busted my FZ6 up


Junior Member
Sep 30, 2011
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I joined this forum a couple of months ago, and before I had a reason to use it, some silverhaired cager pulled in front of my and busted up my 07 FZ6.

pics here (blood warning) bike wreck - a set on Flickr

Not to bad as the injuries are concerened, but there is frame damage. So I'm assuming a full total. Anybody bought thier bike back from the insurance companies before? I'm planning on parting what's good off of it, and saving the engine for a cart project in the future.

Setting: Clear sky at or about mid 80's, Florida pan handle Emerald coast. Cruising at about 45 MPH on a main road with a party of 3 me being second in the party. Split 4 lane road w turning lanes.

Location: Intersection between main road, 2 fast food restraunts, and a bridge leading to contos on the coast.

Story: My buddy, me, and my wife were heading from a Motorcycle Safety Rally on Friday the 13th (ironicly) to get some lunch in a near by coastal city. The sky was clear and the temperature was perfect. It was a little before lunch, so we wanted to get on the road before the traffic picked up. No speeding, no crazy weaving, just a nice cruise for some good food. We were all wearing full gear.

After about 25 min into the trip we had been hitting every green light along the route. It was pretty nice, and the traffic hadn't picked up so the trip was taking turns for the good. We moved into the left hand land to pass some turning traffic and stayed there for about 2 miles. When we approached the intersection we all slowed a little, but stayed within the speed limits. The far left lane was completly backed up with turning cars, the light was green and we proceeded through in the left most lane with a few cars behind us on the right side. So there wasn't really anywhere to go for a while.

As we came through the intersection a lady pulled through the turning lane, from the opposide road and violated our lane about half way right into the side of the lead bike. He abruptly swerved to avoid her car and passed militations of the bike to a lowside crash. Luckily he detached from the bike. The left me with his bike in front, the lady's care to the left, and his body to the right. The only thing I had mind to do was stop as quickly as possible.

Hitting the front brakes, and applied a bit to much pressure and locked the wheel up, whick bucked the back of the bike up a bit and dropped all my control. I was able to release the front brake and return the back end, but my fork turned from the torque of the initial release whiched caused my balance to break. The FZ fell on the right side and slid about 50ft to a stop. So, I prevented a high side, but still dropped the bike...hard.

I smacked my helmet and lost conciousness immediatly and came to with the bike on my ankle. My wife was the last rider, and was able to stop right at the intersection threshold.

In hind sight, I probably could have been easier on the brake, and prevented the drop. However I'm still a newer rider, and the sight of my buddy going down sent my mind into a panic and I just wanted to stop quickly and assist him. This mindset sent me to cager mindset and instinct mashed the brakes. Dodging the wreckage was a possibility, but I didn't want to take the risk of hitting the car, his bike, or him.

People, practice your quick stops. Start slowly, and do the same as the MSF. steadily increase your speed ina controlled environmeny and get comfortable with your balance and locking up your tires. You think your a great rider untill somethign like this happens.

Injuries: There is rash above, and there was a bout a 3"x1" chunk of flesh missing below. Wife said she could see the tendons to the knee. Rash on the side of the knee, front of the shin, on the hip, and a helluva - a - lot of pain to the shoulder :/ Physical therapy starts on the 10th. I'm really suffering with a lot of swelling and pressure along with my knee and ankle being very immobile. :(


Alright, as you already know I'm Military. My medical is Tricare so i don't ever see the bill. And I had full coverage, so my insurance can cover my bike. Should I get an attorney for this? Do I need to go after the person at fault? No experience with this. My wife thinks I need to start a case on top of the claim for insurance. The lady was cited for failure to yield, and is claiming no fault with her insurance. Really lost on this.

***Anybody ever bought their totaled bike back and parted it out? Just wondering if it's worth the trouble or not. I have the space, tools, and know how. Does the cost outweigh the benefits is my concern?***
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sorry to hear, and that is a pretty crappy first post. glad you are not hurt too bad. as far as the bike goes, there is frame damage, but it is not broken. not sure if a scratched frame will total a bike like a cracked frame will.

I don't mean to come down on you after you already are bummed, but it sounds like you aren't really taking any responsibilty from the crash. even a crash that is entirly someone elses fault (very rare) hold lessons that can help avoid future problems. i suggest spending some time thinking about how scenario could have gone different....if you learn somthing interesting, share it with the rest of us.

Are you getting another bike? Another FZ6?

Also, thank you for protecting our freedom.
The glove and helmet pictures... wow. Imagine if they weren't there. It could have been a lot worse.

The leg injury is odd. It looks like there is no cuts on your... knee? But above and below?

Good luck with your recovery and thank you for sharing. Reminders like this could very well save someone else's a--!
I joined this forum a couple of months ago, and before I had a reason to use it, some silverhaired cager pulled in front of my and busted up my 07 FZ6.

pics here (blood warning) bike wreck - a set on Flickr

Not to bad as the injuries are concerened, but there is frame damage. So I'm assuming a full total. Anybody bought thier bike back from the insurance companies before? I'm planning on parting what's good off of it, and saving the engine for a cart project in the future.
Glad your ok,
Sorry about the bike. heal up soon and please give us some more info.

sorry to hear, and that is a pretty crappy first post. glad you are not hurt too bad. as far as the bike goes, there is frame damage, but it is not broken. not sure if a scratched frame will total a bike like a cracked frame will.

I don't mean to come down on you after you already are bummed, but it sounds like you aren't really taking any responsibilty from the crash. even a crash that is entirly someone elses fault (very rare) hold lessons that can help avoid future problems. i suggest spending some time thinking about how scenario could have gone different....if you learn somthing interesting, share it with the rest of us.

Are you getting another bike? Another FZ6?

Also, thank you for protecting our freedom.

Yes, you are right. I should have elaborated on the crash a little furthur. I'm not accepting 100% responsibility, but the bike going down could have been prevented by and more experienced rider: See above edit!

I really liked my FZ6, and if it's totaled, I'm looking to get another or maybe a VFR. I really like the thought of a fairing after the beating my knee took and the damage to the frame.

I appreciate the respect at what we do for the country. :thumbup:
Insurance will total it out. Anything that is scratched will usually be replaced. I am really sorry that this happened to you.
The glove and helmet pictures... wow. Imagine if they weren't there. It could have been a lot worse.

The leg injury is odd. It looks like there is no cuts on your... knee? But above and below?

Good luck with your recovery and thank you for sharing. Reminders like this could very well save someone else's a--!

There is rash above, and there was a bout a 3"x1" chunk of flesh missing below. Wife said she could see the tendons to the knee. Rash on the side of the knee, front of the shin, on the hip, and a helluva - a - lot of pain to the shoulder :/ Physical therapy starts on the 10th. I'm really suffering with a lot of swelling and pressure along with my knee and ankle being very immobile. :(
What sort of pants were you wearing? Did they have some kevlar lining?

No, ignorantly I figured jeans were enough because everyone else I see wears them. The held up decently, but the initial impact is what tore them appart and exposed the skin. I will be getting some REAL riding pants this next time arround.
No, ignorantly I figured jeans were enough because everyone else I see wears them. The held up decently, but the initial impact is what tore them appart and exposed the skin. I will be getting some REAL riding pants this next time arround.

A lot of us ride in jeans. It's just that they are lined with Kevlar - you wouldn't know by looking at them.

BTW, glad you weren't badly injured

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Wow, really sorry to hear about your misfortune. Hope you heal up soon and get back on the road with a new set of two wheels.

I think you might be able to go after the cager since they were cited for failure to yield. You'll have to get some legal advice.

And as some others have stated, thanks for your service.
If the cops cited her for failing to yield, I'd at least talk to a lawyer.
Not sure how insurance works over there, but if I total my bike my monthly payments tend to skyrocket.
Just talking to a lawyer usually won't cost a thing.
Ouch! Really sorry this happened to you. Glad you walked away with your life. The bike is the least of your worries and can be replaced. Rest up, heal those wounds, and I hope to see you on a new bike soon.

As others above have said, thank you for your service to this great nation.
Really glad that you had enough wits to keep it from being worse, and that you've been evaluating what happened so you can learn from it. Did your buddy end up being good? I didn't see anything about him.

No, ignorantly I figured jeans were enough because everyone else I see wears them. The held up decently, but the initial impact is what tore them appart and exposed the skin. I will be getting some REAL riding pants this next time arround.

This is good to hear. I couldn't understand how you got those leg injuries when you said all three of you were in "full gear". To me, ATGATT includes leg protection. Live and learn.

EDIT: Check out this thread for some good suggestions - http://www.600riders.com/forum/safety-equipment/43893-riding-jeans.html
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If you talk to an attorney you might want to watch what you say in the thread. Any good attorney might use some of that against you...even if it really wasn't your fault. You might be surprised how nasty insurance company lawyers get.
As others have noted, thank you for your service...

As for the wreck, they happen. As a retired PO from SW Florida for 25 years, from what you state and that she was charged in the crash, your good to go (so to speak). Could you have handled the bike differently in an emergency situation, perhaps.. Are you required to drive defensivly, no, but it helps to anticipate that left hand turn in front of you...Experiance helps but that takes time and practice. Ride like your invisable.. She clearly violated your (and your buddies) right of way..

BTW, I had a similar wreck when I was 19, an old man pulled a left in front of me in 1977, totaled my 1975 RD 350, put me in the hospital for a month and numerous surgeries as well.

You need to see a lawyer (IMHO, you have very solid case) and as noted prevously, watch you put out in public..

Good luck...
Really glad that you had enough wits to keep it from being worse, and that you've been evaluating what happened so you can learn from it. Did your buddy end up being good? I didn't see anything about him.

This is good to hear. I couldn't understand how you got those leg injuries when you said all three of you were in "full gear". To me, ATGATT includes leg protection. Live and learn.

EDIT: Check out this thread for some good suggestions - http://www.600riders.com/forum/safety-equipment/43893-riding-jeans.html

Thanks for the reference! No, he lowsided quickly and seperated from his bike. The injuries he sustained were very minor. Scratched knees with minor bruising, nice little concussion tho :D ! His Jeans faired pretty well too, not perfect but better than mine. He's doing good with a little sorness, but he's up on his 2 feet and walking arround. ATGATT definitly has new meaning for me.

If you talk to an attorney you might want to watch what you say in the thread. Any good attorney might use some of that against you...even if it really wasn't your fault. You might be surprised how nasty insurance company lawyers get.

I was really thinking about this, that's why I took 2 weeks to make a post. I'm being really carefull not to compramise the statement I've made to my insurance, and the police. GLO! (Good Looking Out)
I really like the thought of a fairing after the beating my knee took and the damage to the frame.

I had frame sliders on my bike, they mounted the same place your frame took a beating. I also wear jeans and know they don't protect much at all but do have knee/shin guards I picked up at Cyclegear that I wear from time to time. They possibly could've prevented your knee damage and they're cheap, something like $20 and up.

Sucks that it happened. Can't give you advice on the legal aspects of suing or whatever. I wish you a quick recovery, brother.
A lot of us ride in jeans. It's just that they are lined with Kevlar - you wouldn't know by looking at them.

+1 on the Kevlar. Sitting here in the office in my Draggin Jeans !! One of our guys took a spill on a bicycle ride the other week. He is now looking at Knee Guards etc for his bicycle !!