Bris Fizz

Says he who met one of those blue gentlemen recently :Flip: Well im guessing you dont me Smurfs :BLAA:

yes the ba5tard :spank:, I think he was short on his quota for the month. One of the only spots you can safely get around slow cars through Nebo and he pinged me when I was overtaking. :(
I was being a good boy that day too......unbelievable
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Bugger :eek:

yes the ba5tard :spank:, I think he was short on his quota for the month. One of the only spots you can safely get around slow cars through Nebo and he pinged me when I was overtaking. :(
I was being a good boy that do too......unbelievable

Hope the weather holds up (looks like it will). Just no way I can get out of family commitments tomorrow.

Have fun guys!
2 more sleeps Gentlemens & the weather is looking DEVINE for once :cheer: :rockon: Really cant wait till we get out there for this one :thumbup:

yep, it's looking good. :thumbup:

I'll be with you for part of the ride and then I'll have to shoot off. :( Heading to M&D's in the arvo for a family gathering.

C u at 7:30ish tomorrow.
I will be there as well but will have to leave early due to other later in the day commitments

yep, it's looking good. :thumbup:

I'll be with you for part of the ride and then I'll have to shoot off. :( Heading to M&D's in the arvo for a family gathering.

C u at 7:30ish tomorrow.
(fade in morse code sound byte)

News flash, family could not get organised. Ride parameters loaded into Sunday process and ready to execute!

See yas at 7:30 :rockon:

2 more sleeps Gentlemens & the weather is looking DEVINE for once :cheer: :rockon: Really cant wait till we get out there for this one :thumbup:
STOP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dont go ,your a day late :eek: the ride was yesterday :(


Perhaps it was going to be a Sunday a few weeks ago and it got rained out then had it stuck in my head that it was going to be a Sunday got a day pass 1st time out since the baby was borne and it was on yesterday FMD I am spewin!!

Damn it. Next time ay
Oh bugger it, I'm going for a squirt anyways, hope yous all have a fantastic day! :thumbup:

Happy easter peeps :Flash:
Dudes, just got back, absolutely perfect weather! Sunny, a little cloud cover, enough to create a nice cool breeze - circa 27º C .

The coppa that pulled you over Paul, was he kinda over weight and balding? Anyhow, there was one hanging around at the entrance to nebo national park, waved me down and gave me a defect notice for my tidy tail! He was pulling just about everyone over, doing license/rego checks. As he was taking photos of my bike he managed to wave down 5 other riders. Just as he was inspecting my 'vehicle' I noticed that my rego sticker had fallen off! He didn't say anything about it, thank god. Makes me wonder sometimes though...

Once I got over my $100 fine, I eazed myself into the curvacious d'aguilar national park. The roads were clear and only a few cagers around to hinder my progression. Had to shake of a few cobwebs, it's been nearly 6 months since I have been through the twisties in earnest. I'm pretty happy with my little jaunt, worked some kinks in my cornering posture, feels more stable now than before.

I've recently bought a new mobile phone, the Google (HTC) Nexus One. Bloody awesome phone! Does everything an iPhone does and more, and it does it better and faster too. One of the things it did for me today (besides pumping my fav tunes into my ears) was track my every move using it's built in gps. Here's a link to the google map clickez ici.

The map has been split up into sections automatically by the app that created it - called "Tracks". It's a bit annoying cause you can't see the whole map in one view. But if you navigate the links on the left hand side you can find the start/end point (page 3?), which includes some stats, total distance, etc, and a nice little graph showing changes in elevation.

Paul, you will be familiar with my detours, I get carried away and miss the turn off back into mt glorious every time unless I'm following someone lol

Yo later dudes.

Perhaps it was going to be a Sunday a few weeks ago and it got rained out then had it stuck in my head that it was going to be a Sunday got a day pass 1st time out since the baby was borne and it was on yesterday FMD I am spewin!!

Damn it. Next time ay

:shakehead: isn't that the 2nd time you have been confused....
Dudes, just got back, absolutely perfect weather! Sunny, a little cloud cover, enough to create a nice cool breeze - circa 27º C .

The coppa that pulled you over Paul, was he kinda over weight and balding? Anyhow, there was one hanging around at the entrance to nebo national park, waved me down and gave me a defect notice for my tidy tail! He was pulling just about everyone over, doing license/rego checks. As he was taking photos of my bike he managed to wave down 5 other riders. Just as he was inspecting my 'vehicle' I noticed that my rego sticker had fallen off! He didn't say anything about it, thank god. Makes me wonder sometimes though...

Once I got over my $100 fine, I eazed myself into the curvacious d'aguilar national park. The roads were clear and only a few cagers around to hinder my progression. Had to shake of a few cobwebs, it's been nearly 6 months since I have been through the twisties in earnest. I'm pretty happy with my little jaunt, worked some kinks in my cornering posture, feels more stable now than before.

I've recently bought a new mobile phone, the Google (HTC) Nexus One. Bloody awesome phone! Does everything an iPhone does and more, and it does it better and faster too. One of the things it did for me today (besides pumping my fav tunes into my ears) was track my every move using it's built in gps. Here's a link to the google map clickez ici.

The map has been split up into sections automatically by the app that created it - called "Tracks". It's a bit annoying cause you can't see the whole map in one view. But if you navigate the links on the left hand side you can find the start/end point (page 3?), which includes some stats, total distance, etc, and a nice little graph showing changes in elevation.

Paul, you will be familiar with my detours, I get carried away and miss the turn off back into mt glorious every time unless I'm following someone lol

Yo later dudes.

hmm, can't remember what he looked like, just recall a bastasd in blue on a bike in a revenue spot.

We got shot by a fella down on the back end of Glorious on saturdee, we were being good anyways plus an early warning from fellow bikers gave us a heads up.

LOL, you and missing that well sign posted turn off, thought you'd remeber it by now?

now that's a handy thing on your phone.....very handy

Damain and I went for a ride a week ago up the sunny coast. Managed to find a few more new roads for us to test out on our next ride. :thumbup:
Glad you had a good ride Krishna , be it a tad expensive :(.... Missed a fairly good day on Satdee though , great to meet Richard (Heregoes) for his 1st ride with the Bris Fizz boys , hope he enjoyed himself :thumbup: Also had a great lunch at the Brightview Tavern , i'd recommend that as a place to stop on another ride sometime :D
Glad you had a good ride Krishna , be it a tad expensive :(.... Missed a fairly good day on Satdee though , great to meet Richard (Heregoes) for his 1st ride with the Bris Fizz boys , hope he enjoyed himself :thumbup: Also had a great lunch at the Brightview Tavern , i'd recommend that as a place to stop on another ride sometime :D

any pics....:don'tknow:
doing a quick sunny coast ride in the morning if anyone is interested. Will be leaving Enoggera area around 9-10am. Txt me if interested 0408 633 373. Will be doing a scouting run for a future Brizz Fizz ride.

Heading north with Damian and then meeting Chris at Mapleton around lunch time