Almost died, had someone looking over me that day


Junior Member
Jan 11, 2010
Reaction score
Belgium, Wetteren
It happened some months ago, but I haven't found the "guts" upto now to talk about it. I am still a bit impressed about what happened.

It was a beautiful sunday some while ago, and I got up early to head out to the harbour. There is a very big roundabout there with 2 lanes and perfect sticky asphalt.
I go there every few months to practice my body/head/feet-position. (in full gear offcourse)

I know the street is not the place to practice bodyposition and kneedowns.
The roundabout is in the middle of nowhere, only trucks from the harbour use these roads. And it was on a sundaymorning, so like usually, there was nobody around, Harbour activity stops at sundays, and alot of people are still sleeping.
This area is well known for racebikes roadracing, but even those were not present that morning.

some details on the roundabout:
Its a very big oval shaped roundabout with 2 lanes. On the inside and outside of the roundabout there are concrete blocks (don't know the right word for this).
There are absolutely no houses around at all. As far as I can see, there is nothing moving.

After a inspection round on the roundabout looking for any debris, oil, sand,... I went faster and faster, practicing the perfect bodyposition to have the best control over the bike while at maximum leaning angle.

I went round and round for about 9 times reaching speeds that would make my drivers license explode. :spank:

Due to the leaning angle and body position, my head did not came above the concrete blocks. When I was making my 10th round, suddenly I saw a car coming right at me in my lane, right when I was about to exit the first turn of the oval.
I was going about 110km/h, and she was going about 40km/h i guess. If we colided head on, I would not be alive today because at that point, my head was at the hight of the radiator grill of the car....:eek:
She was driving the wrong direction on the inside of the roundabout and did not see me because of the concrete blocks. Luckily I was just about to exit the turn, so I steered right of her, and she braked and put her hands on her face.

It all happened in 1 second, but I remember every millisecond of it.
If it where happened any else, I would have died. If she turned left, and I right, we also would have collided.

I did another round to see if she was still there. But she was gone.
I realize I had all of the luck in the world. The timing, reaction, instinct and maneuver of both me and her where perfect to escape a horrible accident.
When I saw her, I rolled off the throttle, (had no time to brake), came upright and meanwhile steered to the outside of the roundabout. She just braked, looked at me like she saw death himself, and covered here eyes with her hands.
After the incident, I stopped for 5 minutes and think about what just happened. I had a warm feeling, like someone had given me a wake-up call. I guess it was not my time to go.

I should not have been learning skills on the roundabout (even as safe as it seems to be), and she should not have been riding clockwise. We where both at great fault.

I have not gone back there, or done anything similar since.
Today I ride my bike as usual, and without fear. (else you should not get on the bike at all)
But roundabout stunts are history.

on a side note:
I am raised as a catholic, but I don't believe in God.
But I do believe that there is something good watching over us all to give us a slap on the head if necessary.
What was I thinking.....Can't imagine what that would do to my parents and friends if it turned out otherwise.:(

.....Still very impressed.....

I'm glad you managed to skim past tragedy - and even happier that you learnt from it, and have the guts to share your story.

Ride safe, and check in frequently
wow what a rush of adrenalin! that sure was a close one. glad you are here to talk about it and you had the reflexes to keep your cool, and yes someone up there watches over us, let s not forget to thank them every once in a while for keeping us alive :thumbup:
wow what a rush of adrenalin! that sure was a close one. glad you are here to talk about it and you had the reflexes to keep your cool, and yes someone up there watches over us, let s not forget to thank them every once in a while for keeping us alive :thumbup:

Yes, thanks for the reflexes, because there was no time to think.
i've added a picture of the situation.
I can see why you were tempted with that roundabout for really getting into the ride, glad you made it through the close call, and goodonyer for talking about a near miss. I bet you and the driver learnt a bit that day
just noticed your google maps screenshot ;)
i'll be sure to be extra carefull when i drive there after this story, i was driving in that area (not that specific roundabout though) just yesterday.

glad to know you made it out in one piece.
Glad you rode away without crashing. Lesson learned.
Wish we all had a version of Nurburgring where we could just pay few bucks and do a lap at a good pace and be sure that everyone is traveling in the same direction.
I can see why you were tempted with that roundabout for really getting into the ride, glad you made it through the close call, and goodonyer for talking about a near miss. I bet you and the driver learnt a bit that day

Indeed, it's a very beautiful area over there. But sadly, lot's of riders have lost their lives on those race-like roads.
Pleased to hear about your quick wits, and the angel on your shoulder, thanks for sharing this with us.

BTW a mate of mine lost his spleen (milt) when a car driver drove into him when he was riding around a similar roundabout (they said they didn't see him).

I don't mean to preach but take it easy out there Bram :thumbup:
I can see those arrows on the lanes that I think indicate "one way" or stop sign/give way sign ahead???(Not sure which) We dont have them here in Victoria Australia. I first came across them in Pucon, Chile. I went the wrong way up a one way, frightening a couple of pro cyclists, and not doing much for my confidence driving for the 1st time on the right hand side.
I wonder if your motorist was "from out of town"?
I can see those arrows on the lanes that I think indicate "one way" or stop sign/give way sign ahead???(Not sure which) We dont have them here in Victoria Australia. I first came across them in Pucon, Chile. I went the wrong way up a one way, frightening a couple of pro cyclists, and not doing much for my confidence driving for the 1st time on the right hand side.
I wonder if your motorist was "from out of town"?

Those arrows are actually heads up-triangles. They indicate that you have to be careful when you enter the roundabout and give way for drivers who are already on the roundabout.
The license plate on the car was from belgium. Maybe because there was nobody around, she got confused about which way to go and turned left instead of right. I'm just guessing.

One thing is for sure. She was as surprised as me when we first met.
the design of the roundabout is made so that it's practicly impossible to not get on there the right way, all the lanes turn to the right so you automaticly go counterclockwise, and even if she got on the wrong lane by mistake, there's no roundabout in the whole of mainland europe that goes clockwise (aka, if she tought she was right, she shouldn't be alowed on any public road with any vehicle... ever). my guess is that she just wanted to cut corners figuring there was nobody there (the same reason Bram were driving there in the first place).
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the design of the roundabout is made so that it's practicly impossible to not get on there the right way, all the lanes turn to the right so you automaticly go counterclockwise, and even if she got on the wrong lane by mistake, there's no roundabout in the whole of mainland europe that goes clockwise (aka, if she tought she was right, she shouldn't be alowed on any public road with any vehicle... ever). my guess is that she just wanted to cut corners figuring there was nobody there (the same reason Bram were driving there in the first place).

Yes, the lanes show you the right direction automatically, I have no idea what went on in her head. :confused:
A lady did the same thing when she pulled out from a side road in front of me without looking ( mouth open - hands in front of face) acceleration out of the situation - not braking saved me.
Glad you're okay and thank you for sharing this! Cool roundabout and understand your practicing there. I'm surprised it's not full of bikes!
Glad you're okay and thank you for sharing this! Cool roundabout and understand your practicing there. I'm surprised it's not full of bikes!

On a sunny sunday, in the afternoon there are a lot of (sports)bikes riding there.
It's nice to go out, and have a chat with those guys and exchange stories :)