know when to back down

I disagree in certain situations. If traffic is backed up on the lane the other lane is clear you are free to use it otherwise traffic would back up too much


Exactly. Nobody likes somebody who appears to think they're better than everybody, BUT as taxpayers we pay for the WHOLE road and we should use it.

One time on my way into Spokane the I-90 went to one lane. There were signs for a long way. Most people got into one line nicely. I know their intent is good, but it was a LONG LONG way. I proceeded in the clear lane along with a few other people. I'm sure people were thinking "what an *******, he thinks he's better than us" but I always try to do what's logical, not what "groupthink" does, and in this case "logical" was to use all of the road and reduce the distance of the backup. Some asshat in an RV tried to block me and then blew his airhorn at me as well as several other people. I just kind of laughed.
Something to think about: do you really want this posted on a public forum? Obviously the driver wasn't exactly innocent, but here in this public forum you're admitting to denting the side of somebody's car... Just trying to make sure you don't get in trouble or anything if the driver is out looking for incriminating evidence...

Again, not trying to condemn you or anything, just wondering if you might want to take down the post for a while...

Maybe leave out some details at least.

BTW, I've always wondered how to kick in a door while riding.
Something to think about: do you really want this posted on a public forum? Obviously the driver wasn't exactly innocent, but here in this public forum you're admitting to denting the side of somebody's car... Just trying to make sure you don't get in trouble or anything if the driver is out looking for incriminating evidence...

Again, not trying to condemn you or anything, just wondering if you might want to take down the post for a while...

Ive herd of facebook stalking to find people like that but i imagine that it would be crazy hard for that guy to find me here, if anything he might have gotten my tag number and if anything comes of it then ill just have to face the rather not but im not afraid to face the consequences if they come. Maybe he will take that as a lesson in common courtesy "doubtfully" but i dont think he will try to run anyone off the road anytime soon
Maybe leave out some details at least.

BTW, I've always wondered how to kick in a door while riding.

Not suggesting you do it but honestly my bike didnt move at all when i did....but my foot and ankle sure did hurt for a good bit after
Not suggesting you do it but honestly my bike didnt move at all when i did....but my foot and ankle sure did hurt for a good bit after

I read in another thread here you can do it at speed and not lose stability at all. Havent tried it and dont want to but i thought it was interesting.

If i feel in danger and i cant get away im kicking doors, i will even unscrew my extra heavy hvmp bar ends and throw them :rockon: Of course with everything in life there is always a choice.
This post also opens up the opportunity for some kind of self-defense mechanism to be added to our bikes. Anyone want to go about creating a little device we can attach under the fender that, with the push of a button, creates a nice thick smoke screen so we can get the hell out of there? :D
I almost got in a fist fight at a red light because of someone acting like the a hole you just described. I feel like road rage is harder to fight when on a bike just because you expect people to be aware of how much more danger you are in, but they sometimes don't. It is hard to back off, though.
Really? Is anyone surprised that you just got cut off or you cut somebody off? Happens everyday.

But the fact remains, a car will always win against a motorcycle, so you shouldn't even try to challenge anyone whether they are in the wrong or not. Takes great mental discipline to just shake your head and continue on. And if you ride long enough, it's probably going to happen again. Hopefully you have learned from this incident and you can deal with it a little better next time.

Glad that your okay and didn't crash. Crashing would have really sucked.
This post also opens up the opportunity for some kind of self-defense mechanism to be added to our bikes. Anyone want to go about creating a little device we can attach under the fender that, with the push of a button, creates a nice thick smoke screen so we can get the hell out of there? :D

I thought you were headed toward shock therapy:BLAA:
Really? Is anyone surprised that you just got cut off or you cut somebody off? Happens everyday.

But the fact remains, a car will always win against a motorcycle, so you shouldn't even try to challenge anyone whether they are in the wrong or not. Takes great mental discipline to just shake your head and continue on. And if you ride long enough, it's probably going to happen again. Hopefully you have learned from this incident and you can deal with it a little better next time.

Glad that your okay and didn't crash. Crashing would have really sucked.

I didn't get cut off And did it feel that I cut anyone off he obviously felt otherwise
I think most of us have been in a similar situation and acted not as one should, I know I have... Glad your safe, let the cage enjoy his dented door, he earned it...

BTW, when I was still working as Police Officer on the road, I responded to a wreck about 12 years ago, bike vs car.. Turns out a guy on a Goldwing got into a pissing match with a cager. Goldwing motions to the guy to to pull over, off the road, into the parking lot, both do. The cage knocked the Goldwing over and tore the snot out of it.... You don't know what wacko is out there....
I disagree in certain situations. If traffic is backed up on the lane the other lane is clear you are free to use it otherwise traffic would back up too much


I agree. Lane is there to be used, not boycotted. Then, at the end of the lane (merge point), proper road etiquette is for one merge/vehicle by each vehicle in the adjacent lane. Unfortunately, road etiquette is lacking and some , mistakenly, view it as "cutting in line."
I agree. Lane is there to be used, not boycotted. Then, at the end of the lane (merge point), proper road etiquette is for one merge/vehicle by each vehicle in the adjacent lane. Unfortunately, road etiquette is lacking and some , mistakenly, view it as "cutting in line."

BS. If you didn't have people racing up to the end and then nudging their way in, the traffic in the other lane would be moving, not stopped, and there'd be no problem. That's why the signs say "(X) lane closed ahead, merge (the other way)" not "(X) lane closed ahead, jump in that lane and go be a self-important jack*** and push your way into traffic". Now the traffic in the thru lane has to stop for you, and 5 other self-important jack***es do what you just did, because they're too good to wait in like like everyone else. Then the thru lane has to stop 5 times to let them in... see where this is going?

I merge as soon as I know I have to merge, unless there's some slowpoke I don't want to be stuck behind... then I get around them quick and merge. It's amazing how that works. :rolleyes:
BS. If you didn't have people racing up to the end and then nudging their way in, the traffic in the other lane would be moving, not stopped, and there'd be no problem. That's why the signs say "(X) lane closed ahead, merge (the other way)" not "(X) lane closed ahead, jump in that lane and go be a self-important jack*** and push your way into traffic". Now the traffic in the thru lane has to stop for you, and 5 other self-important jack***es do what you just did, because they're too good to wait in like like everyone else. Then the thru lane has to stop 5 times to let them in... see where this is going?

I merge as soon as I know I have to merge, unless there's some slowpoke I don't want to be stuck behind... then I get around them quick and merge. It's amazing how that works. :rolleyes:

I totally disagree with you.
Over here (Belgium), the driving schools (or whatever you want to name them ;)) must now learn the new drivers this way of using both (or all) lanes available in a traffic congestion.
Studies proved that this is the best and fastest way to get by an road obstacle, instead of all jumping into the "passing lane".
Altough, you shouldn't ride till the very end (e.g. last 2 meters (6.56167979 feet for those not using Metric scales:spank:)), but at least till the last 2-3 car-lengths of the obstacle.


We can all play Monday Morning Quarterback with this one. I just say kudo's for at least recognizing the situation for what it was. We will never react to every situation the best way every time, once in a while we mess up. At least you're alive and well to tell about it. Nobody wants to be bullied by a cager and how many people actually prepare for it? I know I'm not really thinking about it but I do drive defensively and anticipate what "could" happen based on what I see going on around me. Riding is a full time job and needs your fullest attention. Shoo, I almost got hit in the head by a buzzard last weekend. Only had about 2 seconds to see it and react. Those danged birds are huge! Good thing is, you'll be riding tomorrow.
Worse yet, he may have gotten your license plate and called you in as a hit and run road rage.

Even worse, he might have "lost control" of his vehicle and collided with you.

I can just imagine him telling the investigating officer, " I was so startled when he kicked my car door that I accidentally jerked the wheel and swerved right in to him..."

What are you going to say when you're in a coma?

You are so right, it's always better not to escalate.