings were the first ones I checked and adjusted. And then my friends started to complain that they can't see my wall or photo's and what not. Ooops... Well, I got it figured now. :p
I found Facebook much more enjoyable when I first joined and it was only college students. I actually used it to contact college friends. Now its like a white backgrounded version of MySpace with tons of junk applications. I think it is still a little bit better than MySpace, but it has been taken over by high schoolers which is unfortunate.
went had a look, joined fz6 group but nothing very interesting going on.
am i missing something ? :eek:
I'm on it. I used to not pay it much attention, but once I got a "smart" phone, I found that it was much more fun to use that way. Like anything else, there are positives and negatives.......positives, it is a really good way to keep in touch with family and friends, share pictures, keep up with interests, hobbies, groups, political candidates, etc......negatives, alot of people use it like twitter and think they have to tell let the world know when they eat, pee, cut their toenails, etc.

I am also a semi-professional photographer and it is a really good way to share pictures and get my work and website out there to people.
I got on it reluctantly, but because of a high school reunion that was upcoming. I have enjoyed catching up with some old friends, but agree that the constant "I am going to bed now" posts are a bit ridiculous. (sad, even.) It's fun to see my "old" friends and their kids, etc. I will have to check out the FZ6 Riders group. I didn't know it existed. :thumbup: