2014 - The Adventures of Final Impact - PNW rides/pics

2014-07-27 - late ride report! [MENTION=3969]mxgolf[/MENTION] [MENTION=23449]motel6[/MENTION]

There was a last minute ride put together to rip up to High Rocks on Mt Hood through some forest service roads.
Scheduled departure was for 930 AM from Carver Hanger.

The three of us were under way and took some nice twisted roads out through Redland and into Estacada. We stopped in Estacada for fuel and then up the Clackamas River (224) and into forest service property where the roads narrow and Chipmunks dash about! The temp forecast was in the low 90's but it never got that hot! Once up at Highrocks we enjoyed the view and relaxed for a bit before heading back down the hill for late lunch at the Cazadero Inn in Estacada! I think we all rounded out the day with 185 miles or more!
After lunch we retraced our route back to Carver and I landed home a little after 4pm. Thankfully the Two Dodge Ram Tuff trucks that tried to kill me failed! One as a near head on collision with him in my lane in a corner and the other backing out from a side road.
It was a good run and one which I enjoy!

And for Nick, the route.... https://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=...;FUcasQIdcgq8-A&t=h&mra=mi&mrsp=13&sz=15&z=15

Now to get the others to post some pictures as I didn't take that many....

Pictures from Highrocks...

South side of Mt Hood:

3 Amigo's:

The gleam from your exhaust pipes makes the bike pictures impossible to see... :rolleyes:

The ride was awesome! AND YOU FREAKING GOOGLE MAPPED IT !!!

Randy is the MAN!
Thanks for sharing. When are you guys going to come out to Idaho? I can show you some phenomenal roads. Or we can meet up in Joseph, and head north towards Lewiston, spend the night and make it a two-three day ride.
Here is the path to the EPIC Ride of Twist and Scenery for 2014! It took some time to get back here but it was very much worth it!! So MANY corners!!!! Anyone wanting a great ride, follow the path over Bridge of the Gods up too Windy Ridge Observatory on Mt St Helen's!!
I'll rate this as "technical" do to the damaged roads where the Mt is changing shape. You must be able to avoid the harsh clash of asphalt raised/dropped and flick the bike changing lines to avoid damage and/or nutpunch. Also, if your suspension is not up to the task, you best slow down or you'll be at the bottom of a canyon! There are lots of cliffs and few guard rails so mistakes will cost you but all the corners and the breath taking scenery makes it a WIN no matter what! I'm not saying all of the ride is this way but don't say I didn't warn you! Plus as you get closer to the Mt mother nature added in some ash and silt on the road and it keeps you on your toes for 20 miles in and out of the observatory.

From our location round trip was in the neighborhood of 300 miles as we went into the town of Cougar for food and fuel which is pretty darn good Fish N Chips for bar food!

Closing thoughts: It's a rewarding route to get into the tires chicken. So if that's your thing, this is the place! :thumbup::thumbup:

A = Windy Ridge Observatory
https://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=...sz=17&z=10]Bridge of the Gods to Mt St Helens

First Stop is a view point on Curly Creek Rd:


Lunch and picked up a textured kawi traveler.... Then a CBR...


Another observation point on the way to ST Helen's:


Naked trees:

Many logs afloat in Spirit Lake:

Hillside still bare from the blast on 1980-05-18 - More --> 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

View into the sun. St Helens in the clouds:


Droid Pano:

View point just up the hill. Did I mention it was 92°F outside and full cow skin?

Kids ready for more sight seeing & twists!

Spirit Lake full of dead wood:

Events Placard:



How Too:



Much Fun can be had here!!
Hwy 224 / Clackamas River area on Fire East of Estacada

MEGA SUCK! Some careless target shooters lit up the forest. Last report was 3600 acres and no containment of the blaze. Houses are now being evacuated and some of the best riding, camping, fishing, hiking, areas are being burned as we speak.

I'm not sure why they call it "The 36 Pit Fire" but that's what it is. Areas around Hwy 224 and headed towards the town of Estacada can be seen here.

InciWeb the Incident Information System: 36 Pit Fire

I rode up there last night to have a look and roads were block and people were moving out their belongings. It was a sad sight. I mention it here to remember it as its the portal to many of the posts in this thread.

The Red dot is where I took the pic from. The blue is where the road is closed through the pass.

This fire reminded me of the fires near Glendale/ La Crescenta Ca area a few years ago. The wind had shifted and the fire jumped the 2fwy and continued to burn up the hills.
This fire reminded me of the fires near Glendale/ La Crescenta Ca area a few years ago. The wind had shifted and the fire jumped the 2fwy and continued to burn up the hills.

Some much needed rain is here today. Hopefully they can obtain more containment than the 10% they have now.

But ya, it jumped the river no problem.
A few pictures of the area: Slideshow Landing Page - KPTV - FOX 12
It will be interesting to see how long it takes to open the road as so much of the hillside has been destabilized by the heat and trees falling/being burned.

Edit: Made a new post for this: http://www.600riders.com/forum/usa-...t-36-wild-fire-4500-acres-45-containment.html

Not sure where the rest of the gang is but our fav area is still burning today! :(
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Ride Report: 2014-09-20
For those who like the coast run from Hwy 26, to Hwy 47, to Hwy 202, 202 is now living the dream of fresh pavement! Its a work in progress but the worst of it has fresh healthy asphalt which it hasn't seen in in the last 12 years or better!

In the past our favorite grub came from the Wet Dog Café. On this adventure with a couple of friends we stopped at Fort George Brewery and I may have had one of the best burgers ever! So if you make it into Astoria for stopover, be sure to check out one of those places as both have good food and beer!

We left pdx around 1030 with Crisis, a 2012 675 Speed Triple, and the 2010 1090RR Brutale. No pictures of the gang as it was 94°F and hot in gear. A clean run down with the only observation being a hill crest transition topped with gravel! It was ah – “entertaining” as the bike did some magic below me and the corners passed without incident! lol

Once at the coast it was a chilling 84°F whereby we topped off with a round of food and fuel and then out the south end of town and back to the hi-way! Due to the rather warm September temps there was a good deal of traffic, so there may have been some passing involved but otherwise, lots of great corners! It’s a pretty fun run for anyone needing to get in a few turns while in route to the coast! Granted the slab run from pdx to the 47 junction isn’t a joy but its well worth it!

A couple of random pictures...
Random Pic! My son was kind enough to capture! Although there is not much sun getting through but still a good S - turn to test your transition skills! :thumbup:

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Bike is parked!
So ends the 2014 riding season. :(:(

With the mod list underway there may be some test drives, but nothing that lands us here.. .. ..

Bike is parked!
So ends the 2014 riding season. :(:(

With the mod list underway there may be some test drives, but nothing that lands us here.. .. ..


Ride your bike down here. Park it next to mine. Take a short hop down, ride with us and then a short hop back up there! :rockon: