600 miles on a Ninja250R



recently I have spent some quality time on a 07 Ninja 250R. over the last week I've logged over 600 miles of commuting and a little taking the scenic way around. here is a short summary of my experiences and opinions. coming off an FZ6, the littlest Ninja in the Kawasucky lineup is definitely not going to hold any land speed records. but that is not what this bike was designed for. this is an entry level sportbike. the speedo is very optimistic like most bikes, I passed one of those radar speed limit signs at a speedo indicated 105MPH and the sign showed me at 93MPH. I find it easily will out accelerate traffic stop light to stop light. also it is surprisingly smooth at high speed, not talking stability here but riding for an hour at 95MPH (indicated) I never once got "numb hand" the motor seems to be well balanced. the brakes took a little getting used to, initially they feel weak and soggy, but once they are warmed up they provide more then ample stopping power for the bike, though they lack the feel I'm used to. riding in high winds can be a little bit interesting, the bike requires more force on the bars to keep it tracking straight in 30-40MPH gusts, and riding up into the bad air behind a high profile vehicle causes a lot of buffering with both the bike and helmet unless you are in a full tuck. aside from that the ninja is quite an effective tool for lane splitting. I squeezed into places that would have been a mirror folder on the FZ6. on this bike momentum is key, despite is 13000RPM red line the usable power band is 9500-12000, earlier then that you'll be looking for a downshift, higher then that there's nothing left to give. I managed to get a race in with a Honda shadow "ace" 750. it was a pretty close run. the twin pulled me a bit out of the hole, but once the duce and a half found its powerband I passed him and was faster on top. not bad for a 500cc disadvantage. all in all I'd say most people don't need anything more then the power this bike puts out. if you are new to riding, or just want an economical bike that is a blast to ride, you really should look into the Ninja 250. you can't go wrong with it. if more manufacturers would step up and make machines like this I think more people would ride bikes that are right for them.
sweet. i was looking into getting my girlfriend a cbr 125. now all the major brands are coming out with something here in north america.

your review is like mine on the 750 gixxer but on the other end of the spectrum. it really makes me love my FZ6.
nice recap, i ride a ninja 600 and i think its hilarious how the 250 looks like a full blown 600cc crotch rocket. all kiddidng aside i talked to a guy at the dealership about the 250 and he said its pretty tricky to ride cause its like a dirt bike.
thats why the ex250 engine never changed for almost 20 years , they are serving perfectly to the begginers for a long time,,,,very nice bikes,,even though i know that i wont be able to enjoy that bike again like i did in 1996, i still want to get my hand on one of them..
urbanj , cbr125 and zzr250 are both in begginers bike category but zzr has 3 times more hp than the cbr with a much more technological twincam ,twin cylinder 8 valve engine as opposed to the single cylinder cbr engine..
my honest opinion is that if everyone on the forum spent some time riding the 250 in the twistys is that they would become a better rider. the key to the bike is like I said keeping up your momentum, the bike is so light it gives you the confidence to keep your corner entrance speed up,thus keeping the bike in the powerband. on most of the tight roads I ride I rarely see triple digits, on a road that when riding aggressive I may select 2nd gear and be on it in the FZ6 only to find myself charging corners causing me to over brake and start all over again at the exit, the 250 comes in 4th gear and I tend to keep better entrance speed and am actually faster on corner exit. because I can't accelerate up to 120 MPH in a heartbeat I don't have the need to try and scrub off all that excess speed so I'm able to setup my corner better. If riding a sportbike is about pushing your limits and the limit of the machine the 250 fits the bill nicely.
I have had some time on a 250 and they are a blast. I cant wait till the new ones hit the dealerships in my area, i think i might buy one.
I have had some time on a 250 and they are a blast. I cant wait till the new ones hit the dealerships in my area, i think i might buy one.

yes...they are fun..sure wish I could have mine back. :(