Skipping! A very dangerous pursuit!

Yeah.....Slight difference, i did'nt have a bone sticking out of my leg!

Sitting is fine, it's just walking...hilariously slow, got the old man "shuffle" going on! My 11 year old, and Jess are giving me heaps...especially since i have taken to using a old fashioned, wooden walking stick! (It's a ripper, you should see's even got real wood knots in it!)...


haha nice, now you just need a gnarly long ass white beard, a robe and wizards hat ;P
Sigh...back at the hospital with what might be a DVT? hmmm...why does it always happen after midnight?

What made me go back to the hospital at a moments notice...the golf ball sized lump which has developed in my thigh earlier tonight!

Hopefully all is good, and I get outta here in time to watch the Moto GP!

Remember kids, skipping is dangerous! :D
You should make a holster for your cane like House did on his CBR. :D
Update...home from DVT confirmed...gotta go for another ultrasound in the morning...the lump in my thigh is apparently a "muscle spasm" in my thigh muscle! :eek:

I have never had a muscle spasm that looked like a golf ball under my skin...

Well, i have mentioned it elsewhere on this forum, but i thought this was silly enough to share with the whole forum.

Wednesday night/ Thursday Morning, i had just finished my gig as a DJ at about 3.30am, when i decided that i should go say hi to my work buddies girlfriend, who was waiting outside the venue i was working at, in the carpark, in his car, ready to take him to the airport for a red eye flight at 5,30am!

I also thought that she may enjoy a lollie or two, so i picked up the "little red riding hood" basket we have on stage, to give out lollies to the club patrons throughout the night, and proceeded to make my way to the carpark, with the basket under my arm...

As soon as i got to the carpark, and she could see me, i thought, hmmm, i am holding the little red riding hood basket, perhaps i should "skip: over to her car, like little red riding hood would!....i like a bit of a laugh...and i reckon the site of a 40+ year old bloke, dressed in a ffluffy fluoro colored vest, swinging a lollie basket, would be pretty amusing!

So anyway, i take one skip off the right leg, then try to take a second skip off the left leg...the moment i lift my left leg....."SNAP" goes my left calf muscle!!!! And i mean snap...i heard it!!!

Acute agony follows....immediately!

So after stumbling about for a bit, and handing over my lollie stash to it's intended recipient...i decide that i have really hurt myself, and go to the Hospital!!!

Tell them my story, they laugh at me a lot...check me out, and send me on my way 5 hours later....

Today i went to get an ultrasound on said calf muscle...and find out the reason i cannot walk at the moment is because i now have a 20cm (8 inch) tear in my left calf....

needs an operation apparently, but because i have a rather nasty heamotoma in the same calf, from the will go near it, to operate!

so i am "doomed" to about 12 weeks of "Difficulty", getting about!!!

Moral of the story.....40+ year old men, should not "Skip"!!!!


BEST story EVER!!!! CLASSIC LMFAO!! sorry you got hurt Jamie, but oh man what a funny story!!! LMAO!! (I had to find a laughing vid so I could put some audio with how how hard I was laughing!!) [ame=]YouTube - Laughing Man[/ame]
I'm not 40 yet and I've already encountered the aging causing injuries.

Almost like yourself I tore my achilles tendon in April 2009 playing pick-up basketball. Crazy thing about it was I was literally walking when the tendon snapped. Surgery 2 days later and almost a year and half later and I'm still not 100%.

I even had to ride my fz with slippers last season so I wouldn't miss a riding season as my range of motion was no good with sneakers on. Really stupid but just couldn't miss a whole season due to the injury.

Rest up and stay well. Recovery time is just not what it used to be.
I'm not 40 yet and I've already encountered the aging causing injuries.

Almost like yourself I tore my achilles tendon in April 2009 playing pick-up basketball. Crazy thing about it was I was literally walking when the tendon snapped. Surgery 2 days later and almost a year and half later and I'm still not 100%.

I even had to ride my fz with slippers last season so I wouldn't miss a riding season as my range of motion was no good with sneakers on. Really stupid but just couldn't miss a whole season due to the injury.

Rest up and stay well. Recovery time is just not what it used to be.

Yes, well the summer riding season is just about upon us here in Oz, and due to injuries, i have missed quite a bit of riding during the last 2 summers, and i aint gonna let this stop me this time...

Hardest part about riding right now, is getting on and off the bike!

I am too riding with less than perfect foot protection, as the Sidi Boots are a little bit hard to wear right am wearing shorter boots... :(

As for you still getting over your injuries, i feel your pain, am expecting this to take a good 6 - 12 months to get itself "right"...if that is possible at my age...i reckon it will always give me a bit of grief from here out...

Oh well, it is the last thing i am thinking about, when on the bike...i am having way too much fun for that!

Riding the bike, is like therapy!

Lay off the junk, eat more protein and fruits, diet is perhaps the most important factor in good health, thats y the Japs live to a 100. Can't believe they even have pensions there
Fruit=vodka and orange.

Nuts=beer nuts at he bar.

Stop trashing yourself you decrepit old bugga. Lol.
Fruit is also a Gin and Tonic with a slice of lime ;)

Once you hit 40, it's all downhill :(

Actually, it starting sliding downhill when I hit 30 :eek:

Aches, pains - no wrinkles though, or grey hairs :)
Fruit=vodka and orange.

Nuts=beer nuts at he bar.

Stop trashing yourself you decrepit old bugga. Lol.

Mikey, it's time i hired you as my dietician!

Beer has protein does'nt it???

Surely Bourbon has some medicinal qualities???

What about Macca's....
