It had to end sometime...:(


Junior Member
May 5, 2012
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In the last 3 years of my riding I have never gotten a ticket...until... today.

What a fantastic day it was! It was a double slammer too!

Not only did I receive points against my license I also got two $130 tickets. For splitting lanes when the traffic was bumper to bumper; mind you I didn't even get a chance to even pass one car where suddenly the roar of my pipes got attention of a cop.

Pulled over. Next thing I find out, I am getting a second ticked for failure to produce registration. ( I just moved to a different state so I still hadn't gotten my NJ registration). Give me a break...already.

Bottom line: Today sucked.

PS- I need a new job too. I have been re-watching all the seasons of "The Office" and it dawns on me that I work for Dunder and Mifflin type of company.
That sucks.... IMHO, If you didn't actually split any lanes and pass anyone, I would be contesting it in court..

BTW, you should be able to do traffic school and keep the points off your licence..(alot cheaper than higher insurance rates for the next several years)

Do they have lane splitting in NJ?
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That sucks.... IMHO, If you didn't actually split any lanes and pass anyone, I would be contesting it in court..

BTW, you should be able to do traffic school and keep the points off your licence..(alot cheaper than higher insurance rates for the next several years)

Do they have lane splitting in NJ?
I took the traffic school option in the UK it cost three times the fine but well worth it to keep the points off.

That sucks.... IMHO, If you didn't actually split any lanes and pass anyone, I would be contesting it in court..

BTW, you should be able to do traffic school and keep the points off your licence..(alot cheaper than higher insurance rates for the next several years)

Do they have lane splitting in NJ?
No, lane splitting is not legal in NJ. I recently got my first ticket in 12 years in the cage....I was so bummed!
No, lane splitting is not legal in NJ.

Not only is it illegal, it's a FIVE point ticket (up to the officer, but more often than not you get a 'reckless driving'), which automatically makes me lose my MSF RiderCoach job (4 points maximum).

So.. when it's 96 degrees out in the shade and I'm in the sun in bumper to bumper traffic.. I'm not happy :(

Hubert, what was the 'splitting lanes' ticket? What's the actual offense?
Well, if he DIDN'T split, I'd be contesting it, if he DID SPLIT, so be it..

Traffic school (for the points) or pay the piper.. :(

Down here (and possible up there), their allowing you to do traffic school on-line!
Down here (and possible up there), their allowing you to do traffic school on-line!

Yup, allowed online here too. However, Hue.. if you are interested, you can take BRC2 (that's the 1 day motorcycle course on your own bike, where you'll get to practice limited space maneuvers, maximum braking, etc). It provides the same point reduction as traffic school (2) and you may actually have a bit of fun doing it. You're NJ resident now, right?

PM me if you're interested.. I should be able to hook you up. I'm teaching next BRC2 on 9/29.
Yup, allowed online here too. However, Hue.. if you are interested, you can take BRC2 (that's the 1 day motorcycle course on your own bike, where you'll get to practice limited space maneuvers, maximum braking, etc). It provides the same point reduction as traffic school (2) and you may actually have a bit of fun doing it. You're NJ resident now, right?

PM me if you're interested.. I should be able to hook you up. I'm teaching next BRC2 on 9/29.

Heck, I'd be going that route!!

Beats sitting at a lap top and you get to tune your skills!!

(Maybe unplug your headlights if on a private course, for the battery)
Not only is it illegal, it's a FIVE point ticket (up to the officer, but more often than not you get a 'reckless driving'), which automatically makes me lose my MSF RiderCoach job (4 points maximum).

So.. when it's 96 degrees out in the shade and I'm in the sun in bumper to bumper traffic.. I'm not happy :(

Hubert, what was the 'splitting lanes' ticket? What's the actual offense?

The Cop put is down as a violation of operating a motorcycle

NY code 1252-Section C

N.Y. VAT. LAW § 1252 : NY Code - Section 1252: Operating motorcycles on roadways laned for traffic

It just bothers me that you see motorcycle riders here in NYC do it all the time. Unless they do it once the traffic starts moving then they might get into trouble. Arghh... it is what it is... the cop was doing his job and I just got caught.
The Cop put is down as a violation of operating a motorcycle

NY code 1252-Section C

N.Y. VAT. LAW § 1252 : NY Code - Section 1252: Operating motorcycles on roadways laned for traffic

It just bothers me that you see motorcycle riders here in NYC do it all the time. Unless they do it once the traffic starts moving then they might get into trouble. Arghh... it is what it is... the cop was doing his job and I just got caught.

Ah.. so it was in NY! Much better.. only 2 points!
Laws against motorcycle lane splitting: What a mamby pamby society. To get underwear (or is it still diapers?) in a bunch over motorcycles filtering through traffic? And in NYC area? Geesh. That sucks. Yeah, as in some other states, we have on-line traffic school here in CA, also. Only costs around $50 and I've even seen Groupon specials for it.
Sorry to hear it man. I got tagged a year ago off the Manhattan Bridge - 'Going between lanes [or something legal like that]' and 'Not using turn signal' [BS - I was].

Where exactly was it? There are many places in the city where they'll sit and get you if you're on 2 wheels irregardless.

BTW - PM me if you want to look into legal representation for this kind of thing.
That suuuuuuucks, man. It always feels terrible when this kind of crap happens. It could be worse, you've still got your license and you have the option of taking the BRC2 from what sounds like a cool coach.
why was a cop sitting in traffic?

MOST cops stay away from rush hour traffic while on duty simply because they are sittin in a car in traffic too.....
and another....why would you split if there was a cop so close? lol
why was a cop sitting in traffic?

MOST cops stay away from rush hour traffic while on duty simply because they are sittin in a car in traffic too.....
and another....why would you split if there was a cop so close? lol

Two GREAT points here. I assume he simply didn't see him.

I have all but stopped my splitting-spree. Even though I always did it in stopped traffic slowly, I don't feel like getting the ticket, points, or possibly hit and have it be "my" fault. Every now and then I will briefly when it's 95F and doing so will save me a traffic light cycle.

And yes, yamihoe... I rely on the cop-in-traffic probability heavily. Every now and then, however, one will be there sitting. In some cases too, they're cruising up the shoulder to, or already at, an accident scene and nab you.
Not only is it illegal, it's a FIVE point ticket (up to the officer, but more often than not you get a 'reckless driving'), which automatically makes me lose my MSF RiderCoach job (4 points maximum).

Called the professional code of conduct that us RC's have to adhere to. Can't even have one beer and ride. Not that I would do that anyways but for us, a no no.
why was a cop sitting in traffic?

MOST cops stay away from rush hour traffic while on duty simply because they are sittin in a car in traffic too.....
and another....why would you split if there was a cop so close? lol

For the past 3 years I have lane split even if there was a cop car sitting in traffic as I passed it by. Nothing ever happened. As long as I did it safely and when the traffic was standstill I never had an issue. It was just something that most drivers in NYC expected.

What happened that this one cop told me to pull over? I have no idea. I suspect though that his monthly ticket quota was too low and he needed to go double time. Or his is one serious stickler to rules with a hard-on in seeing everything black and white.

When sitting on a bike in NYC traffic you will go berserk. Cops know this unless you are popping wheelies or doing really sudden veering in and out between traffic they will let you slide with.

I was just unlucky.