accident case is going cold :(


Junior Member
Jul 30, 2009
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Modesto/San jose Ca USA
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So as many of you guys know I had my accident almost 2 months ago. And the case to tie the other driver is going cold. My layer said that there is not much that can be done because their isn't no witness to the case. I need to get a hold of the other driver in person but have no way of knowing his address. I have his name and license plate but not his address. I got payed by my insurance but not enough to cover my sisters medical bills " full coverage does not mean they cover medical :spank: " any ideas on what can i do?

here is the original thread with pics of the report
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The insurance company is definitely suing the other person for what they paid you.
Do you have a police report? I don't see why your lawyer can't get that persons info from the police so you can go after them in court. Not that it means something will happen though.
There's probably a LEO on this forum who can run the plate for you, discretely.

:eek: If a LEO gets caught up in something like that he can get in a jam. There are a lot of reasons not to have this happen. Either get this guys info from the police report or let legal get this sorted....
In my accident, the police officer left and let the "community service officer" take over the report, she GAVE me the other drivers name and address.
My insurance company said "Oh wow yeah she shouldn't have given you that".
Oh well, good thing I'm not a vengeful person :)
Moe...I got nothing for you my man. This really sucks. Let it be reinforcement for all of us to be good people and not scew others over.

One long shot suggestion that may help somehow....

There is a LEO subforum on (know as "BARF"). There are tons of CHP and other cops that frequently post in the forum answering peoples questions. You may get some good California specific advice....worth a shot. If you post there, let me know so I can keep an eye on the thread and bump it to keep it going. DefyInertia on there as well.

One other suggestion....there are motorcycle specific lawyers that advertise on BARF and work in the bay area. Perhaps they offer free initial consultations and could tell you if you have a case.

Lastly, you should without a doubt be able to obtain the drivers contact information. I bet if you posted it on BARF someone would PM you the details.
So as many of you guys know I had my accident almost 2 months ago. And the case to tie the other driver is going cold. My layer said that there is not much that can be done because their isn't no witness to the case. I need to get a hold of the other driver in person but have no way of knowing his address. I have his name and license plate but not his address. I got payed by my insurance but not enough to cover my sisters medical bills " full coverage does not mean they cover medical :spank: " any ideas on what can i do?

here is the original thread with pics of the report

Google his name. You'll be surprise! You might be able to find from witch County is from with the license plate... Did you ever Google your name? Scary the stuff you can find
Thanks guys i will continue my search on barf and here is his info maybe one of you guys can come up something.

Arnulfo Martinez
Driving a Chevy Silverado license plate number 6E28825 looks like his from Merced
That's the second weirdest police report I've ever seen. (~For unknown reasons, P-1 made an unsafe turning movement voiding him to lode control of V-1. V-1 veered left and rolled onto its right side.~). -- Where it landed on an inflatable pool which somehow then became entangled in drive wheel? WTF? We all need helmet cams. Good luck, man. If all you need is to find the guy, try A lot of their info is outdated, though.

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Damn Moe that sucks.

I don't get one thing though, what are you going to do when you get his address? It sounds like your lawyer is saying that you're about out of legal options, whether you know where he lives or not.
Damn Moe that sucks.

I don't get one thing though, what are you going to do when you get his address? It sounds like your lawyer is saying that you're about out of legal options, whether you know where he lives or not.

idk yet, but nothing crazy as i am not that type of person :) maybe have a talk with him and record it
You could always go to the county public records office. Between the name and plate number you might find a bill of sales or lien which could include an address. Good luck with your search.