A good friend went down.

WHEN will this damn country ban handheld use while driving?!?!?

Best Wishes for your friend!

Banning cell phone use won't do sh i t. It's been a law here in NY for many years. It's as if there's been no change whatsoever I see cagers everyday using cell phones with no headset. These self important twits will do whatever they want
Banning cell phone use won't do sh i t. It's been a law here in NY for many years. It's as if there's been no change whatsoever I see cagers everyday using cell phones with no headset. These self important twits will do whatever they want

Here in jersey too, It's amazing how many people I see driving at the FAA tech center on their phones....
And how is your friend doing? Don't mean to thread jack...the cell phone thing pisses me off real bad.
yeah i been rear ended twice now while on my bike. it sux ppl r so unattentive. im always atgatt and now i wear bright colours too. best wishes to ur buddy!
Illegal here in Alabama but laws don't appear to be enforced. Folks just hold their phones down lower. Amazing how folks get upset about speeding on the interstates but don't mind doing 35 or 40 in a 25 zone in a residential area where kids are playing! Texting and talking on the phone as well. Insurance does not guarantee big $. Here the minimum policy limits are almost laughable.
Thanks for taking the time to read this thread. Rick is a good guy and he deserves better, but we're all glad that he's ok. He's been back at work but taking it easy (not too hard for him he's in management:BLAA: just kidding) Dad said before the wreck he bought an RMZ450, so were gonna be riding some dirt with him again after he heals up. (bout time really, Rick's a maniac off road. I could learn a lot from him.) Ill inform him of the Get Wells and the support.
It is near impossible to enforce a law like hand held cell phone use. Just like seatbelts...Once the cop pulls you over for it, had had ample time to put your seat belt on so it's up to the cop to make a decision whether you were actually using your cell phone or just messing with your stereo remote.... or scratching your ear....
Some good news, (a rarity these days i know) i talked to Rick today and he's riding again and he & some of our other friends are going off road riding with my old man next weekend. hopefully ill get to ride with him when i go home for THXgiving in a month...