A Friend of mine lost his son...



I just found out yesterday that a friend of mine from works son committed suicide on Monday. He's not taking it well, as could be expected. he was 22 years old and, as I'm told, he was a good kid never in any trouble. the way I heard it he had just gotten a girlfriend who wasn't really liked. when his mom confronted him about her he ran into his room and shot himself in the head as his mom was watching. my friend got a call at work from the Police saying his son had shot himself and he needed to come home, when he asked how his son was they said he was still alive. when he got home all the cop said was "your son is dead, theres nothing else we can do here so were going to leave." leaving my buddy and his wife alone in there home. they didn't even send someone to clean up the mess, they left it for my friend. I feel horrible for him, he's the give the shirt off his back kinda guy. I wish there was something I could do but, I'm not sure what would help. maybe I shouldn't have posted this but, you guys are like my extended family so I thought I'd vent this out here.
I am sure I would feel the same way you do. You want to help, but aren't really sure what to do. You want to say something but are also afraid to bring it up. Even acknowledging someone's grief seems like a violation of some sort when something horrible has happened in their life.

Thinking like you, I of course have no advice. But I think it's always good to put stuff out there. Typing it out helps you think through things. It does for me anyway.
So sorry to hear about your friends tragedy, I doubt there is anything you can do or say to them to help, but probably just being a good friend and available to listen is what they need. I cannot imagine the guilt the mom is feeling.
So sorry to hear about this....

You should talk to him and be short and simple.

" I am sorry for your loss.... if there is anything you need help with ... I am here for you"

or something short and simple but lets him know you care...

or the same message in a card would work well too.

good luck
So sorry to hear about this....

You should talk to him and be short and simple.

" I am sorry for your loss.... if there is anything you need help with ... I am here for you"

or something short and simple but lets him know you care...

or the same message in a card would work well too.

good luck
+1 with Mike. I have to break bad news to folks on a regular basis. Its really tough. People don't think straight. Say you sorry, your friend knows there is nothing more than that you can say. Skirting around the issue increases your stress levels and theirs. Is there some where else they could stay. Have they got any family near?
Why does this kind of terrible thing all ways happen just before X-mas.
Our thoughts are with them.

So sorry to hear about this....

You should talk to him and be short and simple.

" I am sorry for your loss.... if there is anything you need help with ... I am here for you"

or something short and simple but lets him know you care...

or the same message in a card would work well too.

good luck

good post mike. :thumbup: