2012 Summer Ride - Blood Mountain, Cherohala Skyway, Tail of the Dragon

How about Saturday, August 25th? I know it's a looong ways out, but I can't make it this weekend, and that's the next weekend BlueMoon can go. Weather should be a bit cooler then as well.

Sound like a good idea? I'd really like to do this again, I had a great time! Maybe this Sunday (the 15th) we can get together for a 1/2 day ride at Blood Mountain.
Sounds good to me, I can plan that far out lol but can't remember what I had for breakfast or what I'll be doing tomorrow
Very cool, I was hoping you'd be able to make it. I know Sundays are easier for you, but this would be better done on a Saturday due to the long time on the bike. When I rode it weekend before last it was right at 401 miles on my odometer, and that is 7.7% off due to the SpeedoDRD, so it was actually a little over 430 miles. A lot of fun though!!

Side note - You gonna make it to Blood Mtn. Sunday morning? I'm gonna meet BlueMoon at about 8 at 20 and 400.
Another trip we could start putting in the works for say...September? The Gauntlet. It wouldn't be quite as much fun in the twisties, but for a relaxing/less demanding ride just to be on the open road could be nice around September when it cools off. Plus we could add in more stops and not be crunched for time.

I'm at work right now and can't access the website, but if you google "Gauntlet Georgia" something should come up. If memory serves, it's roughly 120 miles and has a few 'biker' places located along the way (copperhead lodge, biker barn, etc)...

Anywho, just throwing ideas out for future group get-togethers, and I know this ride isn't as popular so hopefully less traffic/cops
Very cool. I've ridden a lot of this, very nice roads. That stretch of 129 between Turners Corner and Wolf Pen Gap road is where we'll be this weekend. Wolf Pen Gap road has some really sharp corners, but it's a really nice road if you take it slow. Richard B Russell is where I went down in a curve last year. There are some pics on my web page of that road. Haven't been on it this year, maybe we should try it this weekend too.

That looks like a fun ride, definitely a must do!
Very cool. I've ridden a lot of this, very nice roads. That stretch of 129 between Turners Corner and Wolf Pen Gap road is where we'll be this weekend. Wolf Pen Gap road has some really sharp corners, but it's a really nice road if you take it slow. Richard B Russell is where I went down in a curve last year. There are some pics on my web page of that road. Haven't been on it this year, maybe we should try it this weekend too.

That looks like a fun ride, definitely a must do!

Yeah its alot of common roads, mainly a marketing strategy for whoever decided to make a name for the route, but a nice niche for georgia riders nonetheless. I've never road Wolf Pen Gap but sounds like that would be a good one for a quick little ride sometime. Sorry couldn't make it yesterday. How'd it go? Good turnout?
as far as i know i'm game...a little scared and intimidated as of right now...but i'll try to over come haha. plus it's tailgate season the weekend after so idk how many free weekends i'll have then. we are in the south after all!
ckrockets - We kinda planned on the 25th (Saturday), this cool with you?

AthensGA - What are you scared of? It's gonna be fun, nothing to worry about man. :thumbup: BTW, if you'd prefer I can meet up with you in Gainsville and we can ride up to Dahlonega together to meet ChevyFazer and BlueMoon. I've been meeting BlueMoon at 20 and 400, but I think this will be cool as well.
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To be honest, I'm not sure what I'm scared of! haha. I guess its alot of miles and it just seems intimidating, not really "scared". Plus I've never drove any of these roads except Blood Mtn. I'll do my best to keep up though so you guys dont have to wait too long. And yeah I'm game for meeting in G'ville. Have we already decided a rough time frame for meeting and stuff? About what time we'll we get back, b/c i'd have to have to ride over the mountain in the dark lol, my night vision is awful!
Sounds good. How about we meet at the Quik Trip on 897 West Ridge Road Gainesville, GA 30501. This is 129/hwy 11 and I-985. Of if you can think of a bettre place lemme know. I'll be riding up 20 form the Mall of Ga to 985, then North to Gainsville. How far are you from the Mall of Ga?

If we leave Turners at 9, then you can look back at post 15 in this thread and see how I rode it a couple months ago. There are times marked for every stop. I got back home about 7pm in Lawrenceville. Even if we ride the tail of the dragon twice you should still be home by dark.

Can't wait, this is gonna be fun!

Oh, one other thing. There was a BBQ place that I was going to stop at for lunch but I ended up eating breakfast at 10:30 so I wasn't hungry when I got to Tellico. I'm gonna plan on eating before I leave the house this time (about 7am) so hopefully we can stop this time :) Everyone likes BBQ, right?
Hey Eddie, that GA F.A.ST group I'm in has some guys that im sure would love to tag along as well. As long as your ok with it since you've organized it all I'll send out a invite. In reality it might only be 2 a guy on a 1125r and a z1000