Non0Integrated LED Tail Light

That's what I bought too and the last bits came in last week. :thumbup:

I haven't installed it on the bike yet, but I got it all wired up and it's not a hard thing to do as long as you are ready to splice into wires... I figured it was easier to do all the wiring BEFORE I install everything on the bike plus I also need to finish the custom FE that will hold the turn signals in place.

It's winter here right now, so I have to get the bike out of storage before I can get it all on... hopefully I will find the time to finish the FE and put it on the bike sometime this week. I'll try to post pics/vids once it's all done.

This is exactly what I am wanting to do. I received my taillight last week, waiting on the turn signals and new flasher relay. (It doesn't matter yet, I still haven't bought the bike. lol) Couple questions if anyone knows. I usually put some clear silicone around new lights where the lens seals to the base, to ensure moisture doesn't get in, has anyone had any problems with the2wheels turn signals without silicone? Also, what is the best way to splice in the turn signals? I know they make those splicing connectors that you just put around the main wire, slide the new wire in, and push the metal tab down to splice them together, but is this the best route? Or should I just solder them really well and put heat tubing around it? That video makes me more excited to get my new bike and get to work! :D
Really interested in this, i have been thinking about it for a short while. That video has sealed the deal and on pay day i am going to start ordering the parts. I am deffo in for more pics from others who have done this mod to!
Sorry to thread necro, but I promised these and never delivered.
I have a comparison with it and one of the generic $20 ebay units, however they are not in the same frame and while I believe the ISO settings are the same, I can't grantee it.
My cost to fab these last time I made them was on the order of $50 in parts (the super bright LEDs are not cheap).

Directly behind:

Slightly to the side:

The product:
That's really nice looking and I bet it's as bright or brighter than a lot of the aftermarket ones I've seen. Nice work did you fab the board yourself or is it pre-made stock.
I think it was you that was working on this a while back,yes? :)
Another gentleman over on SBW forums fabbed the board and was building them for a while, but he stopped and I bought the last of his boards a few years ago. I made a dozen or so and then life intervened. Still have a stack of the boards in the garage.
Here's the comparison shot, same camera settings (ISO, shutter, aperture, etc) In the same room and with the same lighting. The lighting on the desk being dark and spotty is an artifact of the high shutter speed and florescent lighting, so pay it no attention.
