
Thanks for the review, I would like to know how they feel after a few thousand Km on them.

Thanks for the review DeepBlue.

I didn't notice this gyroscopic tendency of which you refer, but instead felt the tyres wanted to drop into a corner.

My bike feels much more nimble than what I had on there, so I guess it depends on what type of tyre you last had?

Definitely need correct pressures, and as the pressures were too low when you picked the bike up, it makes me wonder if that initial impression with low pressures is colouring your opinion? (if you could go back to the original tyres, just for a quick blat, and then back to the correctly inflated Z8s?)

I have put nearly 10000kms on mine, and they still handle great.

It's also quite possible it just feel different because my old tires were squared off so after initial effort of making bike lean it just dive into corner :)

That is ALWAYS the way, isn't it? Reviewing new tires when coming off squared off ones.. "OMG these things are amazing!! My bike wants to turn now!" LOL

I'm quite happy with mine so far (a bit less than 1k on them, including 1 full track day). They do *catch* much more than my old Pilot Road 2s on steel bridges, but it's not terrible.

Here they are after a bit of a workout on the track (notice the substantial chicken strips.. between new tires, very cold conditions and me generally being more cautious than most people I ride with.. I prefer to hang way off, instead of leaning the bike over)

Oh well, at least I melted the top half of the farting elephant :rof:

I'm curious what your "bad experience" was with the Michelin PR2 which might be my next tire after an excellent experience I've had on my current (5,000 miles and going) Michelin Pilot Power 2CT.

How does the price of the Z8 compare to the PR2?
It was almost year ago so my memory may be fault. IIRC main issue was feedback from tire. Bike didn't felt stable in midcorner. It always wandered in/out of the turn. To the point where I started suspecting something wrong with head bearings.

For me, it felt like bike didn't had that great "tracking". I mean it didn't felt (at any speed) like it's sticky to road and following line (mentioned wandering).

I know this tire has great reviews and it's pretty modern technology behind it so it might be my set was wrong. I'm not saying PR2/3 is bad tire. I'm saying for me it have very bad feeling which I didn't had (so far) with any Metzeler tires. Also I understand it could be psychological.

Z8s are for $196 rear and $175 at revzilla and PR3s are $168 $138 so ~ $70 bucks of difference.

You're not the first to have negative experience with PR2s. I doubt there was anything wrong with your set. It's got to be something about individual riding preferences and feedback.. and how we interpret what the tires are telling us. I loved my PR2s every day I used them, both on FZ6 (don't remember how many miles, but few K at least) and 13+ K miles on my FZ1.

I did shell out extra $70 for Z8s.. I can't say I feel major difference (with the exception of PR2s being better on metal bridges).
Ok, forget Z8 for the track :)

If it's your first trackday, you will be more than fine and you shouldn't expect anything scary.

But... If you have couple on your belt, you better get sport tires. No matter how redundant or expensive it is. Believe me, fixing bike after tire gave up is much more expensive than that :) I've learned that hard way :cheer:

Bleah.. hope you're alright, man! How bad's the damage?
I am/was running the Z8s and I just lost my rear tire this morning. They have about, 6500 miles on them. I commute mostly, with long weekend rides once or twice a month, there is a line down the center about 2 inches wide and 1 foot around the tire has just worn through. It was raining when I found out, she just wouldn't turn. I was on the way to work so I was able to limp it home and I saw bubbles all over that patch just leaking air. :(

I really liked the Tire and am kind bummed, It was a confident tire in the wet for sure. The PR3s I had previously rode similar and seemed to last longer. This is the 2nd flat I have gotten, but this is the first from wear. It just doesn't feel like this tire should be done yet to me, but I may just be riding harder as I ride longer.
Is the tyre over inflated? This will cause premature wear and causes the middle to wear out quickly.

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Hi guys, got the rear Metzeler Z8 Interact tyre changed today, after 21473kms (12883mi)

The front, I got fitted at the same time still looks good for maybe 2000kms, or so.

Humpy estimated I'd get 20000kms or so, based on him getting 18000kms on a heavier bike, so it is good to see the guesstimation was true.

The best part, apart from the fantastic mileage, is the superb grip levels - I never had a moment of concern (other than running through a gravel trap on a corner!)

Just sharing my experiences!

Hi guys, got the rear Metzeler Z8 Interact tyre changed today, after 21473kms (12883mi)

The front, I got fitted at the same time still looks good for maybe 2000kms, or so.

Humpy estimated I'd get 20000kms or so, based on him getting 18000kms on a heavier bike, so it is good to see the guesstimation was true.

The best part, apart from the fantastic mileage, is the superb grip levels - I never had a moment of concern (other than running through a gravel trap on a corner!)

Just sharing my experiences!


Love it when my well edumacated guesstimacation works out !!Blah Blah

Glad you are still enjoying these ripper rubber donuts :thumbup:
I have to say that the Metzler let me down today

It let a screw go right through and I reckon there was only 10,000 kms used on them
.. and it was the rear!!!


So I got me another one, as I really like these tyres.