Should I call Security?

I am a lowly security guard, and one of my personal pet hates, is people parking in reserved/disabled or cars in motorcycle parking.

I would quietly have a chat to the security, call them on the phone, or preferably talk to them in person.

Say something like cagers get pissed when you take up a full car park on your bike, but unfortunately these douchebags make it so you HAVE to park in a car park.

You've heard threats about kicking your bike over, moving your bike out of the park so they can park there, and the like, and you just want to save the hassle for both yourself and the site guards by parking in your designated areas.

To do this, however, site policies need to be enforced.....

This then has a dual effect. One, it advises them of the problem, and two, it will then be a matter of record - so if anything happens to your bike, you can refer to that conversation etc.

Just be nice. Sure, some security guards think they're gods - but most are just trying to make a living, constantly reminded by all and sundry that we are the lowest of the low.

I strongly advise against speaking with the car owners, or leaving a flyer, because YOU then are the target, whereas if it comes from the establishment, the cagers can whinge all they want etc.

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What if you just casually brought it up to the security/parking officer that in the event cars were in your spot, and you parked in a car spot, would you be ticketed? It brings it up in a way that covers you if you did park in a car spot next to motorcycle parking(you'd have more private area for your bike) and make it known that cagers are infringing on your rights. If that doesnt work, I'd park dead middle and at an angle so that it takes up as much place as possible.
I would contact security on a formal basis. Your company provided motorcycle parking for a reason. Cars are not supposed to park there, lazy bastards.

We have ample handicapped parking in my work area and only one or two spaces are routinely taken. That does not give me the right to park there or even in the striped areas surrounding the handicap space. Of course there are lazy bastards who use a placard and get out of their car and stroll into the office, but that's another topic.
I just walk up to them and tell them they can't park there, if they give you grief just tell them the spots are reserved for Captains of Industry.
it's pretty much the same cars every single day. I don't exactly get in first thing in the morning and clearly they're just lazy and don't want to park in the back.

I guess the thing that bothers me is if I take up a regular space, people would leave a note asking me to park in the reserved cycle parking. Also, this might (prob not tho) discourage others from riding in

Hello fellow NESR'ian,
One day your going to pull in and there won't be any open spots for you, I would send a note to the security and nip this in the bud.
Security at my old work place used to slap some really ugly stickers on the car windows which were in the wrong.... just a thought
Security at my old work place used to slap some really ugly stickers on the car windows which were in the wrong.... just a thought

Similar solution at my previous employer. Security would place two fluorescent yellow/green stickers on the offenders vehicle, one on the rear window as they would see it upon returning to their car and a second one on their driver side mirror which they had to remove prior to leaving. Those stickers were hard to remove when in a rush to go home and also as a badge of disgrace for others to know they are the offender of parking regulations. This seemed to resolve the habitual offender rather quickly.
OK Guys, thought I'd update:
I didn't end up calling security but I think people saw me taking pictures and stopped doing it for a while...

Until this week. Yesterday (Monday) and today I pull up at my normal time and the motorcycle parking is packed with cars. Today there just happened to be someone still in their car getting ready to get out.

I squeezed the bike in next to him, shut off the motor, and tapped on his window and said, "hey, do you know you're in designated motorcycle parking?" He shrugged me off. So I get off the bike, take out my phone and start to take a picture when they open the door and shout "you take a picture and I'll F***ing kill you!". I follow up with "ok, maybe we should have the police intervene"... so then the guy peels out.

I decided that was enough. I went to security and told them the designated motorcycle parking is getting out of hand to the point where I'm getting threats when confronting people about it. Next thing I know the head of security is calling asking me if I want to press charges and get police involved (I had already submitted my picture of the guy with his plate - which they ran). I say "I just want a place to safely park my motorcycle".

They said this is the first "threat of violence" they've ever received and gave me an email to report anyone parking in the motorcycle spots.

Needless to say, I don't think it will be an issue anymore...
Stay safe my friend, a similar parking incident happened at my school several years ago, it got heated and police got involved , the very same night the punks ended up vandalizing my vehicle...Police didn't do jack.
Hopefully this fella got the message loud and clear and would steer out of your way.
Holy ****, bro...I know work sucks, but who threatens to kill somebody over a potential parking ticket? Weather was awesome yesterday too, not like walking a bit further would kill the guy.
OK Guys, thought I'd update:
I didn't end up calling security but I think people saw me taking pictures and stopped doing it for a while...

Until this week. Yesterday (Monday) and today I pull up at my normal time and the motorcycle parking is packed with cars. Today there just happened to be someone still in their car getting ready to get out.

I squeezed the bike in next to him, shut off the motor, and tapped on his window and said, "hey, do you know you're in designated motorcycle parking?" He shrugged me off. So I get off the bike, take out my phone and start to take a picture when they open the door and shout "you take a picture and I'll F***ing kill you!". I follow up with "ok, maybe we should have the police intervene"... so then the guy peels out.

I decided that was enough. I went to security and told them the designated motorcycle parking is getting out of hand to the point where I'm getting threats when confronting people about it. Next thing I know the head of security is calling asking me if I want to press charges and get police involved (I had already submitted my picture of the guy with his plate - which they ran). I say "I just want a place to safely park my motorcycle".

They said this is the first "threat of violence" they've ever received and gave me an email to report anyone parking in the motorcycle spots.

Needless to say, I don't think it will be an issue anymore...

In all honesty, I'd get the police involved at this point. A guy threatened you and could end up taking it out on you or your bike at a future date. Could be something as simple as starting to tow people who park in that area. Get a police report put together with the photo you took and date/time so if something happens in the future to your bike, they police can bring this guy in for questioning.

FYI, the verbal interaction you had is technically assault. Battery would be if he actually laid a hand on you. So if you really wanted to, you can have the guy charged with assault. Not saying you should, but just giving you the info.
Security now has this incident on file. I honestly think the guy was just grumpy because he didn't want to park in the back and I was bold enough to whip out my phone right in front of him. I said I didn't want to press charges because I didn't feel threaten.

The dude most likely works here and it is now on file and I believe there will be work repercussions. Security also just sent me an email saying "we placed a camera on your bike and a security officer has been instructed to keep his eye on it in case anything may happen". Honestly, I'm not that worried.

They're also putting stickers on the cars still parked in the cycle parking. Repeated offenders will be towed
Security now has this incident on file. I honestly think the guy was just grumpy because he didn't want to park in the back and I was bold enough to whip out my phone right in front of him. I said I didn't want to press charges because I didn't feel threaten.

The dude most likely works here and it is now on file and I believe there will be work repercussions. Security also just sent me an email saying "we placed a camera on your bike and a security officer has been instructed to keep his eye on it in case anything may happen". Honestly, I'm not that worried.

They're also putting stickers on the cars still parked in the cycle parking. Repeated offenders will be towed

+1 for that security! I think you did all the right things to solve the situation.
In all honesty, I'd get the police involved at this point. A guy threatened you and could end up taking it out on you or your bike at a future date. Could be something as simple as starting to tow people who park in that area. Get a police report put together with the photo you took and date/time so if something happens in the future to your bike, they police can bring this guy in for questioning.

FYI, the verbal interaction you had is technically assault. Battery would be if he actually laid a hand on you. So if you really wanted to, you can have the guy charged with assault. Not saying you should, but just giving you the info.

I hate the police in regard to raising revenue through intended safety enforcement (speeding, etc) but in this situation I would get the police involved. I have had people vandalize a car I had once over a similar situation as this. It's BS to see a big key mark down the side of beautiful black paint.

If they are willing to threaten your life nothing is worse than thinking of having to go somewhere several days a week and not know who's going to have a bad day. And it is true that you could press charges for assault but you may have to deal with going to court which I find to be terribly annoying

If you were in AZ you could just open carry a fire arm (well and we actually repealed the need to have a CCW). I rode the other day with my Springfield XDM on my hip and it was interesting to see reactions and I was in a town that I always see open carry individuals. But sadly in your situation that may escalate the issue with this JERK.

Stay safe and I hope the authorities nip this in the bud.
Security now has this incident on file. I honestly think the guy was just grumpy because he didn't want to park in the back and I was bold enough to whip out my phone right in front of him. I said I didn't want to press charges because I didn't feel threaten.

The dude most likely works here and it is now on file and I believe there will be work repercussions. Security also just sent me an email saying "we placed a camera on your bike and a security officer has been instructed to keep his eye on it in case anything may happen". Honestly, I'm not that worried.

They're also putting stickers on the cars still parked in the cycle parking. Repeated offenders will be towed

I forget what the OP said he did for a living, but if someone pulled that at my work, the threat alone could be enough for grounds of a firing. If it wasn't, having it on file would mean if that guy cut a loud fart in the wrong direction he'd be fired.

Props to security guards everywhere. When something like this happens, it becomes a priority. Sure beats the humdrum of an average day.
maybe suggest to the owner of the parkingspace to put some kind of obstruction (poles or something) around the parking space ? easy to go around with your bike, less so with a car ;)
I didn't take the bike in this morning due to weather and personal recovery from a crazy weekend in NYC but found this on the usual suspects when I stumbled in:



Looks like they got some cones to discourage future potential violaters when these schmucks move.

I win. :cheer: