
I consider myself to be pretty liberal (Not "a" liberal, just liberal), but I love guns and hate gun control laws.

Why? They don't work. All they do is punish law abiding gun owners. People who use guns in a crime do NOT buy them legally, and do NOT register them.
I agree totally with you.
My father and I used to shoot full bore pistols in the UK. Dad had some lovely pistols including a WWII luger with complete authenticated history. An original S&W peace maker. We used to hand load to cut down cost, but to also experiment with the load V accuracy.
Then The Dunblane massacre happened,
Dunblane massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This was a tragic and totally devastating act committed by a psychopath.

Public panic and outcry caused a knee jerk reaction banning hand guns.
An amnesty was held to hand in your guns for compo.
My farther was offered £1500.00 for his £3000.00 collection.
Fortunately he managed to send the Luger and Peace maker to my brother who is living in Texas.
The controls need to be on better screening of who can apply for a gun license.

My 2 cents

Tighter control is a better way to a safer society. The 2nd Amendment may mean you can carry to be safe but also means others can carry to kill...its a loose loose situation.

I cant put it any more clearly then our friend in norway, its the same law here in Ireland. I've got a pumpaction shotgun but can only ever own 100 rounds of ammo at any one time. If I have more I'm breaking my licence agreement. Of course you can buy alot more then your allowed since here we dont have a tagging system (its written into a book that the police can look at when they please...but one cant track whether I bought 1000 from one shop and 3000 from another). The tagging system is a brilliant idea. So what if you have to destroy your ammo...maybe the new and improved president will allow for the return of ammo not tagged in place of a compensation or the replacment with tagged ammo.

Those that make ammo themselves....maybe the president will take this into account and allow all those that want to manufacture their own rounds to be registered and able to "tag" their own ammo.

And as i said already, America have a notoriously bad rep when it comes to guns...time for a change I think! And that does NOT mean making them illegal to own...they are great stress reducers...but only when used responsibly! :)
Tighter control is a better way to a safer society. The 2nd Amendment may mean you can carry to be safe but also means others can carry to kill...its a loose loose situation.

I cant put it any more clearly then our friend in norway, its the same law here in Ireland. I've got a pumpaction shotgun but can only ever own 100 rounds of ammo at any one time. If I have more I'm breaking my licence agreement. Of course you can buy alot more then your allowed since here we dont have a tagging system (its written into a book that the police can look at when they please...but one cant track whether I bought 1000 from one shop and 3000 from another). The tagging system is a brilliant idea. So what if you have to destroy your ammo...maybe the new and improved president will allow for the return of ammo not tagged in place of a compensation or the replacment with tagged ammo.

Those that make ammo themselves....maybe the president will take this into account and allow all those that want to manufacture their own rounds to be registered and able to "tag" their own ammo.

And as i said already, America have a notoriously bad rep when it comes to guns...time for a change I think! And that does NOT mean making them illegal to own...they are great stress reducers...but only when used responsibly! :)
I should have added that at the time there was also a limit to how many rounds a person could keep at home. Sorry I can't recall the exact number.

I have no problems being restricted to owning a certain number of rounds. In reality do you really need 3000 rounds at any one time?
I think the most my dad ever got through at any one time was about 200.
This was during competition shooting.

For the record Scorph no one is talking about shooting irresponsibly.

The problem with gun laws is that they go about it the wrong way. When they outlaw one gun or another that is not helping, there will always be more out there for the psycopaths to get there hands on. The biggest problem in this country is that people and children alike are not educated about guns. My Oldest daughter which will soon be 9 years old, has shot my .22 rifle, .243 hi power, and even my new 9mm pistol. She is educated on them she knows how to handle them, she knows how to be safe with them, and she knows whe is not supposed to touch them unless I am there with her. Kids are not educated, they are told to be afraid of them there is nothing to be afraid of if they are educated and talked to about them.
If there is a gun laying on the table in front of you. Is it loaded? Yes, no matter what that gun is loaded.
You know the saying guns dont kill people, people do. Well I still believe in that. If that same gun is laying on the table in front of you will it shoot someone? No, It takes someone to pick that gun up and pull that trigger, and if you say that it is a tool for that and if we atke them away we are taking away the means of killing people then we need to take away cars, steak knives, and anything that can be used to kill someone.
Sorry about my rant but I get pretty worked up over this subject. This is just my 2 cents.
There's a lot of talk about availability of firearms and a supposed correlation with their use in "violent incidents"... That would completely explain the drop in availability due to all of these regs and laws, and the increase in incidents. You used to be able to buy a firearm at a gas station, convenience store, and just about everywhere remotely associated with camping sold shotguns. This doesn't add up. Society has changed... Not the capability of the weapons. Yes, there are hi cap mags and lasers, but they all fundamentally go bang... Also +1000 to coursonap!!! Gotta amputate hands because you can strangle somebody. There goes riding... Oh yeah, bikes too. Like the bike that almost cut that car in half in the pic posted on here not too long ago... Why not just live in a nice white padded room? Guns kill people like spoons made rosie odonell fat, and like pencils missspeeel words...
There's a lot of talk about availability of firearms and a supposed correlation with their use in "violent incidents"... That would completely explain the drop in availability due to all of these regs and laws, and the increase in incidents. You used to be able to buy a firearm at a gas station, convenience store, and just about everywhere remotely associated with camping sold shotguns. This doesn't add up. Society has changed... Not the capability of the weapons. Yes, there are hi cap mags and lasers, but they all fundamentally go bang... Also +1000 to coursonap!!! Gotta amputate hands because you can strangle somebody. There goes riding... Oh yeah, bikes too. Like the bike that almost cut that car in half in the pic posted on here not too long ago... Why not just live in a nice white padded room? Guns kill people like spoons made rosie odonell fat, and like pencils missspeeel words...

Yes or no: Do you see the reasoning behind speedlimits?
Any time a Government wants to disarm it's citizens, I start smelling a rat!
By disarm, I mean taking away their guns or their ammo.
Guns can be an effective means of self protection too!
You do not have to rob banks or be a serial killer to have a gun.
And not everyone in Texas has a gun or an oil well, contrary to popular
If you do not think protection is necessary, go live in South Dallas for awhile.
You will change your mind in a hurry when some crackhead tries to break into
your house and all you have is a flyswatter.
At the end of the day, it's not guns that kill people.... it's usually the bullets. As for requiring a gun to defend your country... I don't recall the UK being invaded and we don't require them to defend our country on a daily basis.

At the end of the day, it's not guns that kill people.... it's usually the bullets. As for requiring a gun to defend your country... I don't recall the UK being invaded and we don't require them to defend our country on a daily basis.


GastonJ, I understand what you are saying but I do not know all the ins and outs of your government (nor mine for that example). If our government gets too big for its britches (like it is now) the people have the authority to overthrow it. It isn't for other countries invading its to protect ourselves from ourselves and from our government.

Americans have a love for the gun because it is what brought us freedom. Unfortunatly, the people who hoot and holler about being able to own a gun do not (usually) have the ballz to fight for what is right and stand up for the true meaning. Most of the people who buy guns legally and register tham are not the one commiting violent crimes, it is people who are getting them illegally, and I may want to be able to protect my family from them at the very least.
Remember, when seconds count, the police will be there in minutes.
thats absolute crap. So much for signing up for a gun permit earlier, i thought he was gonna make them more expensive to get.
Most of the people who buy guns legally and register tham are not the one commiting violent crimes, it is people who are getting them illegally, and I may want to be able to protect my family from them at the very least.

While I do understand what you're trying to get across, the same applies in any country, if people want guns illegally they will get them, no matter what. As such having liberal gun laws allows more guns to be stolen for that purpose, since logically more guns are in circulation to be stolen.

Ensuring that doesn't happen, upholding the law and hunting down criminals is the job of the police of whatever description. Everyone pays in some way for the services of the police through taxation, so they should do the job they are paid to do.

As I wrote above, I fail to see how that can happen if that many guns are so freely available,and there to be stolen before being used.
I just got my concealed carry permit yesterday. And the reason governments want to take away guns is to keep the people from uprising, and moving against an overbearing government. Also, about home defense. I would rather have the police come, but I'm not gonna let myself get shot and my wife raped before they get here. Someone breaks in and I am going to defend my . It is a proven fact a home with a responsible gun owner is less likely to be a home where the homeowner gets robbed or killed.

Why should there be a limit to how many rounds of ammunition you can own? I buy in bulk, so that when the price goes up due to taxes or whatever, I won't have to pay double for the same ammo I can buy cheap now.

Gaston, you are right, it is a problem of the police, its is their job to fight criminals and such, however they won't get here to protect my wife and I before we are already dead, if that is the criminals intent.
[...]And the reason governments want to take away guns is to keep the people from uprising, and moving against an overbearing government[...]

You're joking, right? If not, it just reflects a serious paranoia.

Thing is, if any country's people want to do an uprising, no government in the world will be able to surpress that. Why? As long as an uprising is what it is, in other words everyone agrees to it and is in on it, there's no need for guns. The uprising will be over in matter of hours, with or without guns. If this isn't so, then you logically can't name it an uprising. More of a rebellion, the beginning of a civil war or should I say, a coup d'etat. This will in turn imply that YOU are the minority, hence your act is contradictory to the best interest of the people as a whole. THEN I see why you'd need the guns.

In other words, your reasoning isn't valid.
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I just got my concealed carry permit yesterday. And the reason governments want to take away guns is to keep the people from uprising, and moving against an overbearing government.

Isn't taking a country by force of weapons from a lawful government in itself a criminal act anyway? Not that it ever stopped a group of course, but it's a point nonetheless.

I don't think that your constitution ever meant that you should bear arms in order to scare your government from taking steps to do anything that you consider wrong. That's why they have elections to elect those to represent your views, rather than just have an uprising every 4 years. (yeah I know it doesn't work, but nothing's perfecty) If you don't like them they get kicked out after 4 years. Chances are another idiot gets elected who won't be any better, but you can always stand for election yourself.

I think the constitution was spell checked by MS Office and that you have the right to wear short sleeve shirts and bare arms, but no-one dare point out to Bill Gates that his software got it wrong ;)
"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." - Thomas Jefferson, third President of the United States.
"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." - Thomas Jefferson, third President of the United States.

He was absolutely right, but that still doesn't change the fact that if the people gets angry enough, the government should be scared no matter what. Guns or no guns, that's irrelevant.
Perhaps then it isn't a gun problem, but a problem with your police force *shrug*

Yeah, our cops have an inability to be everywhere at once.

Police are reactionary. They show up after the fact, act sympathetic, and try to catch the perpetrator.

Don't count on them to show up in time in an emergency. Odds are, they won't be able to.