A lesson to all idiots hammering the rev limiter.

Damn... I am glad it wasn't my bike parked next to that clown => Little spots of oil everywhere!!!

Would have been slighty fun to see him running around with burning gloves flapping like a headless chicken... or something... :popcorn:
....... Also burnouts, what on earth is that all about?

There is something about old muscle cars with 400hp, posi, 4 spd, etc. I so loved that car!
Just like we all have taste in music, a V8 that sounds good and has power is pure music. . . And when you launch it - and it hooks, LOVE that feeling. Sadly, the little FZ is quicker in the qtr. :( I think the best I ever did was just under 13 in stock trim street legal no changes etc.

As for idiots trashing a 200 dollar bike tire just to make smoke - count me out.
Man I love a good burnout! As long as it is someone else trashing their bike who cares?

Just what we need, another law :(

...there already is a law. It's called reckless driving and I think in my home state it may be a 5 pointer!

Squids Suck.
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In ga its just the opposite asfar as insurance goes they figure ahhh hell kill himself shortly so we will cut him a break for example if you have read some o my other post you will be suprised to hear that I pay 174 a year for insurance when ive had my license revoked numurous times and have 30+ tickets (none of wich were given to me while riding)

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Good point. If the rider kills himself the policy is null and void since it covers the owner of the bike so long as the insured owner is present. . .
I dont understand why anybody would buy a bike and only comute and putt around on it,and then trash talk anybody who's having fun with theirs Trashing its guts out!! I personaly have been a motorcycle/atv serial killer since the early 80's ...... I stripped their bones of any useable parts when I was done with them and tossed their skeletons together in a big heaping pile at the corner of the back pasture fence!! LOL :BLAA: they are machines and can be repaired,or replaced completly with another bike!! If you can't afford to repair your bike.and modify it to un-recognizable coolness.... YOU NEED A BETTER PAYING JOB!! DON'T HATE ON A MAN ENJOYING HIS MONEY espeacialy if he gets it all on tape!! :BLAA: