Thugs and Hooligans give us all a bad rap

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No, you got it backwards. I pointing out those things aren't there. Glad you agree though.

This just in.
"Christopher Cruz, 28, of New Jersey, was freed on $1,500 cash bail on Wednesday after being formally charged with unlawful imprisonment and reckless driving, authorities said."

Chris Cruz was the guy who you say was riding perfectly normal, made a legal lane change while looking over his shoulder, minded his own business... and then was rear ended by some idiot RR driver for no reason.

I guess that along with the posters in this thread, the DA who filed charges interpreted the video erroneously, too.
I know i'm joining the conversation a bit late, but...WOW.

I have never been a fan of large biker groups taking over lanes of highway. I think it gives all bikers a bad rap. (Just as Ohendo said)

Do you think that driver would be so dumb as to intentionally strike a biker that is in such a large group as that??? Regardless of what actually started the incident...when you're surrounded by motorcyclists all staring at you, screaming at you, banging on your car, and you have your wife and child in the you just sit there and be terrorized?
I know i'm joining the conversation a bit late, but...WOW.

I have never been a fan of large biker groups taking over lanes of highway. I think it gives all bikers a bad rap. (Just as Ohendo said)

Do you think that driver would be so dumb as to intentionally strike a biker that is in such a large group as that??? Regardless of what actually started the incident...when you're surrounded by motorcyclists all staring at you, screaming at you, banging on your car, and you have your wife and child in the you just sit there and be terrorized?

Except that didn't happen until after he went berserk and paralyzed a guy for life. His later actions caused the whole situation.

This is what you do. You get out of your car and talk to the person you had a collision with. You exchange insurance information and wait for the police to arrived to file a report, the motorcycle rider did who got hit. That guy never left the scene.

UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES would I ever endanger a woman and child to save my own skin by taking them on a high speed chase where they could have been injured or killed not to mention running over 2 bystanders and nearly killing one. The actions of that guy were cowardly. Get out of the car, face the situation like man instead of putting your family in danger in your attempt to flee the scene.

The situation was between driver and rider that was it, until the man ran over 2 more guys nearly killing one.
Get out of the car, face the situation like man...
The situation was between driver and rider that was it

No idea what you're smokin'. Face the situation like a man? Situation between driver and rider? More like man vs. mob. I don't like those odds. He did the right thing, collateral damage acceptable.
Irrellavent?? My ass. It seems like it's how they act normally, it has much more to do with it that than a cops shooting grannies video.

The reason they are deleting the video is they are trying to hide the fact there is precedent for their unlawful aggressive actions that would justify the range rovers actions. YouTube has copies of all of it and the attorneys can subpoena it all. The thugs are just looking for a payday at this point.
Everything you said has nothing to do with what actually happened.

Stop searching random videos on the internet and somehow try to apply it to a scene it has nothing to do with.

No one in the video did any stunts at all, absolutely nothing. They were all just riding normally who did nothing out of the ordinary until the guy in the SUV went grand theft auto.

Rich guy means, he buys the best lawyer in state which he did and pays for the mass PR campaign of spamming the news outlet with propaganda that apparently people are just eating up instead of looking at the facts of what actually happened on that day.

Actually I just watched the original YouTube poster and assumed rider filming in the video Michelinman900. He filmed the group attacking a Prius from the year before group ride. He had videos up of the group blocking traffic and pulling wheelies from this year. Do your research buddy. Ohh wait he's pulling those videos down now because he probably has been made aware of the fact that the video can be used to substantiate all the criminal and reckless riding of this group.

So you think this Lien guy has enough money to buy off the news when the original report came out before he had left the hospital. You think he has enough pull with the DA and the judge that waited 2 days to gather information before pressing charges to set up this Christopher Cruz guy. I don't trust the system much at all but this is a stretch for me.
Actually I just watched the original YouTube poster and assumed rider filming in the video Michelinman900. He filmed the group attacking a Prius from the year before group ride. He had videos up of the group blocking traffic and pulling wheelies from this year. Do your research buddy. Ohh wait he's pulling those videos down now because he probably has been made aware of the fact that the video can be used to substantiate all the criminal and reckless riding of this group.

So you think this Lien guy has enough money to buy off the news when the original report came out before he had left the hospital. You think he has enough pull with the DA and the judge that waited 2 days to gather information before pressing charges to set up this Christopher Cruz guy. I don't trust the system much at all but this is a stretch for me.

That isn't research that is irrational bigotry.

None of the previous videos has anything to do with the riders there that day.

Those videos apply to them as-much as it applies to you. Which is not at all.
No idea what you're smokin'. Face the situation like a man? Situation between driver and rider? More like man vs. mob. I don't like those odds. He did the right thing, collateral damage acceptable.

There as no mob, just one guy who got hit who went to the SUV to exchange information while everyone was standing around idly to make sure the situation was okay, then the SUV guy went ape mode.
Except that didn't happen until after he went berserk and paralyzed a guy for life. His later actions caused the whole situation.

This is what you do. You get out of your car and talk to the person you had a collision with. You exchange insurance information and wait for the police to arrived to file a report, the motorcycle rider did who got hit. That guy never left the scene.

UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES would I ever endanger a woman and child to save my own skin by taking them on a high speed chase where they could have been injured or killed not to mention running over 2 bystanders and nearly killing one. The actions of that guy were cowardly. Get out of the car, face the situation like man instead of putting your family in danger in your attempt to flee the scene.

The situation was between driver and rider that was it, until the man ran over 2 more guys nearly killing one.

You mean you wouldn't be the squid with a girl in a miniskirt and thong chasing an SUV that just ran over a motorcycle. You wouldn't be that guy. He's a member of this group of thugs you are defending so vehemently.

Bystanders are people that are not involved in the activities in question. Like if there is a drug deal going down and shots are fired that hits a child on a playground that is a bystander. However, if shots are fired and the guy dressed in the same colors and type of uniform next to the the gentleman dealing crack. Then that guy is not a bystander but an accomplice in a criminal act. It's why homies roll out their buddy at the hospital door of they get shot.
There as no mob, just one guy who got hit who went to the SUV to exchange information while everyone was standing around idly to make sure the situation was okay, then the SUV guy went ape mode.

You have no idea what was going on at the site of the accident. Camera footage is too far away. You also have no idea if they were stunting prior to that, or if they had harassed the RR prior to the collision. Unless you were there of course. Were you?

Also, I thought the poor paralyzed guy was just trying to help the rear-ended cyclist (Cruz), who had fallen in the collison? Now you say Cruz was up and about trying to exchange insurance information like a good citizen? (We will find out soon enough that Cruz has no insurance.)
There as no mob, just one guy who got hit who went to the SUV to exchange information while everyone was standing around idly to make sure the situation was okay, then the SUV guy went ape mode.

Original reports are they started to bang on the vehicle, hit the glass and attempted to slash the tires. There was no attempt at peaceful exchange of information. Do you know someone that was there that can corroborate your story? Because from what I heard nobody would cooperate with the police or provide the story you are fabricating here. You think everyone would have spoke up to the police if what you say is true.
That isn't research that is irrational bigotry.

None of the previous videos has anything to do with the riders there that day.

Those videos apply to them as-much as it applies to you. Which is not at all.

Here we go, we are all bigots and racist now. Says the guy who paints the driver as some rich douchebag who is going to pay is way out instead of a family man who got stuck in a crappy situation. A known "gang" known for doing "dumb****" approaches your vehicle with your family, glad you could fight a few people, but not everyone posses the discipline and power to take on a mob.

The thing here is, did he have a reasonable cause to fear for his life? In my opinion and many others is yes he did.
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