Frame Sliders got tested...


Junior Member
Oct 2, 2012
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Denton, TX
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So, slight backstory. I've been working at a Harley dealership since March, and just got my bike back in October. Got my license early in November. When I got my FZ, one of the first things I wanted was frame sliders, then the naked conversion. Got all of that on last weekend (December 1st). Fast forward to this past weekend (December 7th).
I was parked next to the dealership owner's truck, like this;

About an hour before I was supposed to get off, one of our drivers hands me a piece of plastic. I look closely and realize it's a piece of one of my LSL frame sliders. As the owner was pulling out, his right rear wheel caught my front and pulled the bike right over :( I had my steering locked, so I think the fork may have gotten bent. Other than that, the frame slider and bar end took the brunt of the damage.



That blows man. Good thing you had the frame sliders as they probably saved you from a lot more damage to the bike. Is the owner going to pay for all the damage? I've just got one question: Why are you working at Hardley dealership??
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That sucks dude, glad the damage wasn't worse. I actually watched from my office window as someone did almost the exact same thing to me - hooked my front tire on his bumper pulling out of a spot. Luckily for me the bike just pivoted around on the sidestand and didn't fall over. Strangely it bent my front axle, so you might want to check into that.

+1 on the pie face, nut tap, bitch slap. Especially for someone who works at (EDIT - OWNS!!) a bike dealership - he should be on the lookout for such things!!
That blows man. Good thing you had the frame sliders as they probably saved you from a lot more damage to the bike. Is the owner going to pay for all the damage? I've just got one question: Why are you working at Hardley dealership??

I wanted to get involved in motorcycles, was working the dock at a Macy's. Walked in and applied to the local metric dealer and the local Harley dealer. Heard nothing from the Metric dealer, but the Harley dealer owner walked up and interviewed me on the spot. Also, not many options for a college student looking for a part-time job that pays well :BLAA:

That sucks dude, glad the damage wasn't worse. I actually watched from my office window as someone did almost the exact same thing to me - hooked my front tire on his bumper pulling out of a spot. Luckily for me the bike just pivoted around on the sidestand and didn't fall over. Strangely it bent my front axle, so you might want to check into that.

Yeah, the front end is what worries me. I feel that if I hadn't had my steering locked, the frame slider/bar end would be the only thing damaged. And hey, if anyone there can afford to fix it, it's him lol
About an hour before I was supposed to get off, one of our drivers hands me a piece of plastic. I look closely and realize it's a piece of one of my LSL frame sliders. As the owner was pulling out, his right rear wheel caught my front and pulled the bike right over

Can we go back to this? So the OWNER of a BIKE shop knocks over one of his EMPLOYEE'S BIKES with his WTF-sized truck, THEN doesn't have the sack to approach you with the news? Is this right?
Can we go back to this? So the OWNER of a BIKE shop knocks over one of his EMPLOYEE'S BIKES with his WTF-sized truck, THEN doesn't have the sack to approach you with the news? Is this right?

Pay attention, Pook.. the owner of a Harley shop :BLAA:

No further explanation required!

If the owner of a motorcycle shop can't pay attention to bikes, imagine how invisible we are to non-motorcycle crowd.

Sad :( .. glad the damage is minimal though :thumbup:
Can we go back to this? So the OWNER of a BIKE shop knocks over one of his EMPLOYEE'S BIKES with his WTF-sized truck, THEN doesn't have the sack to approach you with the news? Is this right?

give the guy a break! the OP should be happy that the owner didn't drive a tank instead.

Texas y'all!

If the owner of a motorcycle shop can't pay attention to bikes, imagine how invisible we are to non-motorcycle crowd.

Sad :( .. glad the damage is minimal though :thumbup:

That's why I ride like A) No one can see me B) They're all drunk and C) Actively trying to kill me. But yeah, me too. The shop we took it to quoted ~$800 to fix it


Yeah - I thought that was a possibility, but am holding out for a better explanation. There's still hope for humanity............ right?

Well, our driver said the owner didn't know who's bike it was. But we'll see how it goes when I talk to him about the quote tomorrow

And to PosterFZ6, I'm just glad it was just his tire catching mine instead of completely running it over...
The owner is paying for it all. The shop said the forks aren't bent, but are just out of alignment, and they charge $100/hr for labor. Apparently, this is the shop that he takes his jet skis to, so he should be familiar with it lol.
That sucks. I have only been riding a month but I park way the hell away from anyone when I have to stop somewhere. And I have only ridden to work a couple of times, but each time I get my friend to move her 4 Runner as far back as she can so I can park in front of her.
Got her back yesterday, celebrated by buying the leather I've been after for awhile and a helmet for my girlfriend, then took the girlfriend for a ride on the FZ for the first time ^^ The forks just ended up being out of alignment, thankfully
Got her back yesterday, celebrated by buying the leather I've been after for awhile and a helmet for my girlfriend, then took the girlfriend for a ride on the FZ for the first time ^^ The forks just ended up being out of alignment, thankfully

Glad to hear you got your bike back on the road! Leather is great too. Nothing like the feeling of throwing on a ten pound armored leather jacket before each and every ride :)