$150 Bike Hauler...Cheap but it does the job!!


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Apr 17, 2008
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I pick this hauler up from my local auto-parts store for only $150 CDN. Once I put it together it felt a little hokey, but it was rated for 500 lbs. so I strapped my bike to it and off I went to a buddies cabin in Shushwap BC.
Around 400 miles round trip and I never had a prob with the bike coming loose. It does have some movement within the hitch, but nothing that has me worried. I say money well spent....:thumbup:
The reason I drove rather than ride is because of all the killer mountain trails up there too. We were planning to do a day trip 4x4ing, but my buddies truck crapped out on him on the way to the cabin(Ford), so that killed those plans.
The weather was more sun than cloud , so it was a great time riding the lake roads, wakeboarding, a eating my face off. It was a boys only week-end so thats why there are only dudes in the pic...lol
The last pic is about a half second before I bailed hard and hurt my ankle...when I went down, my foot came out of the binding and hit the board..ouch...I took the pic about 5 mins after I got out of the water and it was already turning purple and swelling..oh well, wasnt my shifting foot at least..:D




I still would prefer to put that FANTASTIC looking bike in the back of the truck due to the distribution of weight and handing of the truck with that much weight not center over the axle, that's just me I teach drivers ed so I'm cautious that way but hey whatever works for you. happy trails!
I still would prefer to put that FANTASTIC looking bike in the back of the truck due to the distribution of weight and handing of the truck with that much weight not center over the axle, that's just me I teach drivers ed so I'm cautious that way but hey whatever works for you. happy trails!

as far as the distrubution, i dont see that being any more load on the back of the truck than hauling a car/trailer, granted the "best" way would be over the axel, but i bet the rack is a much simpler way.

sorry to hear about the ankle thing there bet that will be sore for a few days. looks like you guys had a blast.

do you have more info on the rack? looks like a good way to haul 2 bikes to me
Really makes me want to take a vacation! (Luckily, I leave tomorrow!)

What kind of seat cowl is that? It doesn't look like the oft seen TCP cowl.
here is a link to the hauler...

500 lb capacity motorcycle hauler hitch | Miscellaneous Truck | Truck Accessories | Truck & Trailer | Princess Auto

the story behind the nasty big toe-nail goes like this...

About 15 years ago I went camping with a bunch of people. One of my buds brought up his little honda 100. We broke the clutch lever off and I had the bright idea of taking the front brake lever off and moving it over...Suffice to say, my right foot ended up hitting a stump when I failed to stop quick enough..broke my ankle, left hand, and my big toe got folded backwards....It grew back nasty and has been ever since...sorry...lol

As for the seat cowl...OEM Yamaha
So...this hauler felt sturdy enough? I have a Jeep Cherokee and this would fit the bill perfectly of a trip I have planned later this summer. I am definitely considering this. 500lbs is no different than any normal tongue weight of a trailer.

You could even leave the FZ6 gas tank empty to help lower the weight some more.
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boy i dont know if i would want to hang that much off the back of a cherokee.. mostly like you say it has a 300 lbs capacity hitch, the distrbuting hitch is for a trailer and uses bars to help spred the wieght.

on a side note of the cherokee, it has a uniframe construction and without doing some serious plateing and strenghing i wouldnt put that much back there. as i have used and abused one and have good ideas of how the unibody reacts (and it still dont look tooo bad there.)


this is what i was gonna use one with.. put one in the back of the truck and one on the rack. i think i have enough truck for the job.:rockon:


"I still would prefer to put that FANTASTIC looking bike in the back of the truck due to the distribution of weight and handing of the truck with that much weight not center over the axle, that's just me I teach drivers ed so I'm cautious that way but hey whatever works for you. happy trails! " as quoted from prev. post.

this is one of those situations where i would agree the cherokee is a bit light for "full size" loads. a half ton or hevier truck would be best..

on another side note i have seen a dodge intrepid hauling a tandom axel car trailer with a dodge caravan on the trailer.. (and for those that dont know a car like that is rated for MAYBY 2,000 and that would probly be pushing it.. the van is at least 3400 and the trailer is minimum of 1000 for a total of at LEAST 4500 lbs, i was scared and hoped to never meet them again..)
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Looks like you had a great time!

The bike carrier is a great idea, glad to know it worked out for ya.