NorCal ride to see SoCal gang 8/20- 8/22

NorCal riders are, clearly, outnumbered by the SoCal gang. Well, I'm not too worried about it [gulp].

As long as we don't end up being outclassed... :spank:

I'm having lunch with Chemiker today to plan our invasion strategy and subsequent escape route. We will send you the plan through the secret NorCal telecommunication channel. :thumbup: :D
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Alright so let's firm up all the plans...

Let's start with Friday evening: considering the # of ppl involved, let's forget about a BBQ at my place and go out instead... plus this specific week and wkd will be very busy for me (ppl from France visiting, daughter's birthday on the 22nd etc...), so it's better for me anyway (sorry! :)).

Who is interested to join us on Friday the 20th in the evening?

We can do the "Belmont Brewery", which is very nice and on the beach... it's a bit pricey though, so other cheaper choices are: Legends (Sports bar on 2nd Street in Belmont Shore), or we can do pizza on Broadway and Redondo, and then go have desert on 2nd street... or we can drive up to Fullerton and have dinner there (there are a few cool bars/restaurants in downtown Fullerton)...

So first, who is in for sure for Friday evening?
And for those confirmed, what would be your preference in terms of dinner?

About the Sat. ride and Sat. evening, Cali Rider shall post his final suggestion shortly (meet up point, breakfast, times etc...). We may skip on Pizza Port (pizza/brewery) to make the day a bit more manageable considering the evening plans...
I'm in for sure David for Friday night, as you already know. :D
As for dinner, I'm really easygoing as to the place. It's funny, we have a Belmont Brewery here too! I'm not a huge fan of pizza, but I'll defer to the majority vote. :thumbup:
I think that it might be a good idea to skip the after ride dinner on Saturday too as some of us are going to the races that night. But again, I'm just along for the proverbial ride.

I'm in for dinner. Belmont Brewery sounds good to me. Count me in for plan b though if no one else wants to do BB - I'm easy.

Breakfast/Cali Rider's suggested route/skipping Pizza Port are good with me too.

What time do we expect the ride to end, and what is everyone doing between ride time and race time?
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I'm in for dinner. Belmont Brewery sounds good to me. Count me in for plan b though if no one else wants to do BB - I'm easy.

Breakfast/Cali Rider's suggested route/skipping Pizza Port are good with me too.

What time do we expect the ride to end, and what is everyone doing between ride time and race time?

Recovering from the day's ride with those hooligans. :D
Alright so:


Lefty (John) B.B.
Chemiker (Travis) B.B.
Cali rider (John) B.B.
Wavex (David) B.B.


Lefty (John)
Chemiker (Travis)
Cali rider (John)
Wavex (David
BryanDH (Bryan)
Westgoingzax (Alex)
Vegasrider (Kenny)
smokenu (Dave)
smokenu's brother-in-law Rob
Jblk9695 (Jerry)
Tailgate (Stacy)
McLovin (Mike)
MarinaFazer (Garrett)
marke14 (Mark)
DefyInertia -maybe (come on Nate!)
PowellB - maybe
cknatz (Chris) - maybe

Ride will most likely end around 4-5pm, with a couple hours break before heading to the races... Cali Rider and I will drive, so we'll each have 3 extra spots (4 if we squeeze in :)). Cali Rider shall confirm the agenda for Sat. later today or tomorrow...
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Ok, after much deliberation, and allowing for all the variables, this is the FINAL version of the NorCal/SoCal Aug 21 ride.
Link to the route.

The ride will technically start @ 7:15AM to allow ample time to eat before heading out for the road ahead. Breakfast will be at Mimi’s Cafe in Garden Grove.

On the highway around 8:30AM, we will work our way towards a meetup with any and all San Diego riders who would like to join us. Location "B" on the map is the Mobil gas station at the intersection of I-15 and CA-76 in the Fallbrook area. This is our regular stop to see who's going with us and to fuel up before the trip out towards Palomar and beyond. With allowances for traffic and such, we should be rolling in to the Mobil station @ 10:30AM. I know that this is much later than a lot of you are used to, but we are offering our guests from out of town an opportunity to enjoy the day at a relaxed pace. You are more than welcome to come down to The O.C. and join us from the beginning if you so wish..

The route from Pala on is pretty familiar to those of us who ride there a lot, no odd twists. Up Palomar South Grade, down East Grade, and over to Ranchita and the Montezuma Valley playground. Down the grade, fuel if anyone needs it, and back up to a group picture with the Yeti. Back towards the CA-79, and north towards Anza. Up 371 and around towards Idyllwild. This is where we will be stopping for lunch, estimated between 1:30-2:00PM, any food suggestions would be appreciated as I am flexible.

After lunch, it's north on the 243 towards Banning, then on from there as indicated. Those of us who started the day in The O.C. will be heading back across CA-91.

The pace will be safe and sane 95% of the time, and all of the usual parameters will be in play again. In other words, someone will lead who knows where we are going, someone will sweep that keeps the group tight. We will always stop at regular points to regroup, and each rider is expected to ride at a pace that is comfortable for them. I hope it isn't too hot, but it will be each riders responsibility to bring/purchase hydration to stay safe.

Plans for attending Costa Mesa Speedway will be finalized over Friday dinner, but basically Wavex and I will be supplying shuttle service in our cars for those staying in our area.

That's it. Lets have a great shared experience.
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I really can't see myself being able to leave Friday morning so I'd have to meet you guys down there.

There is about a 30% chance I'll be going. I've already committed to watching a friend's dog that weekend and this is a very busy time of year for me (work-wise). But I really want to I might.

A rough idea of what I might do on the way back 438 miles

Just checked out the route. Looks great! Have you done the HWY 25/Pinnacles road? Do you think it will be hot in that area? One of our options would be to jaunt over the other way from 101 to HWY 1 near SLO.
I can't go. In the end I have to watch my friend's dog.

Just checked out the route. Looks great! Have you done the HWY 25/Pinnacles road? Do you think it will be hot in that area? One of our options would be to jaunt over the other way from 101 to HWY 1 near SLO.

I've done 25 many times, yes. I love that road and much prefer it to the coast, especially on a Sunday. You can make good time on 25 as there is no traffic. Making good time on the 1 can be done (even on a Sunday), but it requires a lot of calculated dbl-yellow passing.

I will be anywhere from 70 to 100 on 25 depending on the time of day and how the weather is acting up. The coast will be 45 to 65 depending on the same.

The Pinnacles National Monument road does NOT connect 101 to 25.

The road I suggested to take from the 101 to 25 is very cool IMO. You are in the middle of no where. Check it out on street view. Watch out for squirrels.

Some pics of HWY 25


The northern end just south of Hollister is straight for about 2 miles

check it out on pashnit
find someone else to watch that dog!!!!!

In France, when we don't want to do something, we say "no I can't, I have a pony lesson"... "watching your friend's dog" reminded me of that lol

Lefty (John) B.B.
Chemiker (Travis) B.B.
Cali rider (John) B.B.
Wavex (David) B.B.


Lefty (John)
Chemiker (Travis)
Cali rider (John)
Wavex (David)
BryanDH (Bryan)
Westgoingzax (Alex)
Vegasrider (Kenny)
smokenu (Dave)
smokenu's brother-in-law Rob
Jblk9695 (Jerry)
Tailgate (Stacy)
McLovin (Mike)
MarinaFazer (Garrett)
marke14 (Mark)
DefyInertia -maybe (come on Nate!)
PowellB - maybe
cknatz (Chris) - maybe
n00dle (Patrick) - maybe