New to bikes, new to FZ6.


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Nov 29, 2013
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South Australia
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Hi all, just dropped by as i'm rather new to bikes especially road bikes.

Been looking for a 600 road bike and favouring the FZ6 naked over everything so far - ER6N, SV650 etc.

I've read reviews online and finally test rode one for first time on weekend and straight away seating position felt right, although ride was short due to raining.

Now couple questions i'm hoping you guys (or girls) could assist with -
I'm coming from a TTR250, mostly ridden dirt and never a road bike (until just now) are these rather forgiving to ride for a newbie?
Are they easy to service, maintain and clean?
Are parts and services expensive? Tyres?

What are they like on the open road say cruising at 100km/h as far as the wind etc being naked?

Are there any common faults to look out for buying used? Looking at 2004 - 2006 models at this stage due to budget.

Excuse my silly questions as i'm like a fish out of water with all this :)

Hey Blackcombe,

I've only had my 09 fz6n for a bit over a month but previously had a little ninja. I haven't noticed much difference with the wind, but then again my ninja was so light I've had a side wind push me half way across a lane.

I put Pirelli angel GTs on mine being they're a bit harder compound being that most of my riding is commuting. They did go alright on the twistys a few weeks ago though :)

Can't give you an idea on services as I have a personal mechanic that's a friend of a friend so I get a good price anyway, but I've found it easy to clean.

I had my ninja for 2 years before upgrading but before that had only ridden in the dirt as well. In saying that I was originally looking at a z750 or z1000 but so glad I got my FZ. It has enough go without you being worried that the front end is going to lift every time you give it some.

These are just my thoughts but hope they help.
Cheers mate. After posting this last night I did manage to workout the forum search too and answered some of my own questions. (new to forums also) :)
That's why I joined this forum. Whenever I was researching anything through google I'd always get my answer and advise from here
:welcome: to yet ANOTHER Aussie member :aus:

You'll find the FZ6 the best bike in it's class out there.

You'll also find this is the friendliest bike forum on the web.

And there is NO such thing as a stupid question - we're all here to help and learn
:welcome:to our great forum! This is a friendly bunch here and the FZ6 is such a great bike!
Welcome !

I will keep telling same thing all over when it comes to FZ6 as a first street bike:

About first bike... probably most guys on the forum won't agree with me. I think it's not a good first bike. It have a lot of power (all FZs have and its very tempting to use it) and sensitive throttle (at least mine have) - small change on wrist and you can scare yourself on the turn.

I've choose FZ because of ergonomics not power, but it wasn't my first bike. Power wise I would be fine on ninja500 on twisty goat trials I'm riding and it would leave me enough power to ride safe on US highways.

I would suggest checking out smaller bikes (ie. ninja 250 or 500) as they are more forgiving and you will learn FASTER on smaller bike - just give it a second thought. Then choose bike which gives you tickling sensation in your bum whatever that be :thumbup:

you can check couple posts on this thread
What's the story with your licence over there, LAMS?

We've only recently got this in WA - I had to have my 250 licence for 12 months (CB250) before I could go for my full class licence.

Only wondeing about LAMS as the FZ6 has too much power and isn't on the LAMS approved list.
Thank you all. And especially Deep Blue Rider, i did come across your post last night and like your thinking. Although in my case i may have a couple reasonable reasons that the FZ6N is ideal for me. Firstly i'm are rather large bloke and physical size the bike and i fit like a glove, also i'm a mature bloke that has a family and good self control and have put many years thought into a road bike hence waiting until now that i'm almost 40. I will certainly have respect and treat the power and road with caution. Not to mention been looking into sort of advanced rider training etc - not for knee down cornering but just general road skills.
Kazza, as for LAMS i'm not entirely sure as i hold unrestricted licence however i do believe its like a 2 day course the hold the "L" licence for minimum 6 months and the another day course then hold a "restricted" licence for at least a year maybe - could be wrong.

:) Ive just this moment returned from inspecting and another short ride of another possible candidate. I have the luxury of a good friend being a bike mechanic whom will go check it over asap for me so i can seal the deal :)

And Lytehouse, pics will be a certainty as photography is also a new hobby but long time interest of mine.

Thanks again everyone and cheers for the welcoming.
i went from a Honda vtr 250to the fz6 , good call i reckon but be careful the yammy has a bunch of power you never dreamed of i can only imagine what an fz1 has

find a nice one, ride carefully for a few weeks and grow yr skills
and keep growing
and growing

you'll find this is a real nice ride
albeit with a snatchy throttle an abrupt clutch and a REALLY WICKED range above 8k- dont hurry to find it!
you'll find this is a nice bike
quick in traffic big enough for a country run fast enough to keep pace legally and light enough to not bugger you out

we love pics and as Kazza said we will answer any question

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Welcome Blackcombe!

I was in a similar situation when I started on the FZ. I wondered if it was really the best bike for me to get started on the street with. I found that with a healthy dose of respect for it's power, it was a good learner. I kept the revs down under 5K for the first few weeks. Sure, I bogged the motor down a lot and stalled her a few times at the lights (doh!) but I think that's fair given the clutch and tricky throttle on this bike.

A few years in now, I am much more confident and absolutely loving it. Also finding that I have no trouble keeping up with the Super Sport bikes in my group.:thumbup:
i forgot i ride nked too and the breeze is beautiful no buffeting on the chest or helmet getting the bugs outta my hairy chest.... lol lets not go any further i know i just turned off 99.9999999% of readers
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:welcome: to the Forum!
You are not alone....many of us came from a background of dirtbikes/dual sports to the FZ6.

Maintenance wise, it is a fairly bullet proof bike. Everything is out in the open and is fairly easy to get to.

Good luck on your search:thumbup:
as for LAMS i'm not entirely sure as i hold unrestricted licence however i do believe its like a 2 day course the hold the "L" licence for minimum 6 months and the another day course then hold a "restricted" licence for at least a year maybe - could be wrong.

If you don't currently hold a Motorcycle Licence (although you mention in your first post that you're coming from a TTR250), I think you'll be in trouble. A quick google seems to say SA in on the regular LAMS program that most states are. FZ6 aint on the list sorry. Learner approved motorcycles - Government of South Australia

i went from a Honda vtr 250to the fz6 , good call i reckon but be careful the yammy has a bunch of power you never dreamed of i can only imagine what an fz1 has

I went from a VTR250 as well. Although living in Canberra I had to have a faired bike to deal with the minus 8 degree mornings travelling at 110kmh. I don't think I could deal with the cold wind on my chest every morning. Other than the cold, I would have gone a naked too.

I bought my bike with about 16,000kmh on it. She's now up to 47,000. Had the major 40,000km service done a few months back. That set me back about $600-. But apart from that not a single worry in the world, just regualr servicing. Put new Michelin tyres on around the 20,000 mark. Still going with plenty of tread, up to about 27,000km on them now and still going.

Seating position was one of the big plus' for me!
Hi All, I'm still looking have settled on 2 so just to decide between them both, one is cheaper but needs couple things (tyres etc) that then brings to same price of one that needs nothing straight away.
Will update when one is in the drive :)
Good luck with the purchase but be aware MODDING IS ADDICTIVE !!!!

I was happy with a stock bike when i bought mine until i found this site then i just had to add the mods much to the wifes disaproval :rolleyes:

Anyhow welcome to the site :welcome: