Another HBO show

ms mrdr

Premium Member
Jun 20, 2008
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that I am addicted to is "True Blood" I don't know why. Is there anyone else watching this?:thumbup:
haha...i saw the first 2 episode's...and then haven't seen it yet...i want to see it...but its not worth paying an extra 15 bucks a month to watch it once a week!
I'm recording the whole season..when it's over you'll have to give me your addy and I'll send you a dvd.
At first I was like, meh, a vampire show. But then I sat and watched the first four episodes back-to-back. I'm hooked. I'm not too keen on the whole blood thing, but as usual, HBO just knows how to make great shows. Ack! I hope that Californication hasn't started yet...I'm off to check my guide...
+1, totally addicted to this show as well. I love the way HBO made it seem like vampires could really exist, it's not too sci-fi or fantasy at all. I haven't watched last nights episode yet so no spoliers!
I'm recording the whole season..when it's over you'll have to give me your addy and I'll send you a dvd.

oh dude! you rock! haha hopefully by then i'll have it...i just started a new job and one of the perks gives us free cable with every channel (not playboy unfortunalety) for like 30 bucks...we'll also get that video on demand so i can go back and watch the episodes!
thanks for the heads up, ive just watched the first four episodes and im really enjoying it although at the rate people are being killed will they have enough of a cast to make a whole series :eek: