It could have been much worse...


Mar 25, 2012
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St. Louis, MO
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Can't believe I'm here... I was riding to work yesterday. There was this red Chevy Blazer in front of me that put turned on its right turn signal and started to turn. I sped up to go around and the front end of the Blazer whipped back and smacked the back right side of my previously perfect Fazer.... She went down hard on the right and scraped across the pavement for what seemed to be a lifetime. Unfortunately my right boot was trapped underneath, so I scraped along with her.

We eventually stopped and I was able to get my foot out from underneath. I stood up, took my helmet off, and the first words out of the chick's mouth that hit me was 'I don't have insurance...' Freaking wonderful... I called the cops, and in the middle of the call she got in her car and took off... Unfortunately, the Blazer had temp tags and most likely they were fakes. I'm fairly certain that half of the St. Louis city population is driving unregistered cars with fake temp tags and no insurance. Cops came, but didn't really care about her. They took various statements and were on their way. Ambulance was there too, and luckily I just had some scratches. People keep saying 'thank god you weren't injured more'... I'm thanking Icon, Fieldsheer, Shoei, and Alpinestars... And of course I'm blaming myself for not wearing any leg protection, which resulted in some road rash to my right leg. I did manage to break my big toe even with Icon Super Duty boots.

My bike is actually not very damaged. I recently bought some Barkbusters Storm hand guards that got scraped up along with a small spot on the fairing. My Givi soft saddlebags actually saved the rear of the bike, and they are just scuffed up a bit. Broke off my right peg and bent the rear brake lever. My OES frame slider failed miserably. It broke off at impact. And my front rim has a very small bend in the lip. The tire maintained pressure, but I'll still have to get the rim fixed or replaced. I was able to hop back on and ride home, with my right foot placed on the nub.

So it could have been much worse. It was a very busy street and their could have easily been oncoming traffic or any of the other million things that could have happened if something was different. I am happy that it probably won't cost too much to get everything fixed. Though I wish I hadn't switched from full coverage to liability 5 freaking months ago, just to save a 100 bucks a year.

Here are some pics of the damage:




I'm sorry to hear about this, but I'm glad you were able to walk away, even with a broken toe and road rash on your leg. Heal well, man.
I agree Joe about St. Louis drivers.. I live out in Union and commute to Pacific for work and see so many cars that you just know aren't registered.. Also the damn cagers, using cell phones, putting on makeup and just not paying attention..

Glad to hear you weren't more hurt!
Glad you're OK man. I've never been down, but based on stories heard here always wear full leathers believe it or not. Sucks she ran. Reminds me to watch out for that if I am forced off the bike here in Tucson. Hope you and your bike are back out there soon.
Glad you are not physically injured!

Stories like this are the reason I always have my phone in my vest pocket and a point and shoot camera in my tank bag. If someone hits me the FIRST thing I will do is take a quick candid picture of the driver's face....the SECOND thing I'll do is take a close up of the license plate and the 3rd will be the VIN of the vehicle (it's usually in the bottom corner of the windshield. By the time you have taken these photos the driver may start to realize they are PHUCKED if they try to run. :spank:

It should be a felony to operate a motor vehicle without liability insurance and hit and runs should spend a year in jail. :spank:
**** bud that's awful. Glad she didn't kill you. Sorry BI&%$. needs a new way of life. No the cops won't look. They mostly have other things to worry about.
I remember my drivers education teacher asking "What's it mean when a car has its turn signal on? It means their turn signal is on, nothing more." I've had more than my fair share of close calls from folks changing their minds and take nothing for granted when riding. Glad to hear you came out of it with minimal damage, both to you and your bike.
So sorry to hear man but I am glad that you are alright. Drivers these days are scary! Heck, I even find myself doing things in the car that I shouldn't; I try to keep that in mind when I see others doing stupid things.

Let us know how it works out; I hope they catch the Blazer Driver!
I remember my drivers education teacher asking "What's it mean when a car has its turn signal on? It means their turn signal is on, nothing more." I've had more than my fair share of close calls from folks changing their minds and take nothing for granted when riding. Glad to hear you came out of it with minimal damage, both to you and your bike.

A very good way of looking at it. I've seen drivers turn on their right signal and then make a left turn!

Never assume a driver is going to do what you expect. I don't pass anyone who is slowing down unless they have come to a complete stop in the road. I've even seen people put on a right signal on a backroad only to pull onto the shoulder and immediately swing a left U-turn in the middle of the road!
Always sucks to hear someone go down, though you're posting about it so that's good. Were you just in jeans?

I'm curious about your frame slider breaking off. Were you able to collect it afterwards? My Motovation slider was ground down but did not pop off during my recent get off.
Glad you came out of that fairly well!

So you were hit on the right and fell on the right and some how she didn't run you over? That is a blessing! SCARY stuff man!

Get well OK!
Hey, Joe - glad you're ok for the most part and the bike repair should be minimal. Good post on what it means when the turn signal is on.... and that's all it means. This just further validates how totally unpredictable things can be. We all take some risks and often we need to be reminded that sometimes we just need to slow down and give some people a little more time and room as well as paying more close attention to subtle indicators (temp tags, etc.) Being somewhat impatient (my wife won't agree with that at all ;)) I know I too will sometimes take a risk to get around someone. Thanks for the reminder that sometimes our behaviour can have negative results. I preach to myself that it's better to get home a minute or two later than to have to deal with a crash (cage or bike).
I remember my drivers education teacher asking "What's it mean when a car has its turn signal on? It means their turn signal is on, nothing more." I've had more than my fair share of close calls from folks changing their minds and take nothing for granted when riding. Glad to hear you came out of it with minimal damage, both to you and your bike.

I agree 100%. It was a stupid move to go around her like that, thinking she was just going to make a normal right turn. This will definitely be a learning experience, especially with the crappy non insured, non registered vehicles around here! lol
I agree 100%. It was a stupid move to go around her like that, thinking she was just going to make a normal right turn. This will definitely be a learning experience, especially with the crappy non insured, non registered vehicles around here! lol

Disclaimer: I have done this myself and know better. Like MG-242 said, it's better to arrive a few minutes later than take a risk that might lead to a crash. We can all learn from this.
Sorry to hear you went down. I know these feels! Heal up. You'll fix the bike. Best to not go down, but you're right on the money when you say it could have been much worse!
Can't believe I'm here... I was riding to work yesterday. There was this red Chevy Blazer in front of me that put turned on its right turn signal and started to turn. I sped up to go around and the front end of the Blazer whipped back and smacked the back right side of my previously perfect Fazer.... She went down hard on the right and scraped across the pavement for what seemed to be a lifetime. Unfortunately my right boot was trapped underneath, so I scraped along with her.

We eventually stopped and I was able to get my foot out from underneath. I stood up, took my helmet off, and the first words out of the chick's mouth that hit me was 'I don't have insurance...' Freaking wonderful... I called the cops, and in the middle of the call she got in her car and took off... Unfortunately, the Blazer had temp tags and most likely they were fakes. I'm fairly certain that half of the St. Louis city population is driving unregistered cars with fake temp tags and no insurance. Cops came, but didn't really care about her. They took various statements and were on their way. Ambulance was there too, and luckily I just had some scratches. People keep saying 'thank god you weren't injured more'... I'm thanking Icon, Fieldsheer, Shoei, and Alpinestars... And of course I'm blaming myself for not wearing any leg protection, which resulted in some road rash to my right leg. I did manage to break my big toe even with Icon Super Duty boots.

My bike is actually not very damaged. I recently bought some Barkbusters Storm hand guards that got scraped up along with a small spot on the fairing. My Givi soft saddlebags actually saved the rear of the bike, and they are just scuffed up a bit. Broke off my right peg and bent the rear brake lever. My OES frame slider failed miserably. It broke off at impact. And my front rim has a very small bend in the lip. The tire maintained pressure, but I'll still have to get the rim fixed or replaced. I was able to hop back on and ride home, with my right foot placed on the nub.

So it could have been much worse. It was a very busy street and their could have easily been oncoming traffic or any of the other million things that could have happened if something was different. I am happy that it probably won't cost too much to get everything fixed. Though I wish I hadn't switched from full coverage to liability 5 freaking months ago, just to save a 100 bucks a year.

Here are some pics of the damage:




Sorry to hear your banged up, heal up soon and don't worry Karma will sort this out.

Eek! I'm glad you're okay, Joe. Well, relatively speaking.
I've got a friend with a NoMar tire mounting machine, if you decide to buy a new rim.
I hope you heal up quickly!