Was I wrongly "Lit Up" by the Cop?

As far as I understand, it wouldn't be a passing infraction... But it would fall under taking their lane. Or lane splitting which isn't legal here. Although, it's certainly something I risk 95% of the time(Sometime's I'm just not in the slightest bit of a rush). Even though you're making a right hand turn, and they clearly are not... It's still their lane.
As far as I understand, it wouldn't be a passing infraction... But it would fall under taking their lane. Or lane splitting which isn't legal here. Although, it's certainly something I risk 95% of the time(Sometime's I'm just not in the slightest bit of a rush). Even though you're making a right hand turn, and they clearly are not... It's still their lane.

Sorry, not trying to "pile on" Vegas (I've wanted to say this to other similar posts), but a motorcycle is still a registered/licensed MOTOR VEHICLE and as others (including you, I think) have pointed out, operators of said vehicles that are in a travel lane have the right of way ("own") the width and length of the lane their vehicle inhabits. Vehicles passing me on the right, especially when I'm already 5-10 MPH over the speed limit is one of my pet peeves making me want, when I'm driving my truck, to "accidentally" run into the side of the vehicle as it cuts back into (and most times across to the far left lane) my lane of travel. :spank::spank::spank: (frickin' moeRONs :spank:)

One other thought that just came to mind - safety (YOURS). Given how mindlessly most drivers operate their vehicles today, did it ever occur to you how dangerous your "assumption" (that the vehicle you came along side of was going to go straight ahead) could have been? What if the driver had forgotten to turn on his/her signal, never checked (assumed there was nothing on the right) and started turning - TO THE RIGHT?! :eek: :eek:
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Well here in Nevada, the allows us to pass on the right under certain criterias. And I have listed those criterias at the beginning of this post for everyone to read and hopefully interpret whether it was legal for me to do so.

In my view, yes it was. If I was not, why would they even post up this particualr NRS? It should just state that passing on the right is illegal, period. Except when there are multiple travel lanes.
Well here in Nevada, the allows us to pass on the right under certain criterias. And I have listed those criterias at the beginning of this post for everyone to read and hopefully interpret whether it was legal for me to do so.

In my view, yes it was. If I was not, why would they even post up this particualr NRS? It should just state that passing on the right is illegal, period. Except when there are multiple travel lanes.

When you get a stern talking to by a LEO, and you don't get a ticket..... why argue about how legal or illegal your behavior was?

Even if it makes you feel like you 'won' something, it's still put you on the RADAR as far as that particular LEO is concerned.

Sooner or later, that will come back to haunt you.

Passing judgement on a LEO and being critical of them in a public place isn't to your advantage. Right or wrong.
When you get a stern talking to by a LEO, and you don't get a ticket..... why argue about how legal or illegal your behavior was?

Even if it makes you feel like you 'won' something, it's still put you on the RADAR as far as that particular LEO is concerned.

Sooner or later, that will come back to haunt you.

Passing judgement on a LEO and being critical of them in a public place isn't to your advantage. Right or wrong.

Actually, most of the argument was about how she decided to stop inches away from my bike. I don't think she was ever planning to light me up, put when I pointed out where she stopped in such close proxmity where I was and how I reacted by shaking my head in disbelief, that's when the light came up. And then that's when the right hand turn lane subject came up, as she was trying to use that against me. Kind of like changing the subject because in honesty, she probably realized that she did stop too close.

I do know that a cop can pull you over for any reason, as they will make up a reason if they can't find one. And they can write any citiation they want, even using their creativity on how much their imagination will allow them.

That is why we have our traffic courts. Which will always side towards the LEO unless you have great witnesses and documents.
I do know that a cop can pull you over for any reason, as they will make up a reason if they can't find one. And they can write any citiation they want, even using their creativity on how much their imagination will allow them.

As an LEO I take offense to that. But you're entitled to your opinion.

What you are not getting is that you weren't passing to the right of those vehicles, but instead were riding in their lane. Once you accept that fact then you can understand why the officer was pissed. I looked at your google map and according to your theory you could have even turn right next to that big bus. I'm sure there's JUST enough room for you to ride there. Just because there's room, doesn't mean you're allow/should to go there.
Well the gray area is whether I was in their lane or was I off to the side of the lane? There are no markings off to the right so I guess the right travel lane is 5 feet wider than the middle and left lane?

But if a car would be travelling down the right lane along the very edge next to the curb, a cop would probably pull them over for them not staying within their lane.

Once again, you come up to a stop light, the vehicle in front of you is not signalling to turn, you have enough room to get by them on the right, you're not going to turn? Cars do this to me all the time, as I usually position myself towards the left side of my lane, which allows any vehciles behind me who needs to take a right hand turn to do so. Just so happens the situation were reversed.

The allows us to do so according to the NRS.
I have been following this thread. I find it kind of amusing some could get so heated about a simple recanting of the facts. I won't even get into the legality of it since there seem to be so many experts here. And a survey??? Rotflmao on that one!

Right or Wrong I would make the exact right turn in almost every situation given it was safe to do so. I haven't gotten bold with cops since the begging for a break has seemed to work the last few times. Thankfully I haven't (yet) been stopped on the bike.
I have been following this thread. I find it kind of amusing some could get so heated about a simple recanting of the facts. I won't even get into the legality of it since there seem to be so many experts here. And a survey??? Rotflmao on that one!

Right or Wrong I would make the exact right turn in almost every situation given it was safe to do so. I haven't gotten bold with cops since the begging for a break has seemed to work the last few times. Thankfully I haven't (yet) been stopped on the bike.

People at work on computers driving the economy deeper into recession with their non-productivity.

Kenny, you're so busy with this thread you neglected your other 1.5K million dollar Bellagio heist thread. Incidentally, were you carrying those Bellagio chips on your person when you decided to get into an argument with the cop? Gawd, Kenny, you've got stones! Anyway, was that female cop good-looking? Are you gonna be on "Cops" Las Vegas? Gawd, Kenny, after 1.5 million Bellagio heist, you need to lay low, don't get into arguments with traffic cop.
So I guess this is okay too then.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3A6yHp18zwY"]YouTube - passing on right.MOV[/ame]
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Don't you usually run through red lights cameras?... :scared:

But you're a LEO, you have to be good and be a shining example to the rest of us :D

I'm not going to judge whether Kenny was in the right or wrong. Being from down under, our laws are different anyway.

Stay safe everyone :)
Don't you usually run through red lights cameras?... :scared:

But you're a LEO, you have to be good and be a shining example to the rest of us :D

I'm not going to judge whether Kenny was in the right or wrong. Being from down under, our laws are different anyway.

Stay safe everyone :)

Running through red lights cameras would be against the law and comes with $100 fine in the mail. Beating red lights cameras is NOT against the law and no fines. So yes, I am setting a good and shining example. :rolleyes:

Here's another video I'm not proud of, but just want to illustrate the sarcasm.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wlmQBnpqnE]YouTube - it's okay to share lane.MOV[/ame]
Beating red lights cameras is NOT against the law and no fines.

Except for likelihood that you were speeding at some point during all that risky dodging about. I got pulled over a couple months ago for zigzagging around cars like that running late for work one morning. I wasn't speeding just taking advantage of my nimbleness and acceleration. I was warned that I could have gotten a careless and imprudent charge although I will have to say that the lady officer in this case was very nice (a fellow rider) and let me off with a warning.