So, do you have a tattoo?

Do u have a tattoo?

  • No, never!

    Votes: 71 33.2%
  • No, but I want one

    Votes: 42 19.6%
  • Yeah, I have one

    Votes: 53 24.8%
  • H*ll yeah!! I got a few

    Votes: 48 22.4%

  • Total voters
Ihave three, all based on the work of Aubrey Beardsley,
the come from his illustrations of the book I think was called Le Mort D'Arthur
by Mallory.

I'll post up some pics over the w/end
I looked up that Welsh name and found this. Beautiful!

It's not that big Cliff :eek:

Sorry about your bro. I'm sure he watching over you as you ride.

but thats one of the things tattoos help us do.... over come. I know many people who have tattoos in memory of loved ones. thank you for sharing
I just need a chest to put it on lol.
I'm very impressed with the different types and styles of the Tats on display.
I also have a small cartoon red dragon on my shoulder (my welsh heritage). I got that really by default.
My older Bro had just joined the Army and wanted a Tat. So we went for a few beers and waited in the only Tattoo place in town for 5 hours. My brother chickened out and I didn't want to have all that time wasted lol.
I have one tattoo I made with needle and thread with India ink when I was 18. I want to get it covered.

I met a guy once at a pow wow here in SoCal. His name is Dennis Avner (Cat Man). We started talking about why he had his face tattooed. He was a really nice person. He gave me the inside story. I met him a couple of times at other events like SCA (society for creative anachronism) etc. His tattoos had really become intense as well as his body modifications. Some people are squeemish about this stuff and if you ever search body modification you might want to make sure you have your search filters on because it can get very intense.

Meet Cat Man! :eek:

YouTube - ‪Catman‬‏
That's very extreme,
He should just convert to Buddhism and wait for reincarnation.

Have never had one. If I ever get one it will be in honor of a loved one and not just some stupid design that means nothing like most tattoos I have seen. :rolleyes:
Have never had one. If I ever get one it will be in honor of a loved one and not just some stupid design that means nothing like most tattoos I have seen. :rolleyes:

Now don't get me wrong or anything, as I don't claim to be an expert.
In my limited exposure to people with skin art.i Each one [tattoo] tells a unique and individual story. Part of the point of a Tat is that they mean nothing to anyone else other than the owner.

Now don't get me wrong or anything, as I don't claim to be an expert.
In my limited exposure to people with skin art.i Each one [tattoo] tells a unique and individual story. Part of the point of a Tat is that they mean nothing to anyone else other than the owner.


Whoops! I had mine done just to cover up the one's we did at school with indian ink.Seemed like a good idea at the time.. lmao
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Hate my tattoo. Got it when I was big in to DJing. It's (if you are old enough to remember) one of those plastic inserts you get in old single records. I wanted something that nobody else had and had something to do with mixing.
Still have my decks and all my records but my love for biking is now far greater. I just look at it as a chapter in my life.
I have one, tribal infinity knot from shoulder blade to shoulder blade across my back, its to remind me to be strong even when you think no one is looking. I have a few more planned just have to find an artist I trust.
My bike is being made to match the cherry blossoms on my tattoo. here is a pic of my tattoo, and my custom tank pad :)

I plan on a similar design on my fairings when they arrive!
H*ll yeah!! I got a few....and here they are :rockon:

1st on my right shoulder:
from 13yrs old to 18 i kept saying i'll never get a tattoo, but if i do i'd get
a superman symbol on my shoulder. i hadnt changed my mind for 5 yrs so...
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2nd on my left shoulder:
had to balance it out!
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3rd on my back:
it says "freak" if you cant tell.
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4th on my left calf:
i lost a very good friend :(, i now carry him everywhere i go
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ok so no tattoos here but 8 of 16 piercings (the other ear looks the same)
any guesses where the rest are :eek:
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I voted "no, never" but only because there was not a "I don't think I will ever" choice. Never say never. :)
Like others, even if it was a design I liked NOW, how can I be sure I would still want it 10, 20, 30, 40 years later? The exception to this, which thankfully I have not yet needed to consider, is the loss of a very close loved one. I might consider one in their honor.
Some of these are very amazing work by some talented tattoo artists. Thanks for sharing! :D
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Hate my tattoo. Got it when I was big in to DJing. It's (if you are old enough to remember) one of those plastic inserts you get in old single records. I wanted something that nobody else had and had something to do with mixing.
Still have my decks and all my records but my love for biking is now far greater. I just look at it as a chapter in my life.

You are not the only one that regrets their choice. I have a friend with a "dig it" frog, and another with a "chilly willy" penguin. LOL
yep just got my 2nd one about a month ago. first one is a sun i designed more or less because everything i like to do involves outdoors and spent a lot of time at beaches. the 2nd is a lifestyle really that i've been using and then i heard it put into words by Rise Against i put on my side. it says, "how we survive is what makes us who we are. agree that the ink should have some meaning to you personally but to each his own i guess.