Thugs and Hooligans give us all a bad rap

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I don't think the SUV seemed to be in a Road Rage state. He was going slow, trying to maintain his lane, then the jackass decides to cause an accident. It reminds me of asshats in NY bars, they would bump into you to see if they cold instigate a fight.

Agreed. After reading this entire thread I think we can all pretty much agree that this is an unfortunate situation and large groups of people who get angry about something will never end well. Riots happen all time and are usually initiated by people who would normally never resort to violence. Same thing with a group of bikers. Large groups make people do stupid things.
This story as unfortunate of an incident as it has been and may become has been the vehicle to demonstrate how great this Forum is. Many people have offered their opinions, including myself, of what we saw from our own perspective and to whom we would place blame. I feel privileged to be able to take part in this community. :thumbup:

P.S. Clearly this group of riders never saw the movie 'Mad Max'
The driver of the SUV didn't have any choice. He didnt' do anything wrong in the first place. When he clipped the white motorcycle, he stopped. Then he was surrounded and supposedly the mob start messing with his vehicle and slashing his tire. He had no choice but to get the hell out of dodge! It was not hit and run, he was in fear of his life.

The SUV mistake is he stopped his car too close to the traffic jam. He didn't have anywhere to go. Leave some space and if some scumbags tries anything, he can speed up real fast and back up real fast if necessary.
According the news last night, one of the bikers in the front of the pack was passing the suv when said suv lane changed into the bike, thus breaking the riders leg in three places, the suv didn't stop, so word spread from front to back of the accident, then the GoPro's came on and the rider brake checked the suv, and the mayhem you see started.....
According the news last night, one of the bikers in the front of the pack was passing the suv when said suv lane changed into the bike, thus breaking the riders leg in three places, the suv didn't stop, so word spread from front to back of the accident, then the GoPro's came on and the rider brake checked the suv, and the mayhem you see started.....

All the reports I've seen have only mentioned one person with 2 broken legs. This is the Jay Mezee character that was run over as the SUV tried to escape. The video before hand was probably edited out by the YT poster Michelinman900 . IF he had caught the SUV hitting anyone on his motorcycle prior to the idiot, Cruz, on the white motorcycle instigating the incident, I'm sure he would have posted it.

The police were evidently aware of these guys coming into town as part of what they were attempting as an annual ROC type ride by Hollywood Stuntz.

NYPD: Biker Arrested, Others Sought In Attack On SUV Driver « CBS New York

"In order to prevent the group from heading into Times Square this year, police set up checkpoints throughout the city. Kelly said during that effort, 15 arrests were made, 68 summonses were issued and 55 motorcycles were confiscated."
I read allot but not all; I'm Not sure what made them swarm the RR.

BUT - with all those riders + WIFE, KIDS, that driver had his HANDS FULL and BRAKE CHECK DUDE made a fatal error!!!
RR dude could easily be looking RIGHT, LEFT, WIFE, KIDS, etc...
We can speculate that RR dude DID NOT have focus on the one guy being douche!
That guy changed everyones life that day.

It likely wouldn't have been pleasant drive but at least no one would be under the bus had they kept some distance. Time will tell if 911 calls were made. As for the riders; shame on them for not keeping brothers in check!

I'd kick you Ffffg @ss if you did that crap to another person - friend or not. Gotta admit, it'd be damn hard to kick over a friend for being db. What sad day for all those involved.
All the reports I've seen have only mentioned one person with 2 broken legs. This is the Jay Mezee character that was run over as the SUV tried to escape. The video before hand was probably edited out by the YT poster Michelinman900 . IF he had caught the SUV hitting anyone on his motorcycle prior to the idiot, Cruz, on the white motorcycle instigating the incident, I'm sure he would have posted it.

The police were evidently aware of these guys coming into town as part of what they were attempting as an annual ROC type ride by Hollywood Stuntz.

NYPD: Biker Arrested, Others Sought In Attack On SUV Driver « CBS New York

"In order to prevent the group from heading into Times Square this year, police set up checkpoints throughout the city. Kelly said during that effort, 15 arrests were made, 68 summonses were issued and 55 motorcycles were confiscated."

Late news "just said" the guy ran over was helping the downed rider from the brake check. Apparently the Good Guy paid the price!
i got mixed feelings on this one....

all i can say is that im glad i didnt go on that ride...
I've watched the video several times now and read the different news stories and opinions. All I can say is that I'm glad I don't associate with squid stunterz like that and if it were me in the SUV with my wife and three sons, I would have went all Carmageddon on their butts too.
Even if the SUV had lane changed into a guy earlier, think about all of those bikes taking up sometimes 3-4 to a lane. They should have planned there ride better. Bet whoever got merged into (if that ever happened) probably had the "this is our ride and our street" mentality.
Surprised that the SUV driver isn't being charged with assault with a deadly weapon or something. That's pretty gruesome running over a person on bike. Even Chinese tanks stopped in Tiannamen Square. As far as the bikers, what a setback for the sportbike enthusiasts.
Tanks don't have windows to smash in. I don't care what the RR driver did before. That is a matter for the police and the complaintants. The bikers got themselves over extended by trying to take the law into their own hands. Right or wrong is your opinion. Dumb is the fact.
those guys deserved it .

if they had any brains someone could have stopped the situation out of 100 + people
The news I watched this morning said there was a 911 call made from the vehicle a few minutes before the driver ran over the biker.
The news I watched this morning said there was a 911 call made from the vehicle a few minutes before the driver ran over the biker.

Unbelievable the police weren't there in time. This is how it should have went:

"Where are you located sir?"
"In the loudest swarm of bikes ever."
30 seconds later... "OK, 2 units are behind you with 20 more on the way."
Late news "just said" the guy ran over was helping the downed rider from the brake check. Apparently the Good Guy paid the price!

Isn't that often the way?
No mention of other incidents involving the SUV on Sky news.


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Unbelievable the police weren't there in time. This is how it should have went:

"Where are you located sir?"
"In the loudest swarm of bikes ever."
30 seconds later... "OK, 2 units are behind you with 20 more on the way."

Absolutely, especially when there were over 200 calls placed by other citizens, the majority of them prior to the beating.

This kind of hooliganism involving a large group of riders is nothing new. It's a common occurrence in many cities but yet law enforcement has not taken it seriously. You think that these agencies would have figure out a way to at least control these type of rides, possibly having several marked units and even police motorcycles accompany the group so that nothing gets out of hand, not necessarily and try to stop it.

Law enforcement must really stop and re-evaluate how they can help by controlling the situation before it gets out of control. Not one cop accompanying the group when there were over 200 complaints?

Biggest failure is the police in my opinion. They need to establish more of a police presence or implement a new tactic whenever there is a large gathering of bikes that are rolling. Only common sense. You learn from your mistakes. Many lives would have been saved during the Columbine High School shooting if the police who arrived would have immediately entered the school when the shooting was taking place rather than waiting for the SWAT team to arrive. Now, it is clear that the officers on the scene immediately enters the building. Maybe now, there will always be a few police cruisers or bikes along for the ride.

I wouldn't be surprised that someone doesn't take legal action against the NYPD. They knew about the ride ahead of time, received over 200 complaints and not one police officer can get to the victim until six minutes?
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Absolutely, especially when there were over 200 calls placed by other citizens, the majority of them prior to the beating.

This kind of hooliganism involving a large group of riders is nothing new. It's a common occurrence in many cities but yet law enforcement has not taken it seriously. You think that these agencies would have figure out a way to at least control these type of rides, possibly having several marked units and even police motorcycles accompany the group so that nothing gets out of hand, not necessarily and try to stop it.

Law enforcement must really stop and re-evaluate how they can help by controlling the situation before it gets out of control. Not one cop accompanying the group when there were over 200 complaints?

Biggest failure is the police in my opinion. They need to establish more of a police presence or implement a new tactic whenever there is a large gathering of bikes that are rolling. Only common sense. You learn from your mistakes. Many lives would have been saved during the Columbine High School shooting if the police who arrived would have immediately entered the school when the shooting was taking place rather than waiting for the SWAT team to arrive. Now, it is clear that the officers on the scene immediately enters the building. Maybe now, there will always be a few police cruisers or bikes along for the ride.

I wouldn't be surprised that someone doesn't take legal action against the NYPD. They knew about the ride ahead of time, received over 200 complaints and not one police officer can get to the victim until six minutes?

They're busy stopping easy targets in full gear and touring bikes for no turn signals, of course. They tend to stay away from dangerous or difficult situations such as above. Nothing new in NYC IMHO.
They're busy stopping easy targets in full gear and touring bikes for no turn signals, of course. They tend to stay away from dangerous or difficult situations such as above. Nothing new in NYC IMHO.

The worst part of this is going to be when NYPD retaliates and starts operation crackdown on motorcyclists commuting to work at 6AM. Stopping and impounding those pesky FZ6's with one headlight out will sure show the media that they're on top of the issue.
I don't agree with a knee jerk Policing of big rides, What do you call a big ride? Say you and twenty buddies go for a spin, an overly heavy Police presence or random stops would ruin the day and what have you guys done wrong? Nothing.
We have all seen or ridden on charity runs with lots of bikes on the road and no nuisance caused. In the UK where I used to live the Hells Angels did an annual hospital toy run. No one pulled over, no arrests no tickets issued. This is allegedly one of the most lawless MC gangs know to man.
The failure on this ride is that there seems to be no rider discipline and a complete disrespect for the rules of the road.
The deceleration argument is very poor in my opinion, you don't move into other vehicles driving space which will result in them having to take unnecessary avoiding action. The RR rider was being a twat, he knows that rolling on and off the throttle like that is going to cause a hazard. Those guys are not motorcyclists they are two wheeled urban vermin.

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