Question for our law enforcement members!!!!


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Apr 1, 2010
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Cocoa, FL - USA
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Question first and then I'll follow with the story:
Is there any validity, or is there any use, to verbally report a vehicle (model, license plate, etc) to the authorities for reckless driving after you avoided an accident?

I remember here in Brevard there is a phone number you can call and report vehicles for littering. I don't remember the whole process because this system needs to filter out any wrong doing from the person reporting the event.

Now, back to the story:
After work today, I was just going on a short nice ride enjoying a great weather and beautiful day.
I'm coming to a two lane, both left turn, to merge on a highway, and the red traffic light just turned on. There are only two cars ahead of me slowly coming to a stop, one following the other on the right lane, so I'm slowly coming to stop on the left lane and I could read the second car merging into the left lane before coming to a stop, but it did not happen, only after I was much closer to them and both cars where stopped!!!!!
So, not even within a car distance this person (probably in his mid 50s) without looking anywhere jumps into the left lane, right in front of me. I simply stopped since I was going slow. There where three people in that car, probably the father (driving) mother (front seat) and daughter (late teens early 20s maybe) in the back seat. The girl in the back covered her face immediately (like she did not want to see the accident), it seems she was the only one that realized I was so close when the driver decided to change lanes.

I simply waited for the light to change and was thankful nothing happened, but the driver never even turned or looked the mirrors to acknowledge my presence.

Once the light turned green I simply started following the car. Not very close but every time it would change lanes I would follow. The girl in the back seat must have turned her head to see me like 10 times in about 2 miles!!!!!
I knew I would not get anything out of it and decided not to exit the highway following that car.

Of course if I had the camera at that time and would be recording, then I have clear evidence I can use, but simply coming with my story to authorities pretty much would go nowhere, but either way I'm curious to hear from law enforcement members to see if there are means or options to actually do something about these situations that would not involve direct confrontations coming from frustration and anger out of the moment.

Glad to hear the situation was rather benign, and no one was hurt.

I'd like to add a follow-up to the question...

Does anyone know if it there is a problem with posting videos of knuckleheads - plates and all - in the event you capture one in action?

I SOOOOOO want a camera set-up, front and rear, because there is not a single day that goes by I couldn't get a great example of piss-poor driving with which I could adorn the wall of my FB page...and I would really like to.

So, to re-cap...does it make sense (and is there a means) to report errant drivers, and if you do catch them "on film," any problem with posting their antics?
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About a month ago I almost got T-bone by a car driving in my apartment parking lot. 2 cars where racing each other to be the fist one out coming into a T junction of the parking lot. Well, the "winner" was so focus of getting out the parking lot before the other that I never saw me... I had just enough time to stop and he pass me at no more than 3-4 ft. So I was quite piss of the situation but I was alright. So I park my bike in my garage and walk across the parking lot to my apartment when idiot #3 drive in the parking lot with his tires on the verge of coming off the rims. So I look at him and could't resist the urge of walking back and tell him WTF! So our discussion all started calmly and he was in total denial trying to find every fkn looser excuse in the book to try to proof himself that all he was doing was the right thing. So I can of blew up and tell him what I had on my mind and he could go F himself. I walk away and call the cop.

Well here in Palm Beach Gardens, the biggest worry the cops have is to get rinkle on there suite and giving stop sign and red light tickets to cover part of there salary. So long story short... by the time they show up all they had to say is that they didn't saw him and couldn't do anything about it. He strongly suggest me not to confront anyone in the future. So I reply: "So you're telling me that I should just not give a FK and deal with it when someone hit me or ran over a kid crossing the street? That would just be nice that you take car of the people who drive dangerously instead of nailing me for $165.00 because I didn't put both of my feet on the ground!!!" He didn't say anything and I just left... useless!
Does anyone know if it there is a problem with posting videos of knuckleheads - plates and all - in the event you capture one in action?

i don't believe there are any issues with capturing things that are in the public. you may have to be careful when capturing law enforcement on film as there have been issues in the past, but theoretically if what you are capturing is privy to the public's eye, then it should be fine.
Yes... you can, and should report reckless driving behavior to law enforcement.

Not sure about Florida laws, but here in Michigan, the LEO must witness the violation to issue a citation. We've dealt with people in the past who have video recorded and taken photos of said violations. This evidence was shown to an officer and contact was made with the suspect.

The suspect admitted the violation (passing on a double yellow) and a citation was issued. 2 weeks later, the suspect requested a hearing and testified that he believes the ticket should be dismissed since the officer did not physically observe the violation and the person who recorded the video was not able to testify.

Long story short, our local judge has instructed our officers to refrain from issuing citations unless we actually see the violation. If a person does witness a violation, they should still report it to L/E. An officer can track down the violator and let them know their actions could have hurt/ killed another person and they need to think very carefully how they operate a motor vehicle in the future.

This contact also gives the officer a chance to evaluate the persons demeanor and possibly catch a life changing event. You wouldn't believe how many medical emergencies begin by speeding, running a red light, or cutting off another driver. The violator could be experiencing a heart attack, stroke or other catastrophic event.

Sooo... make the call. It just might save someones life.
That sort of reckless cager driving is a daily occurrence in AZ, specifically the phx metro area. You should be careful with following the driver after things like that happen. I as well as a few of my friends have had the whole situation take a 180 degree turn. If the cager never actually hit you or caused any damage to you, and you follow them, they can claim reckless driving due to your aggravated driving. It is absolute bullsh!t but it has happened to me. I had called the cops on the cager and I ended up getting pulled over as well, he got let go and I got a lecture on driving safe and respecting other drivers. I couldn't help but laugh.
Glad nothing happened, ride safe. :D
Glad to hear the situation was rather benign, and no one was hurt.

I'd like to add a follow-up to the question...

Does anyone know if it there is a problem with posting videos of knuckleheads - plates and all - in the event you capture one in action?

I SOOOOOO want a camera set-up, front and rear, because there is not a single day that goes by I couldn't get a great example of piss-poor driving with which I could adorn the wall of my FB page...and I would really like to.


As new technologies pop up so fast, it is not unreasonable to eventually be able to have some sort of recording system, very affordable, with one camera towards the front, one towards the back, and a big HD where all the video is constantly recorded. There could be an LCD screen if there is the desire of adjusting the views of the cameras and maybe a "mark" button to insert time stamps which you can go to fast once reviewing the video on a computer.
Law enforcement should provide means to make this material valuable and useful as evidence.
About a month ago I almost got T-bone by a car driving in my apartment parking lot. 2 cars where racing each other to be the fist one out coming into a T junction of the parking lot. Well, the "winner" was so focus of getting out the parking lot before the other that I never saw me... I had just enough time to stop and he pass me at no more than 3-4 ft. So I was quite piss of the situation but I was alright. So I park my bike in my garage and walk across the parking lot to my apartment when idiot #3 drive in the parking lot with his tires on the verge of coming off the rims. So I look at him and could't resist the urge of walking back and tell him WTF! So our discussion all started calmly and he was in total denial trying to find every fkn looser excuse in the book to try to proof himself that all he was doing was the right thing. So I can of blew up and tell him what I had on my mind and he could go F himself. I walk away and call the cop.

Well here in Palm Beach Gardens, the biggest worry the cops have is to get rinkle on there suite and giving stop sign and red light tickets to cover part of there salary. So long story short... by the time they show up all they had to say is that they didn't saw him and couldn't do anything about it. He strongly suggest me not to confront anyone in the future. So I reply: "So you're telling me that I should just not give a FK and deal with it when someone hit me or ran over a kid crossing the street? That would just be nice that you take car of the people who drive dangerously instead of nailing me for $165.00 because I didn't put both of my feet on the ground!!!" He didn't say anything and I just left... useless!

In this situation, you might try pulling one of these :D
So sad

Hello I'm new on here but I thought yall might enjoy hereing that bad driving seems to be Everywhere. Me and one of the other memebers of this forum were riding back from getting me some new mirrors and a new helmet. I was a little bit behind him because of the traffic and I'm careful because I'm a new rider. While I was looking in front of the car in front of me to see if I could pass I watch the other rider fly from the road on to the grass seperating the two roads. A truck, who had been watching him, got directly in front of him and slammed on the brakes. He handled it well, and didn't go down, recovered and got back on the highway and caught up to the truck.

Whats worse than this guy being an idiot is that I'm stuck in traffic doing 75 so he must be doing at least to be ahead of me and is all over the road, with a child in the car.
Ignorant and self centered idiots are everywhere. I travel the country for a living and have numerous people brake check me in my car for doing absolutely nothing wrong. I had one last Sunday from Jersey brake check me, right lane was open so I passed them then they felt the need to tailgate me. It was raining and I drive an AWD Ford Edge so its a tank and water doesn't really effect it. Jersey dink was however driving a little ancient Honda civic, he hit some standing water and almost hit the wall. He slowed down very quickly. I was driving with my cruise on minding my own business. So many people feel the need to hurry up and move over and crawl past someone while they are doing the speed limit. I travel 5-8 mph over on the Pike. Here in DE people think stop signs are yield and a red light as long as no one is right there means do 20mph while making a right turn. I have been here only 2 days and almost hit numerous times when I have a green light or have already stopped at a stop sign and its my turn to go.
So, not even within a car distance this person (probably in his mid 50s) without looking anywhere jumps into the left lane, right in front of me.

Most of us are still pretty alert at that ripe old age, but there are those few. :)

I know of no reporting system here for stuff like that. Shifting lanes in an intersection is a traffic violation in Florida but as you know it happens frequently. I don’t think people know that they can get a ticket for doing that. The one and only time I got creamed was sitting at an intersection in Valrico and had a Ford Explorer run over me trying to shift three lanes.
Most of us are still pretty alert at that ripe old age, but there are those few. :)

With this driver I don't think it was a matter of age, the driving position was an indication to be on the look out:
Left hand only on top of the steering wheel, his head was more towards the middle of the car than the headrest of the seat, it was more like driving on a recliner chair. I don't think that even if he would take a peak at any of the mirrors he would see anything close to the road!!!!
Re: So sad

Hello I'm new on here but I thought yall might enjoy hereing that bad driving seems to be Everywhere. Me and one of the other memebers of this forum were riding back from getting me some new mirrors and a new helmet. I was a little bit behind him because of the traffic and I'm careful because I'm a new rider. While I was looking in front of the car in front of me to see if I could pass I watch the other rider fly from the road on to the grass seperating the two roads. A truck, who had been watching him, got directly in front of him and slammed on the brakes. He handled it well, and didn't go down, recovered and got back on the highway and caught up to the truck.

Whats worse than this guy being an idiot is that I'm stuck in traffic doing 75 so he must be doing at least to be ahead of me and is all over the road, with a child in the car.

Welcome to this great forum!!!!

I'm glad no injuries resulted from this.
Be safe and enjoy your bike.