2014 mileage contest

Throwing in place holder until Crisis comes out of hibernation..... :thumbup:

Sub category - for pleasure only!

Insert ODO here: :rolleyes:
I set off this morning with 12300 mile on the clock and will be heading home shortly from my first ride out of 2014 (just blowing the cobwebs out after 2 weeks garaged over Christmas).

I've done 2500 since I bought it in October. I wonder what I'll be up to in a year?
My 2013 ending and 2014 beginning.

Placeholder until I can fight through enough snow to reach my garage and take a picture of the odo.

Starting 2014 Mileage: 24,322

Fuel indicator is flashing cause the tank is off, so it looks faded

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Hold my spot till I can snap a OD pic! I think I'm around 18,500-ish

2013 starting mileage:

There needs to be a category for people with 2 bikes and a division for people who actually have cold winters and can't ride for most of Nov-Mar. ;)
There needs to be a category for people with 2 bikes and a division for people who actually have cold winters and can't ride for most of Nov-Mar. ;)

If you're referring to the commonwealth of Virginia, isn't that considered officially south?

Even though there has been snow for almost 30 straight days here in Boise, It's been getting into the upper 30's and it feels tropical when riding. Don't even bother plugging in my heated gear, even though I still wear it. Nice to have options.
If you're referring to the commonwealth of Virginia, isn't that considered officially south?

Officially yes, Geographically it's not far enough south for me! Born and raised in Southern Louisiana!

I don't ride below freezing, period and it's below freezing almost every morning from Dec-March when I leave for work. :(
Will have to snap some pics of the odo. I will be riding ALOT more this year! I just picked up an 89 gold wing this last fall and put 500 miles in 2 weeks. So this summer should be fun! I will have. To see what the miles on the fz are and keep track of hers for the fun of it this year too.

Reserved for odo pics



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Only managed 6,000km's last year due to 2 fractured vertebrae from a race crash. Living in British Columbia, Canada, basically same weather as Seattle. Bike is used for commuting to work 6 months a year and weekend road trips when I'm not racing.
I put just over 14,500 miles last year. Did not participate in mileage contest though. I have 46,670 miles on the odo to start 2014.