Should I call Security?


One Cheek On The Seat!
Jul 9, 2012
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Boston, MA
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Update...mission accomplished:

We have reserved cycle parking at work and lately I feel it's been a little abused. While I understand it's November and I'm pretty sure I'm the only one still riding into work, I feel it should still be respected. There's plenty of spots in the lot just another 30 second walk away.

Am I out of line? Should I call security?


There's two pickups and a car squeezed between the reserved spots:

How my bike sits when People respect the signs:

I do feel like a balla when I have 4 reserved spots to myself :cool:
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I personally wouldn't start a big deal about it. It looks like you still have plenty of room to park. Yeah, the people parking in the reserved spots are in the wrong and they shouldn't park there. People just assume that no one rides motorcycles this time of year. Only the hardcore riders ride year round. high five!
it's pretty much the same cars every single day. I don't exactly get in first thing in the morning and clearly they're just lazy and don't want to park in the back.

I guess the thing that bothers me is if I take up a regular space, people would leave a note asking me to park in the reserved cycle parking. Also, this might (prob not tho) discourage others from riding in
Man thats a tuff one! Here on base if you park in a Motorcycle spot secruity forces takes your plate and call your commander and you get to toe the line. But in your world you piss off the wrong dude and your bike may get kicked over so it depends on how you feel. You got room for your bike so again its how you feel. But that does suck that people are lazy.
clearly they're just lazy and don't want to park in the back.

Very lazy. At my last job the motorcycles were allowed to park on the curb right in front of the building entrance. So we never had an issue like this since the cars couldn't get up onto the curb anyway. Maybe make your HR person aware of the situation? But then when any of the guilty people hear about it, they'll know who "told" on them. Your call...
I would, and I have. On the base where I used to work at there were 2 spaces for motorcycles, the d-bags from the boat station would park there. I didnt care until I got my bike, then it became an issue for me. I had just taken my MSF course and knew the instructor, who happened to be base police....:Flip:
Hey we cant park anywhere we want where I work,and if you get caught in an unauthorized spot you can get a ticket which will be drafted from your check before you get it.... Yea take your spot back before some tool knocks your bike over.
I personally wouldn't start a big deal about it. It looks like you still have plenty of room to park. Yeah, the people parking in the reserved spots are in the wrong and they shouldn't park there. People just assume that no one rides motorcycles this time of year. Only the hardcore riders ride year round. high five!

I'm pretty low key, and I feel the same way. But why let someone get away with a sense of entitlement? I work security at a plant with 4-5,000 employees on a daily basis. If I made an exception for every vehicle I saw squeezed in places we'd have people parked on the lawn, fire lanes, triple parking, etc. People are just f'in LAZY and that is one thing I do NOT put up with.
Try talking (or leaving a note) to the drivers that park there, explain that you're worried that someone may not see the bike and drive into it/back into it. If they realize there is a valid reason for you to park in a designated area for a reason, they may respect it.
I think you should call, those spots are there for a reason, to get people to ride instead of drive.

I wouldnt leave a note, that just makes you a target,..

If that were to happen here (even in the dead of winter with 3 feet of snow) the car/truck would get a $75 fine and be towed on the spot..
If that was a handicapped spot, they would be ticketed any time of the year. Just because it's cold and MOST people don't ride, doesn't mean you should get f'd out of a spot. Though, it looks like you're still getting by with a squeeze.

It's a tough call. You don't wanna be that crotchety old man demanded your entitlement when those spaces won't get used, but you'd also like your space.

I'd go passive-aggressive on this. Show up earlier if you can and park in a way that only 2 cars can fit.


Even though I know very well it may one day come back to haunt me, I make every attempt to park my bike so I don't take up more space than necessary. (Position left or right of car spot, leaving room for another bike in the spot. In large parallel spots, pull in all the way tight up to the first spot so a car can still easily share the spot.)
Steps to saving the good spots

1 - show up early
2 - grab anything that people wouldn't want to hit* and take the time to mess up their clothes moving (trash cans, barrels, logs, old boxes filled with dirt/cement, etc.)
3 - put all of the stuff you found in those parking spots, arranged in a way that bikes can still fit in
4 - see what happens, if they're too lazy to park right, they're probably too lazy to move all the s**t you collected for them

*the heavier the better
I would ask security, LP function, or whatever parking policy you have. It likely outlines all signage and any caveats. I know at my company the motorcycle parking is enforced, but only from April to October. After that it is explicitly stated to be open parking though the signage remains.
Yeah I would be worried about someone hitting my bike, I guess you could move your bike over so it takes up the centre area and park it at a right angle to how it is now, a very unsubtle way of saying "this is not a car parking space!"
maybe the line of least resistance a note under the wiper asking they gve you enough room to get on/off,..... hey you wouldn't want to kick their car when you swing your leg over would you?....
Short of that you could say screw it! go and park in a car spot, smack dab in the middle of it too, just pick a spot that's closest to the door you go in and if its your CEO's parking spot all the better, that will certainly get the matter raised in other arenas(just make sure your in your bosses good books b4 you try it)
I would call security, and hope that they would leave a written warning on the vehicles violating the parking space, taking note of their license plate. Hopefully the warning would say something like the vehicle is subject to tow. And if you see the same vehicles parked there again, I would call security again, and then it will get towed.

If security doesn't get involved, I would look into seeing if there is anyway they can put up barriers to keep vehicles out.

I always tell property owners or businesses that if you don't offer motorcycle parking, they are relinquishing control of the situation, as most motorcyclist will park where they feel it's the most convenient or closest location or where they think will offer the safest refuge from vehicles. Take control of the situation before it gets out of control.

Then again, I aways tell motorcyclist that whenever motorcycle parking is offered, they should use it to support the thought, time and effort that the property owner or businesses have put into providing a dedicated space. Otherwise they might just take it away.

So thanks for parking in the area dedicated to bikes.
I'd dob on them :sinister:

Actually, sometimes it's not worth the hassle.

They might have a gun and shoot you :eek: (I'm kidding people)

Sometimes it ain't worth the trouble :(
Bash the window in and throw a Molotov ****tail and ride away on a wheelie with two big middle fingers up, no I'm kidding ask in a note nicely people will do what they want until someone steps up to them then its fight or flight I'd drive my car to work that day just incase :)
Here's a good solution for you.

1. Wear all of your protection gear on the outside of the garments.

2. Smear yourself in blood. Pigs's blood works best!

3. Hang small bits of pig's meat all over your gear now.

4. Find a really long rusty steel pipe.

5. Wear it in a holster on your back lie a samurai katana.

6. Wait til the end of the day and confront those treacherous bastards that dared to illegal park.

Just threaten them with your old trusty rusty pipe and tell them that the last guy that dared to cross you over had the pleasure of getting charmed by the rusty pipe.

Problem solved.

PS- set up a video camera and post the video here for the lulz