New Frame Sliders Tested


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Sep 22, 2010
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Newport Beach, CA
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So I finally bought some OES Extended Frame Sliders. Took all of 20 minutes to install. Looked good to me. My teenage son promptly comes out and says, "You ruined the look and those look gay". Now I apologize in advance if I've offended anyone by repeating his specific remark.

I tell him sliders are like insurance, something you buy and hope you never have to use. "Whatever Dad", with eyes rolling.

Fast forward to Sunday and I've just returned from a nice little ride. He walks out and asks if he can practice a little in a parking lot. He took the MSF earlier this year, but did not go take the test. I tell him okay, but he has to gear up, which he does.

Now you can all figure out what happened. I drove us over to the local school so he could practice. I gave him a lengthly review, easing out the clutch, gently rolling on the throttle. He had some trouble getting going, stalling but not dropping. He managed a few successful take offs and drove around the parking lot. Well, then he stalled and dropped the bike. He was barely rolling. The slider is scratched but that's about it. No damage to frame that I can see.

He sheepishly said, "Sorry". I laughed and told him not to worry, that's why I bought the sliders in the first place. I just didn't expect to test them out so soon.

I guess I've learned to be more patient as a parent. Morale of the story, if you're thinking about purchasing frame sliders, do it sooner than later. I just hope you won't have to try them out anytime soon!
Yes, thanks all. It's a good thing we love him. He did hug me today and say he was sorry for dropping the bike. I reassured him it was fine, let's not let it happen again!

So I finally bought some OES Extended Frame Sliders. Took all of 20 minutes to install. Looked good to me. My teenage son promptly comes out and says, "You ruined the look and those look gay". Now I apologize in advance if I've offended anyone by repeating his specific remark.

I tell him sliders are like insurance, something you buy and hope you never have to use. "Whatever Dad", with eyes rolling.

Fast forward to Sunday and I've just returned from a nice little ride. He walks out and asks if he can practice a little in a parking lot. He took the MSF earlier this year, but did not go take the test. I tell him okay, but he has to gear up, which he does.

Now you can all figure out what happened. I drove us over to the local school so he could practice. I gave him a lengthly review, easing out the clutch, gently rolling on the throttle. He had some trouble getting going, stalling but not dropping. He managed a few successful take offs and drove around the parking lot. Well, then he stalled and dropped the bike. He was barely rolling. The slider is scratched but that's about it. No damage to frame that I can see.

He sheepishly said, "Sorry". I laughed and told him not to worry, that's why I bought the sliders in the first place. I just didn't expect to test them out so soon.

I guess I've learned to be more patient as a parent. Morale of the story, if you're thinking about purchasing frame sliders, do it sooner than later. I just hope you won't have to try them out anytime soon!
Top Dad,
Even if your bike was damaged, you can't put a price on that father and son session.

Apologies, I totally forgot about picking up the bike off the ground. I had my son try to pick it facing the tank and seat and of course he couldn't. Then I showed him how to position himself and use his legs to lift the bike. He couldn't believe how easy it was.
Apologies, I totally forgot about picking up the bike off the ground. I had my son try to pick it facing the tank and seat and of course he couldn't. Then I showed him how to position himself and use his legs to lift the bike. He couldn't believe how easy it was.
Like I said, "Top Dad".

+1 for frame 5yr old brother put my helmet on and climbed up on it in the garage while I was at work, OF course he drops it, RIGHT into my 1965 Mustang, :spank: the bike is fine-ish, other then the left grip and windshield, but my Mustang needs bondo and paint on the drivers door,
needless to say my mother had to keep him away from me for the better part of a month so i wouldnt kill him.....:scared:
+1 for frame 5yr old brother put my helmet on and climbed up on it in the garage while I was at work, OF course he drops it, RIGHT into my 1965 Mustang, :spank: the bike is fine-ish, other then the left grip and windshield, but my Mustang needs bondo and paint on the drivers door,
needless to say my mother had to keep him away from me for the better part of a month so i wouldnt kill him.....:scared:

Family...gotta love 'em! :spank:
I've had pretty much exactly the same experience, but the other way round!

Bought my dad a pair of R&G sliders for his '01 R6, fitted them and, can't remember exactly but it was either the first or second ride after fitting them, we pull up for a break (fag break really, I don't smoke :thumbup:, only him!) in the entrance of a garden centre. It's a place we stop at regularly, basically we do a u turn as we go in and end up facing as if you were ready to pull back out onto the main road, and leave the bikes there while we have a break (early in the morning, so the garden centre isn't open), well this time my brother rides in, does his u turn, and my dad for no apparent reason grabs a hand full of front brake just as he’s beginning his u turn and goes down (about 2 mph :spank:).

Once I had actually comprehended what had just happened (you know when you can't quite believe what you've just seen?) we got it back up, the lower panel was slightly scratched but the slider took most of the impact, mainly a damaged pride (and a sore hip!)

Problem is he is convinced that he is bad at slow speed riding (he isn't a specialist, but I’m sure he isn’t that bad really), my personal opinion is that slow speed manoeuvring is a mix of skill (to a certain degree), but mostly mental attitude, basically if you believe that you can do something you most likely can, if you believe that you can't you will most likely fail, its that attitude I try and live my life with, seems to worked ok so far :thumbup:


So I finally bought some OES Extended Frame Sliders. Took all of 20 minutes to install. Looked good to me. My teenage son promptly comes out and says, "You ruined the look and those look gay". Now I apologize in advance if I've offended anyone by repeating his specific remark.

I tell him sliders are like insurance, something you buy and hope you never have to use. "Whatever Dad", with eyes rolling.

Fast forward to Sunday and I've just returned from a nice little ride. He walks out and asks if he can practice a little in a parking lot. He took the MSF earlier this year, but did not go take the test. I tell him okay, but he has to gear up, which he does.

Now you can all figure out what happened. I drove us over to the local school so he could practice. I gave him a lengthly review, easing out the clutch, gently rolling on the throttle. He had some trouble getting going, stalling but not dropping. He managed a few successful take offs and drove around the parking lot. Well, then he stalled and dropped the bike. He was barely rolling. The slider is scratched but that's about it. No damage to frame that I can see.

He sheepishly said, "Sorry". I laughed and told him not to worry, that's why I bought the sliders in the first place. I just didn't expect to test them out so soon.

I guess I've learned to be more patient as a parent. Morale of the story, if you're thinking about purchasing frame sliders, do it sooner than later. I just hope you won't have to try them out anytime soon!
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