So, do you have a tattoo?

Do u have a tattoo?

  • No, never!

    Votes: 71 33.2%
  • No, but I want one

    Votes: 42 19.6%
  • Yeah, I have one

    Votes: 53 24.8%
  • H*ll yeah!! I got a few

    Votes: 48 22.4%

  • Total voters


Junior Member
Nov 1, 2010
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Madison, WI
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I was wondering how many of you have tattoos, want one or would never think about getting one. Thought it would be fun to know.... so Let me know how you feel about them. If you have one, what it means to you and why you got it. And if you could post up a pic that would be great. Here is mine. got it Oct 2009. I love all types of cats and basically I was bored.


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Sure do! It's a foodog. Will get another on my chest as it is customary to have them in pairs. Let's see that ink fellas!

Yup, and I love it! Got this 4 years ago, The Psi symbol is for when I got my doctorate in psychology. The red/black design is a Mapuche indian design to honor my Native South American ancestry. The bicycle gear is for my love of bikes and all things mechanical (dad is a mechanic). The large surrounding design is inspired by Marquesian/ South pacific art, to honor a grandfather who was from Chile but was a merchant sailor who went back and forth to the S.Pacific. I always think that tattoos should be personally meaningful. This is on my right calf.

No ink... no holes.... :D

I've always wanted a tattoo but every time I try and decide what to have inked I back out because I'm not sure I want that on me for the rest of my life. Well, my life is getting shorter so it might be time to decide with less time to live with it! :D
I've got 18 tattoos at the moment not counting the ones I've covered up with new tattoos. Started at 19 on the Sunset Strip and got my last one 1 1/2 years ago at 55. I'll post some pics when I get a chance.
Funny enough, I've as many tattoos as I've had surgeries in my life. :eek:
I've always wanted a tattoo but every time I try and decide what to have inked I back out because I'm not sure I want that on me for the rest of my life. Well, my life is getting shorter so it might be time to decide with less time to live with it! :D

That pretty much sums me up too , if I change my mind it'll be something like these :thumbup:


Lefty's got some cool ink. I wish I was motivated or artistic enough to get more...

I have a grim reaper on my back that I got when I was 19, it's covering a crappy one I got when I was 17. Still just the one though.
Sheesh...I fainted when I had my ears pierced!
I can't imagine have a little needle jabbing into me enough to do a tat! I'd be in a coma :eek:
In honour of my little brother. 1 day after his fatal Honda baby-blade crash.

That tat is in honour of his widely used nickname. Had it 14 years now.


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I just got my 1st one a couple of weeks ago. My Mom and Grandparents all lived in Texas and are now all at rest in Texas. My Grandma (96) passed in April and "God Willing was one of the last thing's she had said to me..

I have always lived in Cali, so thats why I have the Texas flag flying through the state of California.

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Nope! No-Way! Nada! Never going to happen for this guy! For me it would go like this: looks wash it off and lets try something else! That would all happen in about 3 seconds.
I don't have a tattoo, or any piercings.

I don't have anything against them, just isn't for me.
I've got one. It's the only thing I could put on my body that I knew I'd love for the rest of my life (besides my family, of course). It's the old University of Kentucky basketball logo. I'm a certified member of BBN (Big Blue Nation) and one of those psycho UK fans you're always reading about! I've had it for almost 10 years and never had it recolored, which I need to do soon. It's starting to fade into a lighter blue, which isn't cool...LOL. (Think North Carolina).

I have one tattoo I made with needle and thread with India ink when I was 18. I want to get it covered.

I met a guy once at a pow wow here in SoCal. His name is Dennis Avner (Cat Man). We started talking about why he had his face tattooed. He was a really nice person. He gave me the inside story. I met him a couple of times at other events like SCA (society for creative anachronism) etc. His tattoos had really become intense as well as his body modifications. Some people are squeemish about this stuff and if you ever search body modification you might want to make sure you have your search filters on because it can get very intense.

Meet Cat Man! :eek:

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Catman‬‏[/ame]
In honour of my little brother.1 day after his fatal Honda baby-blade crass.

That tat is in honour of his widely used nickname. Had it 14 years now.



Sorry about your bro. I'm sure he watching over you as you ride.

but thats one of the things tattoos help us do.... over come. I know many people who have tattoos in memory of loved ones. thank you for sharing