2014 mileage contest

I won't be winning any awards this year (or probably any year). My goal is to at least double last year, which should not be a problem. My odometer after riding several miles around town yesterday...
I think it'd be a good idea to divide this contest up into north-southern regions as obviously, us less fortunate folk with only 5-6 months to ride lose! haha
Bought the bike and I'm about to put my first km on it once the snow and salt goes away!
A few more shifts at work yet. Riding for fun dried up in October though, so it'll not be much more than that. It's looking like a big number though!
Throwing in place holder until Crisis comes out of hibernation..... :thumbup:

Sub category - for pleasure only!

Insert ODO here: :rolleyes:

Looked through all the pictures I have and no ODO shots.....

That said, 2014 ~ 4,600 miles / 7,402km :rolleyes:
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I'm still riding, you got to love Florida!!!! But mostly commuting (it is the best way to always put a smile on my face even going to work!!!)

Several travels during the year and a kidney stone had me not using my bike as much as I wanted to, or at least compared to previous years where I was doing 3 oil changes per year, I just completed my second one earlier this month.

I'll submit my picture at the end of the month.

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Although I won't win any awards in terms of 2014 mileage, I plan to post up a surprise at the end of this year, It just happened to turn out this way.

Unofficial since I still don't have a camera, but I based it off of last years thread where I was at 64,131 and ended this year at 84,185. I am surprised bc I didn't take any big trips on the bike this year. It was 98% all commuting miles doing the same stretch of road. Kind of boring actually.
Well my 2014 riding season is done, considering the roads are still covered with snow and ice and the temperature is just in the mid teens with the lows going well into the single digits. I rode today, I just had to stay within the tire tracks where there is clear pavement. With my ACL surgery, plus riding the enduro for about a good month and being away from home due to some personal travels, my all time low for the FZ6 as far as annual miles.

5881 miles for 2014

I tried to roll it at 100k, but came up a little short due to the weather.

I kinda cheated a bit with the cross country trips and the girlfriend who lives 40 minutes away. 40 twisty minutes of road. And I swear that was not a deciding factor when we started dating.

The only record I have of my starting mileage was the oil change I did at 22,422 back in May. I believe I bought the bike with 21,500 on the clock but I'm not a reliable source as my mind tends to forget things.

Ending: 42,470
I kinda cheated a bit with the cross country trips and the girlfriend who lives 40 minutes away. 40 twisty minutes of road. And I swear that was not a deciding factor when we started dating.

No such thing as cheating when you logged those miles. Great job.
Mine has ended at ~28,400 putting me at ~18,200 for the year. I'll take a pic of the oddo in the morning for records sake.

It would have been slightly higher, but I lost a few weeks of summer due to heading over to Florida, and being a bit conservative with it being my first full year. I've got some trips planned further afield for next year though, as well as keeping up with the 86 mile a day round trip commute! Lol


Final answer: 18,377 miles for the year.
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Not that many miles for my FZ6 last year (2014).

We can only hope this year (2015) will only get better.

Total miles during 2014 = 7,424

This image is for ending 2014 and starting 2015.


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