air filter find


Junior Member
Sep 23, 2011
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I decided to check my airfilter the other day and found all this white insulation-type stuff sucked in there. Did this stuff come off the bike somewhere or just get randomly sucked in the intake??
It kind of looks like spider cobb webs. Was your bike in storage for awhile? Maybe momma spider crawled up in there and laid some eggs?

Otherwise it's something that you rode through and didn't come from the bike - your air intake is like a vacuum cleaner, sucking in anything you ride through. I've found small birds feathers, insects, pollen/seeds, ect in addition to the usual dirt.

Either way, a new OEM filter is like $30 or get a K&N for $50-60.
thats a mix of fiberglass and avocado seeds...

Call animal control now! :BLAA:
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Wow! Am guessing that Air Filter wasnt letting much air through!

Bet you notice a big difference, once you have fixed it.

Any white Kitty cats missing or furless???

At least it doesn't have a hole clean through it with food for the winter on your throttle plates! :thumbup:

I threw a new dryer sheet in the inlet pipe, under the tank and under the seat. Lets see how it looks in a few months!
That is interesting! What are those brown things? It looks like It was spun inside the airbox! That is crazy! :eek: Also looks kinda man made.
Looks like you've had a passenger nad when there was suction from the engine it spun more silk and the silk was sucked into the filter.

Be careful cleaning it out!

Unhook the battery for 30 minutes to reset the computer after you've put the filter back in. That's a K&N?