9 Meals


Senior Member
Feb 6, 2008
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West London
This was on another forum I frequent. I thought I would share.

ANDY.T said:

Got to go to Birminghan to take the wife for her transplant check up...

128 miles there.. 128 miles back...

But there is no petrol left anywhere in Bridgwater/Taunton... just been out on the push bike, Sainsburys, Morrisons, ESSO, BP, TESCO and the few Shell stations are ALL dry.. as are the small independant ones..

I've got enough to get there and back tomorrow but what then... :?

Makes you think eh.. :eek: OK in a real emergency as the ambulance service has a stock but for normal day to day vehicle use it's just an inconveniance..

I DONT THINK THIS STRIKE IS THAT SERIOUS... but do look at what it has done already :eek: What happens if there is a REAL problem and not just a wages dispute? :? Might not happen eh...

Hang on though.. the UK has given up with it's own power supply, new build power stations are more than 10 years away and we buy all our gas from the old USSR...coal from Rumania and they control our supply!! WHAT A STUPID IDEA THAT WAS. Like spending all those billions on wind power that will never work or save any existing fuel stocks on a large scale...

This Goverment has also reduced farming to a whisper of what it once was and almost ALL our food bulk comes from over seas.. Milk industry almost destroyed, Meat , Beef, Pork, Chicken, Eggs almost destroyed, Corn, wheat, rye almost all comes from elsewhere... for those who dont live in the "Country" take my word for it or ask any farmer...70% of the population would starve if we couldn't import any food stocks from tomorrow... :eek: OR we couldn't get any petrol/diesel to deliver it!!!

Trust this Government..Ha... :?

Bit like every time we have a power cut down here.. sitting in the dark, all nice and quiet, NO Fridge or Freezer motors running, no cooking, no heating for most people... No on-going fresh water supply or sewerage treatment.... it does make you wonder what WILL happen if we ever do get to be only Nine meals from anarchy ....

From an extract by By Rosie Boycott 7th June 2008!!!!

The phrase 'nine meals from anarchy' sounds more like the title of a bad Hollywood movie than any genuine threat.

But that was the expression coined by Lord Cameron of Dillington, a farmer who was the first head of the Countryside Agency - the quango set up by Tony Blair in the days when he pretended to care about the countryside - to describe just how perilous Britain's food supply actually is.


Crisis: Britain's food supply is in peril

Long before many others, Cameron saw the potential of a real food crisis striking not just the poor of the Third World, but us, here in Britain, in the 21st Century.

The scenario goes like this. Imagine a sudden shutdown of oil supplies; a sudden collapse in the petrol that streams steadily through the pumps and so into the engines of the lorries which deliver our food around the country, stocking up the supermarket shelves as soon as any item runs out.

If the trucks stopped moving, we'd start to worry and we'd head out to the shops, cking up our larders. By the end of Day One, if there was still no petrol, the shelves would be looking pretty thin. Imagine, then, Day Two: your fourth, fifth and sixth meal. We'd be in a panic. Day three: still no petrol.

What then? With hunger pangs kicking in, and no notion of how long it might take for the supermarkets to restock, how long before those who hadn't stocked up began stealing from their neighbours? Or looting what they could get their hands on?

There might be 11 million gardeners in Britain, but your delicious summer peas won't go far when your kids are hungry and the baked beans have run out.

It was Lord Cameron's estimation that it would take just nine meals - three full days without food on supermarket shelves - before law and order started to break down, and British streets descended into chaos.

A far-fetched warning for a First World nation like Britain? Hardly. Because that's exactly what happened in the U.S. in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. People looted in order to feed themselves and their families.
WOW. 22 views and no comments. I wonder what that means...

I'm surprised that no one is shocked that there were loads of gas stations with no gas in the UK.
sounds real bad but it was an isolated strike issue affecting only a localized (midlands) area of the UK. There's a lot to be said and pandered about in regards to fuel as the mainstay and movement of British commerce and if you look closely, Britain is already on the downturn. Living costs are high because of all the imported food, computers, clothing EVERYTHING that comes from anywhere but our shores. Companies close up shop and move their business to more lucrative, cheaper countries and farmers make more money trimming their hedges for nesting birds and field maintenance than to do any actual farming.

England has long been on a slow decline with the focus being on the short term issues: house prices, petrol prices, bread and potato prices, NHS funding, increased taxes but essentially our once Great Nation is slowly receeding into a 2nd class nation. We're merely holding onto our strengths and our history for support, not to mention Mr Bush et al. Im not saying this countries failing by any stretch of the imagination but in this climate both politically and naturally, we are definitely slipping into a vast societal problem. It'll be interesting to see how we grow and develop this nation in the next fifty years or so as if we merely import and offer no export, where does that leave us financially as a nation for the foreseable future?

WOW. 22 views and no comments. I wonder what that means...

I'm surprised that no one is shocked that there were loads of gas stations with no gas in the UK.
First of all, thank you for sharing this item.

There isn't a need to respond to everything posted. It was an interesting read, but I am someone who is willing to take information, compare it to other sources, come up with my own position on a subject, then decide what to do with my newfound opinion. In this case, I choose to wait for additional information.
I feel somewhat dreadful not because I just got back from a 7-day Alaskan cruise; but because of the excessive amounts of food that came along with the ship. In addition to the 24-hour buffet and the daily pizza, hamburgers and hotdogs available, sit down meals were provided three times a day. Each of those meals consisted of 5 dishes. I think that the supply of food these ships carry can greatly reduce food deprived countries... Go on a cruise mate! I met lots of Aussies, Welsh and English. With the dollar becoming increasingly weaker you might take advantage of the now stronger European currency and grab a bite or two or three to eat ;-)

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this was an article in the daily mail which you can read in its entirity here

it certainly paints a dark picture for the future however i couldn't help but feel its written with a sprinkle of tabloid sensationalism, then a little research throws up this and this and it suddenly becomes an article worthy of some thought.

i wonder what would happen if the ******* in the white house were to attack iran. regardless of how effective the iranians may be in closing the straits of hormuz, all they have to do is try and we have a major problem for the tankers supplying 20% of the worlds oil.

and then the ‘fun’ begins.

i think the bike will have to live outside as i fill the garage with tins of food :eek:
This was on another forum I frequent. I thought I would share.
These are scary times we live in indeed. Perhaps there are no responses as if we ignore the problem it will go away? Or maybe the disease "apathy" is now a global epidemic.

Unfortunately these problems were caused governments ago. Who is to blame? Us we voted them in, we allowed our industry to be sold off bit by bit. We have used and abused the worlds natural resources. Now we are complaining that countries like China and India want to join the 21st century. To end on a happy note, diesel will be £1.66 a liter and un-leaded £1.50 a liter by September 2008.

I feel somewhat dreadful not because I just got back from a 7-day Alaskan cruise; but because of the excessive amounts of food that came along with the ship. In addition to the 24-hour buffet and the daily pizza, hamburgers and hotdogs available, sit down meals were provided three times a day. Each of those meals consisted of 5 dishes. I think that the supply of food these ships carry can greatly reduce food deprived countries... Go on a cruise mate! I met lots of Aussies, Welsh and English. With the dollar becoming increasingly weaker you might take advantage of the now stronger European currency and grab a bite or two or three to eat ;-)

I had a friend who was a senior chef on one of the worlds premier cruise ships. On the return leg of the journey the ship used to stop off of city limits and dump around £25,000 worth of food into the sea. The only reason this was done was so that the stock budget would not be cut the following year.
