
Jun 12, 2008
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Gulfport, MS 39503
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While pulling into a buffet this weekend, a lady, who was on the phone at the time, did not see me and backed up. This caused me to brake to avoid her. In the process, I pinched the bars over and lost it. Dropped it on the pavement from a stop. Punched the right turn signal through the plastic. Looks like I'll have to mount flush type turn signals to cover the broken plastic. Did not file a report because the damage would not be covered due to the deductible and it would increase the premiums. Her only comment was" You need to move that bike. I have to leave now" I advised her in a civil manner to get back in your car, NOW. Any advice on what signals to get and where? GRUMPY
An eye for an eye...a turn signal for a turn signal...:D
Seriously, though....your deductible might seem insignificant if you hurt your back lifting your bike. That idiot driver is now on the loose to do the same thing again, perhaps with more tragic results than a damaged turn signal. :(
Her utter lack of remorse is astonishing....I commend you for your coolness.:thumbup:

if your bike was blocking her car after the incident,you should have left the bike on the ground until an ambulance come over and check your blood pressure and all that,,,,,what a BBBBiiiiaaatccthh!! no apologies? did she even know she caused it?
I would have lost it... I am filling with murderous rage as we speak. Fortunately there is enough time to cool down before my trip home.
UUUMMMMM I might be wrong here (and if I am please let me know) but, Why would you have to file it with YOUR insurance company?

From what you posted she was the one in the wrong by backing in an unsafe manner, inwhich it causes an accident.

Wouldn't this be considered reackless driving on her part, or atleast failure to control her car while backing in which case it causes an accident.

If I am wrong please let me know because if I am wrong then I quess we can all drive at what ever speed and do what ever we want as long as we don't actually hit something or someone.
The only time that I ever had an accident that Insurance got involved, the other driver rear ended me in '70 Nova. He was driving his brand new Pinto Wagon. I had no damage and he had to replace his front clip, hood, radiator, and various other parts. My premium doubled, although I filed nothing with the Ins. I was just the fact that I was involved in a moving violation. My name on the accident report, my premium raised. It doesn't have to make sense, it's INSURANCE and you have to have it. I was able to get my bike out of her way and I figure that by avoiding the Ins co that I'm ahead. GRUMPY
yeah i would have deffinetly had a police report done unless you live here in ny we have the lovely no fault and then that deductable come in to play. I would have deff. played out the back or maybe a ankle or something along that line and the fact she was on a cell phone. why does it always seem to be women? I have seen women on cell phones at 4 in the morning its like who could u possibly be talking to?..... I am in no way bagging on women but they are by far the majority talking on cell phones 95% of the time....
Sorry for your misfortune, but kudos to you for avoiding a confrontation :thumbup:
I'd have come unglued. The police and an ambulance would have been involved. How much does it cost to have surgery to remove a cell phone from your keister? 'Cause that's where her phone would have been after that "move your bike comment". Some things are worth going to jail over.

Any chance you got her contact info?

Depending on which state you live in, and I think most states are anyway, you might be under no fault insurance. Which means, instead of insurance companies going to court all day long, the insurance companies just settle things and fix the problems. It would have been under your insurance anyway, because she didnt actually physically hit your bike and unless there are witnesses or it was on video, there would be no way to prove it was her fault. That could be messy trying to pursue that in court. Consider yourself lucky that you only got some scratches and a bit of a wounded pride. You are on my list of most honored gentlemen for not lashing out at the woman, I dont know if I could have kept myself restrained. Try to practice being the fly that nobody can hit :rockon:
Well, it's VERY easy to make a scene. If I'd gone with my intial feelings and lost it on her, I'm pretty sure that it would involved the police in way that would not benefit me. At least all I have to do is fix the turn signals. This also gives me a real good reason to start the mods on my bike. Like a naked look with dual headlights, maybe. We'll see! Power Commander this weekend. Looking at exhaust systems, also. Lowering kit, too. The list goes on.........GRUMPY
id flip if she came out giving an attitude about moving the bike. i would take my sweet time
Depending on which state you live in, and I think most states are anyway, you might be under no fault insurance. Which means, instead of insurance companies going to court all day long, the insurance companies just settle things and fix the problems. It would have been under your insurance anyway, because she didnt actually physically hit your bike and unless there are witnesses or it was on video, there would be no way to prove it was her fault. That could be messy trying to pursue that in court. Consider yourself lucky that you only got some scratches and a bit of a wounded pride. You are on my list of most honored gentlemen for not lashing out at the woman, I dont know if I could have kept myself restrained. Try to practice being the fly that nobody can hit :rockon:

It doesn't matter if any one sees it. I had the lady admit she pulled out in front of me (similar situation only it was on the road and I was going 45 when she pulled out in front of me.) Cops came couldn't write an accident report because we never made contact. The only option I had was to make a claim on my own insurance or take them to court.
This happened to me today in the parking lot. Rather thank braking, I knew by the time I stopped, I would have been hit or at least be right in her path. I just layed on the horn and never let up while I throttle out of the situation. She stopped instantly, turned a real close call into not such a real close call.