During a ride to Texas last year I bounced a mourning dove off the helmet. Luckily it was an "overtake" collision instead of a head-on. Not long after I did smack a sparrow head-on, where it wedged itself thru that small gap between the bottom of the windscreen and fairing. It rode there for a while til I could stop and fish it out.

What was worse was on the way home hitting a bee that ended up under my helmet strap where it decided to sting the crap out of my neck... while at speed! Talk about diverting your attention from the road. :eek:

The birds I saw... the bee I didn't. But jeez, it hurt like hell the rest of the way home.

I've done the bee thing - up under the chin it came - I was off the road FAST and in the gravel slope gloves flying, glasses flying, helmet off bee twitching. . . no sting tho - just a stunned crawler. . . A country road with no shoulder to speak of.

Large flying beetles and butterflies seem impair vision horridly. Since then and swarm of nats making splat on the visor I carry ziplock bag with soapy cloth and a dry cloth for clean up.
I've done the bee thing - up under the chin it came - I was off the road FAST and in the gravel slope gloves flying, glasses flying, helmet off bee twitching. . . no sting tho - just a stunned crawler. . . A country road with no shoulder to speak of.

Large flying beetles and butterflies seem impair vision horridly. Since then and swarm of nats making splat on the visor I carry ziplock bag with soapy cloth and a dry cloth for clean up.

I had a large bug, possibly a beetle, explode on the right side of my visor last summer. I had to ride the last 5 miles home like this ;)
What was worse was on the way home hitting a bee that ended up under my helmet strap where it decided to sting the crap out of my neck... while at speed! Talk about diverting your attention from the road. :eek:

The birds I saw... the bee I didn't. But jeez, it hurt like hell the rest of the way home.

just made me think of when this happened to me... 2nd bike in line of a group ride, a horsefly (hurt worse than Bees IMO and they keep biting) got wedged under my helmet just below my ear on my neck.

had my wife on the back of the bike, and a bunch of bikes behind me, all any of them saw was me punching the side of my helmet, pull over, put down kickstand and get off bike with my wife still on the back as confused as ever...

Damn thing bit me 6 times..
Flying beetles HURT! I got a black eye from hitting one of those! Another reason I decided to switch to full-face helmets.

I realise this is an old-ish post but surely there should be a sticky related to the subject? It's something that affects us all at some stage, sometimes funny, most times painful, but always relevant. Maybe "What Hit You In The Face?" or something!

Anyways, left work rather late a couple of days ago and it's around sunset, nice and cool and I've gone down the main street out of town for the 25km trip home, visor up, getting some nice fresh air on my face and SMACK!!!! a fking beetle-sized brick hits my left cheek at 70km/hr and scares the schnitzel out of me then swiftly follows up with some serious PAIN, BUT was it done with me?? Hell no, literally 0.1 seconds after impact I feel a rather aweful sensation of something trying to gain entry to my ear. It was sort of wedged between my helmet padding and my upper cheek/ear area and it wasn't happy about it. I guess the impact wasn't enough to kill it and it glanced off at the right angle. Anyway, concrete divider and no shoulder meant a frantic scramble for a safe spot to remove said beetle which by then was causing great discomfort.

I'm always visor down but I leave it up one time!!