ALMOST that time of year again!!


SuperFlanker Moderator
Premium Member
Apr 19, 2008
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Surrey, UK
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Alright people, for those of you living anywhere other than those amazing places like SoCal and AUS.....i.e. anywhere that is NOT fantasy's almost or is already riding season again.

Usually ours here doesnt start until late april at the earliest but we've got the snow mostly melted already here.

Took the bike out a couple times this past week or so. First time out felt great, but was super slow because I felt so shaky not having ridden since november (really late end to season as well last year). went out couple more times was similar story.

Well, today I went down to some nearby shops (too cold to ride more than 15 mins or so), and opened the throttle up in a couple places. At one point there was a bit if a VERY gradual bend but because I was at speed already for some reason my mind went blank.

For about the better part of a second all I could see was the curb and sand and poles I was essentially riding into at a fairly quick speed. Then discipline and muscle memory kicked in and I let off the throttle and braked, then shifted weight off bike and turned into the bend. But for a moment there in my mind I thought to myself **** I'm going to have a bad off here.

No matter how simple a thing you are doing, just remember panic mode sets in VERY fast when youre just getting back into the groove.

Easy on the throttle first little while, ladies and gents.

P.S. being surrounded by gravel and water from melting snow on a cold road with cold tires definitely makes panic mode even more likely :S
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Glad you got out!
We had 4 inches of snow the other day, it's gone now but the left over sand on the road is always the pits for a while.
Alright people, for those of you living anywhere other than those amazing places like SoCal and AUS.....i.e. anywhere that is NOT fantasy's almost or is already riding season again.

Usually ours here doesnt start until late april at the earliest but we've got the snow mostly melted already here.

Took the bike out a couple times this past week or so. First time out felt great, but was super slow because I felt so shaky not having ridden since november (really late end to season as well last year). went out couple more times was similar story.

Well, today I went down to some nearby shops (too cold to ride more than 15 mins or so), and opened the throttle up in a couple places. At one point there was a bit if a VERY gradual bend but because I was at speed already for some reason my mind went blank.

For about the better part of a second all I could see was the curb and sand and poles I was essentially riding into at a fairly quick speed. Then discipline and muscle memory kicked in and I let off the throttle and braked, then shifted weight off bike and turned into the bend. But for a moment there in my mind I thought to myself **** I'm going to have a bad off here.

No matter how simple a thing you are doing, just remember panic mode sets in VERY fast when youre just getting back into the groove.

Easy on the throttle first little while, ladies and gents.

P.S. being surrounded by gravel and water from melting snow on a cold road with cold tires definitely makes panic mode even more likely :S

Dude!!! you forgot to mention the incredible land of Louisiana!!! about one month a year its to cold to wear shorts!! But it did snow for two days here this winter which was realy weird......I have so much good riding weather you could get tired of it and opt for the cage with A/C and a ridicoulesly loud stereo!!! which I tend to do oftion because the reclining seat is Awesome for naps at lunchtime!! :D :rockon: :rockon:
Dude!!! you forgot to mention the incredible land of Louisiana!!! about one month a year its to cold to wear shorts!! But it did snow for two days here this winter which was realy weird......I have so much good riding weather you could get tired of it and opt for the cage with A/C and a ridicoulesly loud stereo!!! which I tend to do oftion because the reclining seat is Awesome for naps at lunchtime!! :D :rockon: :rockon:

remind me to vomit in your lunch bag as you head out the door tomorrow morning.
