Almost T-Boned


Keep it Kosher
May 11, 2008
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Boston, MA
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After almost 6 years and 40k+ miles of riding, I've managed to be a very alert and defensive driver, anticipating long before hand cars pulling out onto the street in front, thus avoiding close calls.... until tonight. On my way home from getting gas, a white Audi A6 made an illegal left turn at a lighted/controlled intersection right in front of me. Speed limit in the area was about 40mph, and I was doing probably 45mph. Road conditions were perfectly dry, great visibility, ~3 lanes in each direction, time of day around dusk (thus headlights on cars were also on).

I kept my cool, didn't grab a hand full of brakes. I was able to gradually but quickly spill off speed in a controlled manner, not locking up the rear end, let off the brakes to then swerve left to avoid the rear quarter panel of the car and the accident.

My point in posting this experience is to say to everyone, don't get comfortable. No matter how many years of riding or how many miles you've covered, everyone still needs to take the time to go to an empty parking lot and practice the basics... like emergency stops.

Be careful out there, be acutely aware of your surroundings, and ride like you're invisible.

Nice job Rob,

Most riders in your situation would have instinctively grabbed a hand full of brakes which would have resulted in a lowside crash. Not only did you know how to apply your brakes properly without locking either wheel, you also realized that swerving was also an option.

In my opinion, over 2/3 of the riders would have crashed in your situation just because they would slam on their brakes or forget to swerve.

Yes, practicing emergency stops and swerving on a regular basis will save your butt. It takes the correct muscle memory to perfect it. Our human instinct is to slam on the brakes, just like we all do it in a car. Can't do that on a bike, you crash.
Glad you're ok!

To brake or to swerve: that is the question.
Srsly, how do you know when to brake or swerve?

Nice job Rob,

Most riders in your situation would have instinctively grabbed a hand full of brakes which would have resulted in a lowside crash. Not only did you know how to apply your brakes properly without locking either wheel, you also realized that swerving was also an option.

In my opinion, over 2/3 of the riders would have crashed in your situation just because they would slam on their brakes or forget to swerve.

Yes, practicing emergency stops and swerving on a regular basis will save your butt. It takes the correct muscle memory to perfect it. Our human instinct is to slam on the brakes, just like we all do it in a car. Can't do that on a bike, you crash.
Yep, always ride like everyone is trying to kill you. Trust noone, even mates on other bikes.

Swerve V Braking is hard, but you'll find if you practice both enough, you'll be able to pick which is going to work.

really you try braking first always, but if you don't think you'll stop in time (you'll know) then you let off the brakes and swerve.
To brake or to swerve: that is the question.
Srsly, how do you know when to brake or swerve?

Yes, that is the question. It really comes down to experience, using your mental bag of tools that you have accumulated over time. It's a decision that must be made in a split second, the wrong decision may cost you your life.
Yes, that is the question. It really comes down to experience, using your mental bag of tools that you have accumulated over time. It's a decision that must be made in a split second, the wrong decision may cost you your life.

So glad your okay Brother Rob! :rockon: Will see you soon!

I agree you should be like one of those face recognition computers with little square appearing here and there as you move, that are always calculating where a hole is. I try to make it a habit of being conscious of where a hole is for me. Especially in traffic. I get a little more hyper-vigilant.
I had a car cross three lanes of traffic (from my right) and as I avoided him in each lane he kept sweeping me over lane by lane, until there was no room. He was trying to squeeze into two lanes that were turning left, across the hiway, and was ready to crush me between stopped cars to my left. If I was to brake I would low side under him. My choice was to use my power and I dropped a gear and pushed through. It was so close I thought for sure I had clipped one of the cars left or right of me. I actually heard a bang but I think it was my pipes reverberating between the two cars.
Do not let your guard down! These effers will always come up with something you won't expect. :tard:
So glad your okay Brother Rob! :rockon: Will see you soon!

I agree you should be like one of those face recognition computers with little square appearing here and there as you move, that are always calculating where a hole is. I try to make it a habit of being conscious of where a hole is for me. Especially in traffic. I get a little more hyper-vigilant.
I had a car cross three lanes of traffic (from my right) and as I avoided him in each lane he kept sweeping me over lane by lane, until there was no room. He was trying to squeeze into two lanes that were turning left, across the hiway, and was ready to crush me between stopped cars to my left. If I was to brake I would low side under him. My choice was to use my power and I dropped a gear and pushed through. It was so close I thought for sure I had clipped one of the cars left or right of me. I actually heard a bang but I think it was my pipes reverberating between the two cars.
Do not let your guard down! These effers will always come up with something you won't expect. :tard:

Did you use your horn?
Did you use your horn?

I believe there was no time in this case for a horn and in fact would have taken focus and time from my maneuver. I would have to honk and believe the person wasn't trying to harm me. That's how I treat cars. I am courteous but expect them to harm me from their attitude and/or ignorance.
This person shot out of an angled drive way from a shopping center where there was traffic covering him and he took a hole between two cars in the right lane and exited on to the road way forcing me to the left lane by lane. Braking would have put be into him and low siding. If I were to consider what I could have done better it would have been over left another lane to begin with and a slower speed but I was already at a very moderate. I squiggled some lines on a map of the area to give an idea. Sorry they're not to neat.The offender is the red lines. I'm the green lines. Being cut off three lanes at one is pretty surprising but I got through it by not panicking and used throttle for avoidance instead. The lanes to the very left were packed and this guy exited from that angle drive and was hidden by other cars. I saw him and evaded but was surprised as he kept sweeping me.
Glad you kept your cool! I see more and more audi drivers that don't know how to drive nowadays, don't know why. Anywho riding a bike is like Frogger, Expect NOBODY sees you and EVERYONE will hit you
I believe there was no time in this case for a horn and in fact would have taken focus and time from my maneuver. I would have to honk and believe the person wasn't trying to harm me. That's how I treat cars. I am courteous but expect them to harm me from their attitude and/or ignorance.
This person shot out of an angled drive way from a shopping center where there was traffic covering him and he took a hole between two cars in the right lane and exited on to the road way forcing me to the left lane by lane. Braking would have put be into him and low siding. If I were to consider what I could have done better it would have been over left another lane to begin with and a slower speed but I was already at a very moderate. I squiggled some lines on a map of the area to give an idea. Sorry they're not to neat.The offender is the red lines. I'm the green lines. Being cut off three lanes at one is pretty surprising but I got through it by not panicking and used throttle for avoidance instead. The lanes to the very left were packed and this guy exited from that angle drive and was hidden by other cars. I saw him and evaded but was surprised as he kept sweeping me.

I see where your problem is Cliff............................... Your on the wrong side of the bloody road :BLAA: :D :rockon:
gotta check twice for those audi drivers, was this the guy that did it??

Well done! Thank you for the reminder to never *relax* out there :thumbup:
Good to hear you are okay. Like everyone else has stated, we are so fragile out there. In one split second we could be in serious trouble.

Ride safe everyone and stay alert!
Yes, that is the question. It really comes down to experience, using your mental bag of tools that you have accumulated over time. It's a decision that must be made in a split second, the wrong decision may cost you your life.

I remember this issue being addressed in the AMA magazine...last year.
Anyone remember and still have the old issue?
I should have saved mine....:rolleyes: